Advantix drops for dogs: instructions, dosages, methods of use, personal safety measures

Advantix drops for dogs instruction
Advantix drops for dogs instruction

Hello! Sometime last month, Nadezhda Petrovna, my dear neighbor, asked me to look after her dog.

She herself went to her grandchildren for a couple of months, but there was no way to bring a pet with her.

I am very positive about pets, so I gladly agreed. Unfortunately, already on the second day I found that the dog had fleas. I could not ignore this situation, so I used a proven remedy against parasites. Now I want to tell you about Advantix drops for dogs and instructions for its use.

Advantix® drops at the withers of ticks, fleas and mosquitoes

Drops on the withers Advantix® - a means to protect dogs from ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Advantix® is available in four dosages: for puppies and dogs up to 4 kg, for dogs from 4 to 10 kg, for dogs from 10 to 25 kg and for dogs over 25 kg. Suitable for dogs over 7 weeks of age or weighing more than 1.5 kg.


Drops on the withers of Advantix® are used to protect dogs from ixodid ticks and insects (fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, flies, midges and mosquitoes).

After a single treatment, the drug has a long (up to 4 weeks) protective effect. After 4 weeks, the treatment must be repeated.

When is it time to drip Advantix? When the daytime temperature is kept above 0 ° C, there comes a time of increased activity of parasites, such as ticks, mosquitoes, all kinds of flies and fleas. At this time, animals should be treated with insect and tick protection.

Mechanism of action

After applying Advantix® drops to the dog’s skin, the active components are distributed over the surface of the body, remaining in the lipid layer on the skin and coat of the animal.

The active substances that make up the drug have a deterrent and annihilating effect on insects and ixodid ticks. The parasite gets on the dog’s coat, but cannot gain a foothold, as it is exposed to the deterrent effect of the drug, the so-called “burnt feet effect”.

After this interaction, the parasite falls from the animal and dies in the environment, not having time to bite the pet.

Frequency of use

Advantix® drops should be used monthly throughout the entire season of parasite activity, as their period of action lasts 28 days after a single use.

The drug continues to protect the animal, even if the animal’s coat gets wet, but it is recommended to avoid the dog’s prolonged exposure to water in order to prevent a decrease in the protective effect after treatment.

In such cases, the animal can be re-treated with Advantix®, but not more than 1 time per week.

Proper animal handling

  • Do not wash the animal before treatment for 2-3 days. The active substances of the Advantix® preparation penetrate the dog’s lipid layer, cosmetics and water partially wash it. If you washed the animal with shampoo, it is better to wait 2-3 days and treat the dog with Advantix drops
  • The first two days after treatment, it is recommended not to bathe the dog.
  • Correctly apply the drug depending on the size of the dog.
  • Treat the animal a month before the start of the season and at least 2-3 days before leaving for the cottage or in the forest, where there is a high probability of insect bites and ticks.
  • Remember to process your dog monthly.

Bayer Advantix - a parasite treatment for dogs

Composition (100ml):

  • imidacloprid - 10.0 g;
  • permethrin - 50.0 g.

Excipients: butyl hydroxytoluene, N-methylpyrrolidone, migliol 812, citric acid.

Pharmacological properties

Imidacloprid and permethrin, which are part of the Advantix preparation, having a synergistic effect, have an insecticidal, acaricidal and repellent effect on insects and ticks parasitizing on dogs.

The drug is effective against the imaginal and preimaginal phases of the development of lice, fleas, gnats, and ixodid ticks, it protects animals from mosquitoes, midges and mosquitoes.

The protective effect of the drug after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks.

"Advantix" in terms of the degree of toxic effects on the body refers to moderately hazardous substances, in the recommended doses it does not have skin-irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic and sensitizing effects. The drug is well tolerated by dogs in the therapeutic and 5 times its higher doses.


Advantix is ​​used to destroy insects and ixodid ticks parasitizing on dogs, as well as protect animals from attack by topical (drip) application of the drug to the skin. In the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by insects, the drug can be used in combination with drugs.

Before use, remove the protective cap from the tube-pipette, pierce the protective membrane of the pipette nozzle (putting the cap on the back), spreading the wool and pressing the tube-pipette, apply the drug to the skin in an inaccessible place for licking to the animal (between the shoulder blades).

When treating large dogs, the contents of the tube-pipette are applied to the skin in three to four places on the back from the shoulder blades to the sacrum.


The minimum recommended dose of the drug is 10 mg of imidacloprid and 50 mg of permethrin per 1 kg of body weight. According to the body weight of the animals, it is recommended to use the appropriate pipettes of the drug:

Drug dosage
Drug dosage

When treating dogs weighing more than 40 kg, Bayer Advantix is ​​used in a dose of 0.1 ml per kg of animal weight using a combination of tube-pipettes of various packaging.

The death of parasitic insects on an animal occurs within 12 hours, the death or detachment of ixodid ticks occurs within 48 hours after treatment.

The protective effect of the drug against lice, fleas, lice beetles, dipterous blood-sucking insects, as well as ticks after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks. Repeated treatment of animals is carried out according to indications, but not more than 1 time per month.


  • Do not use for puppies up to 7 weeks;
  • Do not use in animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Do not use in cats.

Due to the possible contamination of the preparation with tissues, plastic and other materials, the treated animal should not be allowed to come into contact with the objects surrounding it until the preparation completely dries at the treatment site.

Personal Prevention

  1. While working with Bayer Advantix, it is not allowed to smoke, drink or eat food;
  2. At the end of the work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap;
  3. The animal should not be washed, ironed and kept out of reach of small children within 24 hours after treatment with the drug;
  4. In case of accidental contact with the skin or eyes, rinse it off immediately with a stream of water, if swallowed, consult a doctor;
  5. It is forbidden to use empty tube-pipettes from under the preparation for domestic purposes, they are closed with caps and thrown into garbage containers.

Side effects and complications when using the drug in accordance with this temporary instruction, as a rule, is not observed.

In rare cases, after the use of the drug, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which spontaneously pass within 1-4 days and do not require the use of drugs.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry, dark place, separate from food and feed, at a temperature of 5 ° C to 25 ° C.

Instructions for use Advantix

Composition and form of release. Combined insect-acaricidal preparation containing as active substances:

  • 10% imidacloprid {1- (6-chloro-3-pyredylmethyl) -N-nitro-imidazolidin-2}
  • 50% permethrin {3-phenoxybenzyl-2,2-dimethyl-3- (2,2-dichloro-vinyl) -cyclopropane carboxylate}
  • auxiliary components

It is a clear liquid from yellow to brown in color with a slight specific smell. The drug is released in 0.4 ml, 1 ml, 2.5 ml, 4 ml packaged in polyethylene tube-pipettes, packed in 4 or 6 pieces in blisters.

pharmachologic effect

Imidacloprid and permethrin, which are part of Advantix, have a synergistic effect and have a systemic, contact and repellent effect on insects and ticks parasitizing on dogs. The drug is effective against imaginal and preimaginal phases of development:

  • lice
  • flea
  • beetle eaters
  • ixodid ticks
  • mosquitoes
  • midges
  • mosquitoes

The insect-acaricidal and repellent effect of the drug after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks.

According to the degree of toxic effects on the body, it belongs to moderately hazardous substances; in recommended doses it does not have a resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic and sensitizing effect.

The drug is well tolerated by dogs in the therapeutic and 5 times its higher doses. In the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by insects, the drug can be used in combination with drugs.

Indications. For the destruction of insects and ixodid ticks parasitizing on dogs, as well as protecting animals from their attack.

Dosage and administration

The drug Advantix is ​​applied by topical (drip) application of the drug to the skin. Before use, pierce the protective membrane of the nozzle of the tube-pipette (putting on the cap on the back), spreading the wool and pressing the tube-pipette, apply the drug to the skin in an inaccessible place for licking to the animal (between the shoulder blades).

When treating large dogs, the contents of the tube-pipette are applied to the skin in three to four places on the back from the shoulder blades to the sacrum. The death of parasitic insects on an animal occurs within 12 hours, the death or detachment of ixodid ticks occurs within 48 hours after treatment.

The repellent effect of the drug against lice, fleas, whipworms, dipteran blood-sucking insects, as well as ticks after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks. Repeated treatment of animals is carried out according to indications, but not more than 1 time per month.

Side effects

In rare cases, after the use of the drug, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which spontaneously pass within one to four days and do not require the use of drugs.

ContraindicationsIt is not allowed to apply to patients with infectious diseases and recovering animals, as well as puppies younger than 7 weeks of age.

special instructions

Due to the possible contamination of the preparation with tissues, plastic and other materials, the treated animal should not be allowed to come into contact with the objects surrounding it until the preparation completely dries at the treatment site.

While working with the drug is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat. At the end of the work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

The animal should not be washed, ironed and kept out of reach of young children within 24 hours after treatment with the drug. In case of accidental contact with the skin or eyes, rinse it off immediately with a stream of water, if swallowed, consult a medical doctor.

It is forbidden to use empty tube-pipettes from under the preparation for domestic purposes, they are closed with caps and thrown into garbage containers.

Drug storage

In the manufacturer’s unopened packaging, in a dry, dark place, out of the reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0 to 25 ° C. Shelf life is 2 years.

Manufacturer Advantiks - "Bayer" Moscow.

Instructions for use of the drug Advantix for dogs to combat ectoparasites

(Organization-developer: Bayer Animal Health GmbH, Germany)
Approved July 30, 2014.

General information

Trade name of the medicinal product: Advantix (Advantix®).
International nonproprietary name: imidacloprid, permethrin.

Dosage form: solution for external use. Advantix in 1 ml contains imidacloprid - 100 mg and permethrin - 500 mg as active substances, as well as excipients: N-methylpyrrolidone - 484 mg, migliol 812 - 50 mg, citric acid - 1 mg and butylhydroxytoluene - 1 mg.

In appearance it is a clear liquid from yellow to light brown in color.

Release Advantix packaged in 0.4; 1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 ml in polymer pipettes, sealed with a protective cap.

The shelf life of the drug subject to storage conditions is 3 years from the date of production. The use of Advantix after the expiration date is prohibited.

The drug is stored in the manufacturer’s closed packaging, in a dry place protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0 ° C to 25 ° C. After the expiration date Advantix should not be applied.

Advantix should be stored out of the reach of children.

Unused drug is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Pharmacological properties

Advantix belongs to the group of combined insectoacaricidal drugs.

Imidacloprid and permethrin, which are part of the drug, having a synergistic effect, have a pronounced insecticidal, acaricidal and repellent effect on insects and ixodid ticks.

Effective against the imaginal, preimaginal and larval phases of the development of lice, fleas, gnats, ixodid ticks that parasitize dogs, protect animals from mosquitoes, flies, midges and mosquitoes.

Helps reduce the possibility of transmission of vector-borne pathogens to animals.

The mechanism of action of permethrin is to block the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes impaired coordination of movements, paralysis and death of ectoparasites.

The mechanism of action of imidacloprid is based on the interaction with arthropod acetylcholine receptors and impaired transmission of nerve impulses.
Acting as an activator of the arthropod nerve gland, imidoclapride also enhances the insectoacaricidal effect of permethrin.

After applying Advantix to dogs, its active components, practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, quickly spread over the surface of the body and, holding onto the epidermis and coat, have a long (up to 4 weeks) contact insecticaricidal and repellent effect.

Advantix, according to the degree of exposure to the body, refers to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), when applied to the skin in recommended doses, it does not have local irritating, resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic and sensitizing effects.

The drug is toxic to cats, bees, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms.

Application procedure

Advantix is ​​used to kill insects and ixodid ticks that parasitize dogs, as well as protect animals from attack.

Contraindication to use is an individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.

Advantix is ​​not allowed to be used in patients with infectious diseases and recovering dogs, puppies under 7 weeks of age and / or weighing less than 1.5 kg, as well as animals of other species.

With the joint keeping of cats and dogs, animals must be divided until the dog completely dries the place of application of the drug.

Processing of pregnant bitches, if necessary, is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Advantix drops are applied to dogs once by applying to dry, intact skin ("spot-on"). Before use, the protective cap is removed from the pipette and placed vertically, the protective membrane of the pipette nozzle is instilled (putting the cap on the back), then the cap is removed again.

The preparation, spreading the hair, is applied to the animal directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck. Do not apply the product on wet or damaged skin and prevent its licking to animals.

When processing large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places along the back, from the withers to the tail.

Depending on the weight of the dog, Advantix of various packaging is used in the doses indicated in the table:

Drug dosage
Drug dosage

When treating dogs weighing more than 40 kg, the drug is used at the rate of 0.1 ml / kg of animal weight using a combination of pipettes of various packaging.

The death of parasitic insects on the animal after treatment occurs within 12 hours, the death or detachment of ixodid ticks - within 48 hours.

The repellent effect of the drug against lice, fleas, whipworms, dipteran blood-sucking insects, as well as ticks after a single treatment of the animal lasts up to 4 weeks.

Repeated treatments, if necessary, are carried out once a month. In the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by insects, the drug should be used in combination with drugs of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

The drug remains effective even if the animal’s hair gets wet, however, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure of the animal to water in order to prevent a decrease in processing efficiency.

In such cases, the dog can be re-treated with Advantix, but not more than 1 time per week. If the animal needs to be washed with shampoo, it is recommended to do this before applying the drug.

In case of an overdose of the drug, some dogs may experience a depressed state, dilated pupils, increased salivation, muscle tremors. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and a detergent and general measures are taken to remove it from the body.

There were no specific features of the action of the drug at the first dose or during its withdrawal.

In case of non-observance of the established period of repeated treatments, the use of the drug should be resumed in the same dosage according to the same scheme.

Side effects and complications when using the drug Advantix in accordance with this instruction, as a rule, is not observed. In rare cases, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which spontaneously pass within 1-4 days and do not require the use of drugs.

In case of allergic reactions in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed with soap and water and rinsed with a large amount of running water, and if necessary, antihistamines and symptomatic agents should be prescribed.

Advantix should not be used concomitantly with other insectoacaricidal drugs.

Advantix is ​​not intended for use by productive animals.

Personal Prevention

When working with the drug Advantix, you must follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines. While working with the drug is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat.

At the end of the work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Do not iron and let the animal in to small children within 24 hours after treatment.

In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be washed with plenty of water. People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Advantix.

In case of allergic reactions or in case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the human body, you should immediately contact a medical institution (you should have the instructions for use of the drug or a label with you).

Empty packaging for a medicinal product is prohibited for domestic use, they must be disposed of with household waste.

Manufacturing organization Bayer Animal Health GmbH; Address of place of production: KVP Pharma + Veterinar Produkte GmbH; Projensdorfer Str. 324, D-24106 Kiel (Germany).

The instruction was developed by Bayer Animal Health GmbH (Germany) together with Bayer CJSC (123022, Moscow, B. Trekhgorny per., 1, bldg. 1).

Description of Advantix for dogs

Advantix drops for dogs - a drug designed to scare away or get rid of ixodid ticks, flies, fleas and mosquitoes.

It protects the animal for a long time after use, which reduces the risk of infection with diseases that carry the listed parasites and insects.

For example, if it prevents tick bites, then treatment of pyroplasmosis in dogs will not be needed - after all, ticks are the cause of this disease.

Active substances, release form, storage

This insect-acaricidal preparation contains 10% imidacloprid and 50% permethrin as active substances. Advantix droplets are a clear liquid from yellow to brown, emitting a slight specific smell. The drug is produced in pipettes of 0.4, 1, 2.5, and 4 ml, packaged in 4 jokes.

Release form - pipettes with a volume of 0.4, 1.0, 2.5 and 4.0 ml, packed in 4 pcs.; Active ingredients - 10% imidacloprid and 50% permethrin.

Storage - in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 to + 20 ° C; Shelf life - 2 years from the date of manufacture. Manufacturer - Bayer JSC (Moscow)

Instructions for use

According to the rules in the Advantix package for dogs, the instructions for use should be in the form of a special leaflet or written on the package itself. But often after the first use, the instruction is lost, for this case we copied it here.


Method of use Advantex:

  • Puncture the protective membrane on the pipette tip;
  • In the area between the shoulder blades, spread the dog's hair and squeeze out the contents of the pipette;
  • For large treatment, the contents of the pipette should be applied to the skin in 3-4 places (on the back in the area from the shoulder blades to the sacrum, where the dog will not be able to lick the drug).

After applying Advantix drops, ticks, fleas and other parasites die within 12 hours, and ixodid ticks die within 48 hours after treatment.

Indications for use:

  • The presence of fleas or ticks in a dog;
  • Protection against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc. (prevention).


  1. do not use on puppies under 7 weeks of age;
  2. do not use on sick with infectious diseases or animals recovering from them;
  3. Advantex for dogs cannot be used on cats.

Drop Reviews

Review about Advantex for dogs, writes Valeria. When ticks appear on the street, I always use Bayer Advantix drops on my dog. They are not expensive, in convenient packaging and very easy to use.

It is also good that there is no strong unpleasant odor, and also does not cause any allergies. For prevention, she began to use them after she found two ticks on the dog. Since then, these bloodsuckers haven’t touched my dachshund anymore!

Review of Advantix drops for dogs, writes Svetlana. From spring to autumn I use Advantix to protect the dog from fleas and ticks. In the store near me they cost 416 rubles (for dogs from 10 to 25 kilograms) for one pipette, that is, the tool is not the cheapest.

But the quality does not match - destroys fleas, ticks, water-eaters and many other insects. In general, you can praise for a long time, but I just recommend using it - then see for yourself.

Advantix Dog Drops Price

In most about Advantix drops for dogs, the reviews are positive, which is expected given not the lowest cost. The average price of this drug is written below, so it may differ slightly in different veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Prices are per pipette.

  • Advantix for dogs up to 4 kg - 287 rubles;
  • Advantix for dogs from 4 to 10 kg - 400 rubles;
  • Advantix for dogs from 10-25kg - 432 rubles;
  • Advantix for dogs over 25 kg - 475 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

Advantix drops for dogs are available at most pet stores and pet stores, but if you don’t have one at the nearest to you, you can buy an analog, for example:

  • Drops Mr.BRUNO (Mr. Bruno) for dogs;
  • Frontline drops for dogs;
  • Drops Bars for dogs,
  • Drops Lawyer for dogs.

Protection against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and flies for 1 month

Advantix® - effective protection against ticks:

  1. Strong repellent effect - repels ixodid ticks from your dog and prevents the parasite from attacking the animal for 4 weeks
  2. Thanks to the contact action, instantly kills ticks that have fallen on the animal before being bitten
  3. Reduces the risk of a dog becoming infected with blood parasitic diseases.

Advantix® - an effective remedy against fleas:

  • Destroys 98 - 100% of the fleas parasitizing on the animal, within 12 hours after treatment
  • Protects from re-attack for 30 days
  • Kills fleas before bite
  • Destroys flea larvae in animal habitats
  • Effective against lice and lice

Advantix® - an effective remedy against mosquitoes and mosquitoes:

  • Repels mosquitoes and mosquitoes within 4 weeks after treatment
  • Reduces the risk of leishmaniasis and dirofilariasis

Composition: 10% imidacloprid and 50% permethrin; auxiliary components

Pharmacological properties

Imidacloprid and permethrin, which are part of the Advantix preparation, having a synergistic effect, have an insecticidal, acaricidal and repellent effect on insects and ticks parasitizing on dogs.

The drug is effective against the imaginal and preimaginal phases of the development of lice, fleas, gnats, and ixodid ticks, it protects animals from mosquitoes, midges and mosquitoes.

The protective effect of the drug after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks. "Advantix" in terms of the degree of toxic effects on the body refers to moderately hazardous substances, in the recommended doses it does not have skin-irritating, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic and sensitizing effects.

The drug is well tolerated by dogs in the therapeutic and 5 times its higher doses.


Advantix is ​​used to kill insects and ixodid ticks parasitizing on dogs, as well as protect animals from attack by topical (drip) application of the drug to the skin. In the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by insects, the drug can be used in combination with drugs.

Before use, remove the protective cap from the tube-pipette, pierce the protective membrane of the pipette nozzle (putting the cap on the back), spreading the wool and pressing the tube-pipette, apply the drug to the skin in an inaccessible place for licking to the animal (between the shoulder blades).

When treating large dogs, the contents of the tube-pipette are applied to the skin in three to four places on the back from the shoulder blades to the sacrum.

Depending on the weight of the animal, “Advantix (Advantix)” of various packaging is used, in the doses indicated in the table:

Advantix (Advantiks) of various packing
"Advantix (Advantiks)" of various packing

When treating dogs weighing more than 40 kg, Advantix is ​​used in a dose of 0.1 ml per kg of animal weight using a combination of tube-pipettes of various packaging. The death of parasitic insects on an animal occurs within 12 hours, the death or detachment of ixodid ticks occurs within 48 hours after treatment.

The protective effect of the drug against lice, fleas, lice beetles, dipterous blood-sucking insects, as well as ticks after a single treatment of the animal lasts 4-6 weeks. Repeated treatment of animals is carried out according to indications, but not more than 1 time per month.


Not. The drug is well tolerated by dogs in a therapeutic dose and in a dose that exceeds it by 5 times. It is not allowed to use Advantix (Advantix) to patients with infectious diseases and recovering animals, as well as puppies under 7 weeks of age. Do not use for cats !!!

Side effects and complications when using the drug in accordance with this temporary instruction, as a rule, is not observed.

In rare cases, after the use of the drug, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which spontaneously pass within 1-4 days and do not require the use of drugs.

Due to possible contamination with Advantix (Advantix) of tissues, plastic and other materials, the treated animal should not be allowed to come into contact with the objects surrounding it until the drug completely dries at the treatment site.

Recommendations for use

During the work with the drug "Advantix (Advantiks)" it is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat food. At the end of the work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. The animal should not be washed, ironed and kept out of reach of young children within 24 hours after treatment with the drug.

In case of accidental contact with the skin or eyes, rinse it off immediately with a stream of water, if swallowed, consult a medical doctor.

It is forbidden to use empty tube-pipettes from under the preparation for domestic purposes, they are closed with caps and thrown into garbage containers.

Customer reviews

from Lyudmila. Advantix drops are wonderful drops !!! I have a chihuahua and once a week we go to the country together. It can’t do without ticks, but not one is sucked. And if in the evening when examining a dog I can miss a tick because of its long coat, then in the morning I find the parasite half-dead. I recommend!

from Irina. I have been treating dogs with this drug for many years, there were no problems with ticks t-t-t 🙂

from Natalya. This is not the first time I've been using droplets. In combination with a collar, good protection. Once a tick was noticed on a dog, but after a long sitting (not immediately noticed), the tick was lethargic and did not dig. Good drops!

from Tatyana. We use these drops from 1 year. Now yorik is 8 years old. No problem with ticks. We process from April to October. Quality is completely satisfied. True, now the price is not the same as it was 7 years ago. But the health of the pet is more expensive.

from Oksana. Three weeks ago, they instilled it (.07.08.13), in the hope of a result. The consultant said that for 27 days is enough for protection, then repeat the procedure. Puppy 2.5 months, miniature pinscher. No adverse reactions were found.

The effect is zero, as they nibbled, and nibble, except perhaps a little less. Every day, 3-4 times a day walks for 30-50 minutes, not in the grass !!!! I do not believe that this drug relieves fleas. The question is not money, but the expected result.The rating is negative, we will try something else.

from Stupnikov. And we like it. ))) Dog - half-York, 3200 weight. Not a single insect or tick for all the time of use (from early March to late July) was not on it. Very pleased.

from Olya. This drug “Advantix” was bought for the breed “Russian Toy” after application to the skin in accordance with the indicated area according to the instructions, a reaction (itching) started that does not disappear within 3 days.

The dog scratches the place where the drug was applied and is often shaken. And her anxiety is noticeable in her behavior. Moreover, visible redness or any other reaction is not observed. I had to go to a veterinary clinic.

Instructions for use Advantix drop for dogs

Advantix drops for dogs is a powerful repellent agent for repelling ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, flies and mosquitoes.

Advantix protects the animal for a month, instantly killing an insect that has fallen on the dog’s coat before it even bites. Thus, the drug reduces the risk of infection of the dog with blood parasitic diseases.

Advantix within 12 hours after treatment destroys up to 100% of fleas that parasitize on the animal and protects against repeated attack for another month. The drug kills parasites before the bite, and also destroys flea larvae on the dog's litter and in other places of its habitat.

In addition, Advantix drops for dogs are effective against whipworms and lice. The drug repels mosquitoes and mosquitoes well, not allowing them to sting the animal. Thus, the risk of dog disease with dirofilariasis and leishmaniasis is reduced.

Dosage, contraindications

The main active ingredients of the drug are permethrin and imidacloprid. They have a synergistic effect, have acaricidal, insecticidal and repellent effects on insects parasitizing on dogs. According to the degree of toxic effects on the body, Adventix is ​​a moderately hazardous substance.

Dogs tolerate the drug well, not only in the therapeutic, but also in doses that are 5 times higher than it.

Advantix drip onto the skin of the animal, gently pushing the hair.
If there is a need to treat allergic dermatitis in a dog after bites, the drug can be combined with drugs.

To use Advantics, remove the protective cap from the tube-pipette, pierce the protective membrane of the nose of the pipette and, after spreading the coat, apply the drug to the skin in a place inaccessible for licking by the animal, usually between the shoulder blades.

When treating large dogs, drops are applied in three to four places on the back from the shoulder blades to the sacrum.

Use different packaging of the drug depending on the weight of the animal: for dogs up to 4 kg, from 4 to 10 kg, from 10 to 25 kg and over 25 kg.


The cost of Advantics depends on how much weight the drops are designed for the dog. So 4 pipettes designed for a dog weighing up to 4 kg cost about 900 rubles. The most expensive - 4 pipettes for dogs weighing more than 25 kg. They cost about 1200 rubles.

Reviews on Advantix drops for dogs

Review No. 1. We dug our pyr (puppy 2.5 months) for the first time three weeks ago. Fortunately, no adverse reaction was manifested and no insects were found on the baby. I am very happy and now I will use only this drug. Still, I don’t feel like experimenting with a puppy. Irina, Minsk

Review No. 2. I bought Advantix for the breed "Russian Toy". The dog may be too small, but after it applied drops to the skin in the area indicated in the instructions, the dog began to itch. It itches, often shakes.

Although redness is not observed. I had to contact a veterinarian and no longer use this tool. But friends with German shepherds approve. Oleg, Moscow

To not be tormented by parasites - Advantix drops for dogs

With the onset of spring, a huge number of blood-sucking parasites wake up, such as ticks, fleas, lice, flies, midges, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and lice eaters. An excellent remedy for this scourge will be Advantix drops for dogs.

General information about the drug

Manufacturer Advantix Russian company Bayer JSC Moscow.

It is an insecticide and acaricidal medicine that has good consumer reviews and is used as an insect repellent:

  • fleas;
  • ticks;
  • beetle eaters;
  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • midges;
  • mosquito;
  • ticks.


Advantix has the appearance of a liquid with a slight odor and a color from light yellow to brown.

It consists of:

  • imidacloprid-10%;
  • permethrin-50%;
  • auxiliary derivatives.

Release form

Veterinarians give positive feedback on the use of the drug, as it is available in convenient forms.

Drops are made of different types by weight of the pet and have a special mark in the name:

  • for puppies;
  • for pets up to 4 kg;
  • 4-10 kg;
  • 10 - 25 kg;
  • 25 -40 kg.

The drug is available in the form of blisters with 4 or 6 tube pipettes. These polyethylene devices have different volumes: 0.4 ml; 1 ml; 2.5 ml; 4 ml


Like all medicines, this drug needs special storage conditions:

  1. dry and dark place;
  2. closed packaging;
  3. in a place where children or animals do not accidentally take it;
  4. far from food;
  5. at room temperature from 0 to 25 degrees.

Shelf life 2 years from the date of manufacture, subject to all of the above conditions.

pharmachologic effect

The active substances of the drug have a synergistic effect and have a complex effect on parasites, including fleas.

The effect of this drug after treatment of the puppy lasts up to 1-1.5 months.

Active substances are classified as moderately hazardous. They do not cause toxic or other harm when using Advantics in the right dosage.

Application methods

Before use, carefully read the instructions and read the reviews. Advantix for dogs is applied to the skin in a place inaccessible to licking.

How to properly apply the drug to the withers of the pet:

  • The protective membrane is removed from the tube.
  • Spread the wool between the shoulder blades, where the dog can not lick up the medicine.
  • Apply the required number of drops. For large pets, the procedure is done in several places.

A repeated procedure for treating puppies is done once every 1-1.5 months, since the action of the drops lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. The noticeable effect of the anti-flea remedy is already within 12-48 hours after application.


Drops are used in the calculation of 0.1 ml / kg of animal weight. That is why the scheme of the drug depends on the weight:

  • up to 4 kg a tube with a volume of 0.4 ml is used;
  • up to 10 kg - 1 ml;
  • up to 25 kg - 2.5 ml;
  • over 25 kg - 4 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

Advantix is ​​well tolerated and does not affect behavior, except for treatment for fleas: the dog will become much calmer. Owner reviews on the Internet are only positive.

During the study, no symptoms of overdose were detected. However, some animals had redness at the site of application, which took place without external influences on it for 5 days.

Contraindications include:

  • sick pets, especially infectious diseases;
  • recovering animals;
  • puppies under the age of 7 weeks.

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  1. I have a dog for 7 years. We are responsible for those we have tamed! More recently, my pet suffered from ticks and fleas. I could not look at this sad sight. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, he acquired Advantix. The result was not long in coming. Arkasha stopped itching. Ticks in the spring is no longer a problem! Thanks Advantix.

  2. Hello. My husband has a friend, he is a hunter. Holds huskies and constantly goes hunting with them. So he said that during the activity of mosquitoes and ticks, he takes care of his pets by treating them with Advantix. Dogs tolerate walks in the forest so easily and the likelihood of a tick bite is minimal.

  3. Protecting your pet from fleas and ticks is an important and necessary matter.
    Now we have the Yorkshire Terrier. The peculiarity of the breed is that the dog’s coat is similar in structure to human hair. On the one hand, this is a plus - there is no allergy to wool, on the other hand, it quickly gets dirty - this is a minus. All this should be considered when protecting against fleas and ticks.

    For several years, the main protection against ectoparasites was drops on the withers of fleas, ticks, and Advantix mosquitoes.

  4. I have a mixed opinion about Advantix drops. Weak and caused allergies. They hold the defense for a maximum of 2 weeks, and then ... In short, my dog ​​caught pyroplasmosis and allergies that started after applying these drops. Itching lasted 5 days.

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