What to do with a bee sting - first aid, removal of edema and allergies

what to do with a bee sting
What to do with a bee sting

Hello! Last week I went to a friend beekeeper. My stocks of honey ran out, so I had to replenish them.

The devil pulled me to ask about the nuances of caring for bees. I had forty minutes to listen to all the details of this activity.

But some knowledge will definitely not be superfluous. Especially on the issue of bee stings. Want to know what to do with a bee sting? What should I focus on? Now I will share with you the information that I learned from a real expert.

First aid for bites of bees, wasps, bumblebees

Bites of stinging insects (wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets) are very painful and are accompanied by the appearance of redness and swelling at the site of the bite. The danger of being bitten by bees, bumblebees, wasps or hornets is the possibility of developing a strong allergic reaction.

First aid for an insect bite is as follows: removing the sting from the wound, rinsing the bite under a stream of cold running water, taking antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin, etc.).

If the victim was previously allergic to an insect bite or if signs of anaphylactic shock appear after the bite, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible. All stinging insects (wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets) have a sharp sting located on the posterior end of their abdomen.

Insects use a sting to attack the "enemy." The sting of most stinging insects is hollow inside, like a syringe needle. Stinging an insect, a sharp sting pierces a person’s skin and injects poison through it.

Pain and inflammation at the site of an insect bite arise precisely because of the poison. The risk of severe allergic reactions is also associated with insect venom. Some stinging insects (such as bees) leave a sting in the wound.

The sting of bees is able to independently penetrate into the wound and continues to inject poison even after separation from the insect, for this reason the sting must be removed as soon as possible. Bites of stinging insects (bees, wasps, bumblebees) are especially dangerous for people with increased sensitivity to their bites.

The danger lies not in the bite itself, but in the poison, which the insect injects into the human body through a sting.

Insect venom is a mixture of proteins and some people react to it with the development of an allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema), which is manifested by the following symptoms: urticaria (red, itchy rash throughout the body), palpitations, headache, back pain and joints, severe swelling face, fever and chills, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath with difficulty breathing out, cramps and loss of consciousness.

An allergic reaction can develop even in response to a single insect bite. Multiple bites of bees, wasps and bumblebees are also dangerous. If a person is simultaneously stung by tens or hundreds of bees, a general toxic reaction develops.

With multiple bites, weakness, dizziness, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, fever occur. In some cases, multiple bites can lead to the death of the victim.

From one sting of a stinging insect, short-term pain and burning occurs, and then redness and swelling at the site of the bite. Edema and redness usually go away after 1 to 5 days. On the face, near the eyes, swelling can last up to 8 days.

What to do if a bee bit you

To begin with, it should be noted that for no reason a bee will not attack a person. She stings only in the most extreme case, and even then for her protection.

Therefore, the worst thing you can do when you meet a bee is to start waving your arms. So you only attract her attention to yourself and provoke a bite.

Why does a bee die after a bite? On the sting of the insect are notches, which, when bitten, catch on soft skin, and the bee is not able to pull out the sting. Making sharp jerks to get free, the bee pulls out a sting in itself, and with it a part of the intestine, after which it dies.

No need to kill a bee with a bite - its body will then secrete a special substance that acts as an alarm and causes fury among its relatives. As a result, other bees can attack you.

The composition of bee venom

Bee venom has a complex chemical composition, it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, acids, the most important macro- and microelements. But we will pay attention, first of all, to those substances that are potent toxins.

  • Melitin is the base poison toxin that, when mixed with blood, can destroy red blood cells. Melitin causes inflammatory processes throughout the body and disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  • Apamine - affects the human nervous system, causing excitement in its various departments.
  • Histamine - causes pain, swelling, redness, a strong allergic reaction, which leads to a sharp drop in pressure.
  • Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that destroys mucopolysaccharides. Once in the body, it contributes to the rapid spread of edema.
  • Phospholipase A - enhances the inflammatory process and damages blood cells.

What to do

Carefully (if you have tweezers on hand, then use it, having previously disinfected it), remove the sting without touching the bag of poison (!). If you begin to squeeze a sting out of the skin, then damage the pouch, and the poison will spread throughout the body faster.

Since bee venom has an acidic pH, it can be neutralized with an alkaline solution (such as soap).

After this, the site of the bite must be disinfected. Any antiseptic will do (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, furatsilina solution, ammonia solution).

In no case do not comb the affected area, as this helps to spread the poison into neighboring tissues and increases the risk of infection. To relieve pain and swelling, use a cold compress.

After treating the wound, drink an antihistamine, even if you have not had any allergic reactions before.

You can use ointments with an antihistamine effect, they will help relieve symptoms. Drink as much fluid as possible until the edema has subsided. Refuse alcohol, it will only lead to increased edema.

Bee sting allergy

An allergic reaction to a bee sting develops as a result of an increased reaction of the human immune system to any of the components of bee venom.

If after a bee sting you notice the development of an allergic reaction, the most important thing is to determine the severity of this allergic reaction and its health hazard.

If a bee stings you in an area of ​​limbs or trunk and a blister, redness, and itching develop on the site of the bite, but in general you feel good, it is enough to drink an antihistamine and lubricate the site of the bite with special gels after an insect bite or a corticosteroid cream.

In most cases, after only a few hours, the reaction either passes completely or becomes less pronounced.

However, if a bee has bitten you in the face, lip, eyelid or oral mucosa, there is a high risk of developing life-threatening allergic reactions - Quincke's edema, respiratory or visual disturbances.

Therefore, if you feel the development of a severe allergic reaction, a violation of the general condition or weakness, you need to call an ambulance team, and also immediately take an antihistamine.

If a bee sting is not planned ...

If bees are spinning around you - do not wave your hands, do not make sudden movements. If insects attack you, you must run away from them through very dense vegetation, try to hide in a dark room.

If you were bitten by a wasp or bee, do not try to immediately slam it. When crushing an insect, substances are released that cause the swarm to become very aggressive, and you risk being attacked by the entire family.

Bee stings in a normal situation are not particularly dangerous - pain and redness soon pass. However, for people who are allergic to bee venom, a bee, wasp, bumblebee or hornet sting can be a real threat to life.

The most important thing after a bite is that the sting must be removed with tweezers or squeezed out gently, as the sting still contains poison, which continues to penetrate the skin.

It is advisable to wipe the bite site with a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. To slow down the absorption of the poison, put an ice bubble or a heating pad with cold water in place of the swelling.

Symptoms of a bee sting are well known:

  1. instant sharp and burning pain at the site of the bite
  2. swelling and redness of the bite with a white dot in the center (the place of penetration of the sting)

An allergic reaction to a bee sting can usually occur after a few minutes, less often after a few hours. Symptoms of a bee sting allergy can be as follows:

  • progressive edema at the site of the bite;
  • itchy rash throughout the body (urticaria);
  • cough, difficulty breathing as an asthmatic attack;
  • nausea, vomiting, fever, chills.

First aid for a bite of bees and wasps is as follows:

  • immediately after the bite, carefully remove the sting and squeeze the poison out of the wound;
  • attach a gauze swab moistened with a mixture of ammonia and water to the site of the bite, or rinse the wound with ammonia or ethyl alcohol;
  • milky dandelion juice relieves pain and prevents tumors;
  • with multiple bites, heavy drinking is indicated;
  • juice from mallow, rubbed into the bite, relieves pain and prevents the appearance of edema with bites of bees and wasps.

For severe symptoms with a bee sting, the patient must be put to bed, 40% alcohol (25-50 g) should be given inside. A honey-vitamin drink helps well: 100 g of honey and 500 mg of vitamin C are dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water, the mixture is shaken and stored in a glass, sealed container in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to give the patient antihistamines (for example, diphenhydramine), which reduce the toxic effect of histamine contained in bee venom.

When cardiac activity falls, the patient is injected with camphor, caffeine. With convulsions, drugs are prescribed that calm the nervous system (bromine and others). In all cases of severe bee venom poisoning, treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Folk recipes for insect bites

  • With a strong decoction of Veronica officinalis, they wash the bitten places and make poultices on them with the bites of spiders and other insects.
  • Freshly urinated urine is washed at the sting or bite site and a tampon soaked in urine is tied.
  • Grind or grind the freshly picked dandelion leaf and tie it to the place of the insect bite. Change after 2-3 hours.
  • Grind or grind the freshly plantain leaf and tie it to the place of the insect bite. Change several times a day.

If a bee stings you, remove the sting from the skin and attach fresh parsley leaves to the sting places - they reduce pain and inflammatory swelling.

At the same time, you can drink a decoction of parsley roots: pour 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley roots in a thermos of 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours, strain and drink 1/4 to 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals .This allows you to remove common allergic reactions.

3 tablespoons of dry chopped grass of a succession of ordinary pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, insist 8-12 hours, strain and drink the infusion 0 / 5-1 cup 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals with bites of snakes and bees (as an antitoxic agent). At the same time, apply crushed fresh leaves of the string to the bite site.

Squeeze the juice from fresh mint grass, grease them with stinging spots with bees, wasps, mosquitoes, midges, etc. Mint juice has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticonvulsant effect.

Prepare the gruel from the onion or cut the onion in half, place it on the sting places of bees, wasps or other insects and secure with a bandage. You can also squeeze the juice of onions, soak them in a napkin and attach to a painful place. You can use freshly grated peeled potatoes.

What to do with a bee sting?

With the onset of heat, one must take into account the danger of bee and wasp stings. These insects become especially active in late spring, summer and early autumn, so when going to nature or simply opening windows in a room, you need to remember about the possibility of contact with them.

We recommend that you know in advance what to do with a bee sting, how to provide emergency care and relieve swelling in the event of such an incident.

First aid

First aid for a bee sting should include the following steps:

  1. sting extraction;
  2. treatment of the resulting wound with antiseptic drugs;
  3. removal of bee venom from the body.

If you know exactly how to properly assist with a bee sting, you can avoid many unpleasant (and in some cases even life-threatening) consequences.

Unlike a wasp that stings a person without losing a sting, a bee always leaves him in the bite. This is due to the special shape of the bee sting and the presence of sawtooth notches on it.

Trying to remove the sting from the skin of the victim, the bee makes a jerk, due to which it disconnects from the body of the insect. This leads to damage to the internal organs: it is because of them that the bee after a bite always dies.

Using a sting, a bee injects poison into the body of a person or animal, leading to the appearance of burning pain and swelling. Usually the amount of poison that enters the body in one bite is up to 0.3 mg - this is quite enough so that the potential enemy of the bee no longer threatens her and the entire colony.

If the amount of toxins reaches 0.2 g (which can happen in case of bites by a large number of bees), this can pose a threat to life.

Bee venom enters the body of the victim not only during the bite, but also after it. This is because the sting has a stock of special toxins that enter the blood of a bitten person or animal even after the death of a bee. Therefore, the first thing to do after a bee sting is to remove the sting.

To extract a bee sting, tweezers, tweezers or a needle are used. If you don’t have them at hand, just press down the bite on both sides with clean fingers: this will not only help to remove the sting, but will also make it possible to squeeze a little bee venom from the wound.

After removing the sting of the bee, it is necessary to process the site of the bite as soon as possible. Any alcohol-containing solution is useful for this: iodine, tincture of calendula, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. You can also prepare a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate or treat the wound with vodka.

If you do not have any alcohol-containing product, just wash it with cold water and soap. You can still prepare a soda or saline solution: a glass of water will require a teaspoon of baking soda or table salt.

To reduce the risk of swelling after a bee sting, it is recommended to attach an ice cube to the stung area. This will not only help prevent the development of puffiness, but also dull the pain.

If the bee sting did not happen at home, and you do not have the opportunity to treat the wound with antiseptics, pick a leaf of plantain, parsley or yarrow. Rinse it off the dust and rub it with your fingers into the pulp so that a little juice comes out. This juice is recommended to grease a stung place.

After removing the bee sting and treating the wound with an antiseptic, it is necessary to remove toxins from the body as soon as possible, which have already managed to be absorbed into the blood. To do this, drink as much cool liquid as possible. You can also use activated carbon or any other enterosorbent.

It is recommended to prepare an infusion of a series: this herb is not only an excellent tool for removing bee toxins from organisms, but also has an antipruritic effect.

To prepare the infusion, take 3 tablespoons of dry grass and pour two cups of boiling water, leave for at least 8 hours and take half a glass before meals three times a day.

How to remove swelling and swelling?

After you carry out all the measures described above to remove the sting and treat the injured area, you need to eliminate the swelling that has appeared.

Everyone should know how to relieve swelling after a bee sting, but this is especially true for parents, because very often small children are the victims of bees. To eliminate puffiness and swelling from a bee sting, you can use the following folk remedies.

Onions or garlic. The essential oils and flavonoids contained in these products effectively fight toxins. Cut the onion head or clove of garlic and attach to the wound with the cut. You can also chop onions or garlic and squeeze juice out of them: in it, moisten a cotton pad and attach to a bitten place.

Validol. If you have these pills in the medicine cabinet, lightly moisten one of them with water and attach to the wound. Validol not only helps relieve swelling from a bee sting, but also relieves pain.

strong> Aloe leaves. Everyone knows about the healing properties of aloe juice. To reduce the effect of toxins that enter the bloodstream after a bee sting and remove the tumor, it is recommended to cut off a sheet of indoor aloe, rinse it and cut along it, and then attach it to a stung place.

You can prepare tincture of ammonia, lemon salt and vinegar. To do this, take a tablespoon of the first two components and 400 ml of vinegar, mix them and moisten a cotton pad in the resulting mixture. Lubricate the bee sting site to reduce the effects of toxins.

Mint. From fresh leaves of lemon or peppermint you need to squeeze the juice and grease them with stung places. This plant not only relieves pain, but also has a vasoconstrictor effect.
Bee Sting Treatment

With a properly designed scheme and the absence of an allergy to apitoxin (the so-called bee venom) in a patient, bee stings can be therapeutic. This was known to doctors of the ancient world (for example, Hippocrates), who actively used bee venom to treat their patients.

The composition of bee venom includes peptides, biogenic amines, amino acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, ferromones, sugars, lipids, as well as many other substances.

They can have a beneficial effect on the body of a person suffering from bronchial asthma, migraines, hypertension, atherosclerotic lesions, neuralgia, trophic ulcers and other diseases.

Treatment with bee stings has contraindications. These include individual intolerance to apitoxin, tuberculosis, kidney disease, pancreas and liver, diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Allergy Symptoms

In most cases, a single bee sting can not pose a threat to human health and life. However, in the presence of an atypical reaction of the immune system to bee venom, the likelihood of allergy symptoms (up to anaphylactic shock) is high.

Therefore, people who are prone to allergic reactions need to be especially careful and know how help is provided with a bee, wasp and other insect bite.

Symptoms of bee venom allergy include the following:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the skin and the appearance of a rash not only in a stung place, but also in other parts of the body;
  • severe swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation, allergic rhinitis;
  • headache;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • Dizziness
  • labored breathing;
  • cramps and chills.

In the presence of a strong allergic reaction to bee venom, anaphylactic shock can develop, so the victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible or an ambulance should be called at home.

How to treat a bee sting in the presence of allergies, the doctor decides. Usually, antihistamines, antipyretic, decongestants, and vasoconstrictors are used to eliminate the symptoms of an atypical reaction.

Since the skin becomes swollen and itchy after a bee sting, it is important to remove these symptoms as soon as possible. This will help the regenerating cream “La Cree”.

It contains natural ingredients: extracts of walnut, string, licorice, violets and chamomiles, as well as panthenol and avocado oil. They have a calming, healing and anti-inflammatory effect, fight microbes, relieve redness and itching of the skin.

First aid for a bee sting

Bees are very susceptible to pungent odors, from which they become very agitated. They are irritated by the smell of creams, perfumes, cologne, alcohol, garlic, onions, sweat, gasoline, kerosene.

In addition, the bees are irritated by sharp and fast movements, which are perceived by them as a threat.

In this case, the attack and sting of bees is a natural defensive reaction of bees. If the bee begins to circle around you, then do not brush it off, but stop and wait until it flies away. Many try to catch and crush a bee, thereby escaping from a bee sting.

You can’t do this, because together with the bee you will crush the tank with bee venom, the smell of which is very annoying to the bees. The pungent smell of poison is a signal of danger to bees. And at that moment they are very aggressive.

When a bee stings, the victim develops pain, redness, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness and even a rash on the skin after 5-15 minutes. After 20-30 minutes, a tumor appears at the site of inflammatory edema and can last for several days.

Sensitive to bee venom and middle-aged with a weak heart often suffer from a bee sting. In them, a bee sting can cause shock: breathing becomes intermittent and the body becomes stained. Such a person should be put to bed, turn on the fan and direct air towards the victim.

Very dangerous bites in the tongue, throat or palate. In this case, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx swells, a person suffocates. Bites into large blood vessels and into the cornea of ​​the eye are also dangerous.

Bee stings pose a threat to the health of people with allergies. After stinging, they may develop urticaria, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea, rhinitis, asthma attacks and anaphylactic shock.

In order not to suffer from bee stings, you must strictly observe safety precautions, do not walk barefoot on the grass, where there are especially many flowers from which the bees collect nectar.

What first aid can be provided to the victim?

When a bee stings, it is first of all necessary to immediately carefully remove the sting so that it does not penetrate deeper. A remote sting should not be left on the body, since under the action of muscle fibers it will again come into motion and can stick into the body.

After removing the sting, fresh parsley leaves can be applied to the affected area to reduce pain and relieve inflammatory edema. In order not to develop an allergic reaction, you can take a decoction of parsley.

To do this, take 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley roots, pour into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 8-10 hours. Drink 3 glasses three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The tumor is fast enough.

If a person suffers from severe allergies, then immediately apply cotton wool moistened with a solution prepared in the following way to the sting site. Take 1 teaspoon of ammonia, lemon salt, 400 g of vinegar or vodka. Stir everything and pour into a bottle. This mixture is also suitable for those who have a strong reaction even to mosquito and midge bites.

Typically, a bee sting site can be lubricated with ammonia or tincture of calendula, treat the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate 1: 1000), garlic juice. An ointment consisting of petroleum jelly, rectified alcohol and 10% calendula solution can be applied to the wound. If these drugs are not at hand, then the wound can be greased with honey.

In addition, relief occurs if a towel dipped in hot water and an wrung out towel are applied to the sting site. Alternating a hot towel with a cold one, you can significantly reduce the temperature at the site of a bee sting and swelling.

Also, when a bee stings, a soothing and analgesic effect is exerted by garlic juice, which moistens the bandage, and then it is applied to the sore spot.

It is useful to moisten a stung place with saliva and wipe with a validol tablet. After 15 minutes, burning and pain will stop. You can drink 50-75 ml of vodka to a victim of a bee sting. It quickly neutralizes bee venom.

The effects of bee and other poisons are also blocked by diphenhydramine, papaverine, novocaine, prednisone, hydrocortisone, calcium chloride, suprastin.
In case of severe poisoning with bee venom, give the victim a plentiful drink and call an ambulance.

TOP 7 Tips

A bee or wasp sting causes swelling, burning pains, redness, and a white dot at the site of the bite! An allergic reaction may also develop!

What to do when a bee and wasp stings: rinse the bite site. The first thing to do when a bee or wasp stings is to rinse the place of the bite from the remnants of the poison!

What to do when a bee and wasp stings: pull out a sting. Now you need to carefully pull out the sting so that the poison does not spread. Only a bee leaves a sting; a wasp does not have it. You can pull out the sting with the help of tweezers disinfected in alcohol or a needle.

What to do with a bee and wasp sting: disinfection. Then it is necessary to wash the wound with any antiseptic and treat it with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc.

What to do when a bee and wasp stings: do not touch the wound. If you were bitten by a bee or wasp and you followed all of the above instructions, do not touch the wound once again. She can itch.

What to do with a bee and wasp sting: lie down!. Do not think that a bee or wasp sting is nonsense! You need to lie down and drink more fluid to pass the swelling. Drink water, tea, compote and other natural drinks.

What to do when a bee and wasp stings: if there are no disinfectants on hand. If you have been bitten by a bee or wasp, and there are no disinfectants on hand, treat the bite site with sour berry, vinegar or rub parsley.

What to do with a bee and wasp sting: relieve swelling. Lotions of ice, onions, aloe juice, etc. will help relieve swelling.

Bee sting

Bees are beneficial insects. They pollinate plants, so we have berries, vegetables and fruits on the table. Do not forget about such a wonderful product as honey, which appears only due to the activity of bees. And in medicine, bee removal, called scientific apitherapy, is widely used to treat various diseases.

Meeting with bees in life brings not so much joy as pain and frustration. People who are prone to allergies can experience a severe reaction to bee venom, even fatal.

We’ll try to figure out what the bee stings bring — benefit or harm.We will get acquainted with the rules of first aid and treatment.

The composition of bee venom

The bee venom contains the most important macro- and microelements, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, acids (phosphoric and hydrochloric). But some biologically active substances play a special role.

  • Melitin is the most dangerous toxin. Contributes to the destruction of red blood cells. Violates the processes of exchange. Stimulates the release of substances that cause inflammation. Increases the permeability of the vascular wall, promotes muscle contraction.
  • Histamine causes an allergic reaction, is the cause of edema, bronchospasm, vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure.
  • Apamine has an exciting effect on various parts of the nervous system.
    Phospholipase A2 damages cell walls.
  • Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that destroys mucopolysaccharides, including hyaluronic acid, which is part of the connective tissue, which leads to the rapid spread of edema.

What is the harm

A single bee sting in an ordinary person causes only a local reaction. In this case, pain is always felt. She is strong enough, burning. Edema appears, which quickly spreads, the skin turns red. The most severe consequences are observed with a bee sting in the head.

If the bee stings the eye, then due to the pronounced edema of the eyelids, it completely closes. The pain is very severe. Lachrymation appears. Perhaps the development of complications in the form of:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid);
  • panophthalmitis (inflammation of all membranes of the eye).

A bite into the lips or mucous membranes of the oral cavity is accompanied by significant local edema, which can lead to difficulty breathing.

This scenario is possible if the insect got into jam or another product, and the person did not notice the bee while eating.

The bee sting is hardest to bear during pregnancy and in childhood. It is more difficult to provide assistance to pregnant women, since many drugs are contraindicated during this period. In children, the reaction to external influences is always stronger than in an adult.

What is the use

Bee venom can bring not only harm, but also benefit. There is a whole line of traditional medicine - apitherapy, with the help of which many diseases can be treated. What is a bee sting useful for?

lowering blood pressure
The very components of the poison that cause negative reactions in the human body also have a therapeutic effect:

  • improved metabolism;
  • activation of the enzyme and hormonal system;
  • decreased activity of the inflammatory process;
  • suppression of vital activity of harmful microorganisms;
  • antispasmodic and analgesic effect;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • normalization of cardiac activity and heart rate;
  • improved microcirculation;
  • increased red blood cell count;
  • anticoagulant effect;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • bone tissue regeneration;
  • anti-radiation and cytostatic effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the peripheral and central nervous system.


The general reaction of the body is observed with multiple bee stings. In this case, symptoms of intoxication appear:

  • fever;
  • chilliness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • heart palpitations;
  • pain and discomfort in the heart;
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsive condition;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • possible fainting.

First aid and treatment

Anyone can suffer, so everyone should know what to do from a bee sting. The action algorithm is very simple.

Remove the sting, as the bee always leaves it in the bite. This is necessary in order to stop the further intake of poison in the body. This must be done very carefully with tweezers, which must first be treated with an alcohol-containing solution.

If the tweezers are not at hand, you can try to remove the sting with your nails or with a disinfected needle.

The bite site must be processed. It can be washed with soap and water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Any antiseptic, such as alcohol, calendula setting, will do.

A simple way to relieve swelling after a bee sting is to attach a tissue dampened in cold water. Ice will do. Do not use water from a nearby body of water for these purposes - an infection can be introduced.

Take an antihistamine tablet. You can take "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Tsetrin", "Zodak". It is better for children to give medicine in the form of drops. Locally used ointments and creams, such as Advantan, Fenistil gel, ointment with hydrocortisone.

Drink more fluid, then the poison will be more quickly eliminated from the body. The bite site should not be combed. Alcohol should be avoided, as it contributes to the rapid spread of poison in the body. If everything is done correctly, the edema passes without a trace within 1–5 days.

A very difficult situation arises if the bee has bitten in the eye. What to do in this case: call an ambulance and take an antiallergic drug. Trying to solve the problem yourself is not worth it, since the likelihood of developing complications is high, and you can lose your sight.

Bite allergy

An allergic reaction occurs in people who are hypersensitive to bee venom. Even a single bite is dangerous for them and can lead to death.

Allergy manifests itself in different ways:

  1. Urticaria is characterized by the appearance of pale pink blisters in various parts of the body. The localization of the rash does not depend on the location of the bite. There is severe itching.
  2. With Quincke's edema, the face, neck, lips, tongue, upper respiratory tract swell, which can lead to death asphyxiation.
  3. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe reaction. It develops lightning fast. In this case, all symptoms of allergies are observed, bronchospasm develops, pressure drops and consciousness is absent. If time does not help the victim, then death occurs.

First aid for allergies

Treatment for a bee sting with the development of an allergic reaction should be started immediately. In this case, you must always call an ambulance.

Prior to the arrival of doctors, all the same events are carried out as in a normal situation. Taking antihistamines is required. After assessing the condition, doctors who have arrived at the place usually use Prednisolone or Dexamethasone.

Medications are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. These hormones help reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Sometimes, to save the life of the victim, a conicotomy is required when an incision is made in the trachea, after which a tube is inserted. Due to this, air begins to flow into the respiratory tract.

After first aid, victims should remain under medical supervision. The use of hormonal drugs continues until complete recovery - the disappearance of edema and rash. Also, antihistamines must be taken for some time.

As an addition to the main treatment, intravenous administration of sodium thiosulfate or calcium chloride can be added.

With the development of anaphylactic shock, resuscitation is necessary. Hospitalization and treatment are required in a hospital setting.

Folk remedies

With a bee sting, folk remedies as a first aid can also be useful.

How to treat a bee sting at home? To neutralize the harmful effects of the poison, you can do the following:

  • Wet refined sugar with water and attach to the bite site;
  • dissolve an aspirin tablet in water and treat the wound with the resulting solution;
  • throw aspirin with activated charcoal into a glass of water, wait until it dissolves, moisten cotton wool and lubricate the sore spot;
  • attach chopped vegetables and fruits to the place of the bee sting: tomato, onion, cucumber, apple;
  • from soda and water, you can make gruel, which is applied to a painful place;
  • prevent the development of edema will help garlic juice.

How to avoid a bite

For those who are not a supporter of apitherapy and do not want to become a victim of bee venom, you need to adhere to elementary rules:

  • keep calm when meeting with an insect and do not wave your arms;
  • Do not eat on the street products that attract bees: fruits and sweets;
  • if you have to rest in nature, it is better to dress inconspicuously, to cover your arms, legs and head;
  • Do not disturb insects seen nearby.

In general, a meeting with a bee can bring not only harm, but also tangible health benefits. The most important thing is to know how to remove a tumor arising from a bee sting and prevent the development of complications.

It is even more important to remember what to do with an allergy to a bee sting. The life of a person may depend on the correct first aid.

What to do if a wasp or a bee has bitten - tips

A wasp or bee sting causes pain and burning, redness and swelling, which usually goes away after 1-2 hours. Edema on the face can last up to two days. If there are several bites, a toxic reaction may begin. The largest number of wasp and bee stings is recorded mainly from July to August.

The poison of these insects has a different effect on each individual person, but if you were bitten by a wasp or a bee, it always hurts. Forgetting a bite is difficult. When a person is bitten by a bee or wasp, he experiences severe pain, which can be compared to pain from a burn.

But this is not the main thing, it is important that the consequences of a bite can be different: from a painful swelling of a body part bitten by a wasp or bee to a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are bitten immediately take measures to prevent the entry of poison into the body.

First aid

The pain from an insect bite is hard not to notice, which means you know where you were bitten and can take action and give yourself first aid for a bee or wasp sting. Please note that these tips come in handy if you get one bite, with multiple bites of bees or wasps immediately contact the hospital!

To determine who bit you, examine the wound. Only bees leave the sting, therefore, if a wasp has bitten you, do not try to find the sting.

You may need the following things: tweezers, a needle or other tool to pull out the sting; alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilina solution, soap to disinfect the site of a bee or wasp sting; antihistamines - supradine, clarithin, zodiac, erius or other means (read dosage and contraindications).

So, if you were bitten by a bee or wasp, it is necessary: ​​thoroughly rinse the place of the bite to wash away the dirt and the remains of the poison; gently pull out the sting so that the poison does not continue to spread.

Before the procedure, the hands need to be washed, and the tool must be sanitized; sanitize the wound itself; apply a cold compress; take any antihistamine, even if you have not had an allergic reaction to anything.

If you were bitten by a wasp or a bee, you are stressed, so you need to lie down and be in a lying position for some time.

Until the swelling from the sting of a bee or wasp has not slept, drink as much liquid as possible. Victims of a sting of a bee or wasp are recommended hot sweet tea or sweetened water.

Be aware that usually the pain, redness, and swelling after a wasp or bee sting disappears after a few hours. If you are stung in the face, then the swelling can last about two days.

Folk remedies

Alcohol - Do not use after a wasp or bee sting, since this will lead to increased edema.

The bite site can be treated with parsley - mash the parsley leaf and grease the bite with juice; it is also possible to treat with fresh urine of a healthy person - it is sterile, therefore it is often practiced in folk treatment of bites, scratches, burns.

Do not forget that bee venom and wasp venom are different in their basis, wasp venom is neutralized by lemon juice, and bee venom with ordinary liquid soap; help soothe sour pain - try applying sour berry, sorrel, lemon, vinegar compress; pain is also relieved by dandelion milky juice.

Lotions of tea, ice, aloe juice, onion, parsley, plantain will also help relieve swelling; a piece of sugar attached to the wound, a heating pad with cold water, an ice cube or a handkerchief previously moistened with cold water, and calendula tincture will also help remove the swelling.

What to do if a baby was bitten by a wasp or bee?

If possible, contact the hospital immediately! After all, the children's body is much more susceptible to bites of wasps and bees than an adult. If you can’t immediately go to the hospital, take action on the spot.

As already described, remove the sting, if there is one, disinfect the wound and apply a cold compress to stop the spread of poison and relieve pain.

If a child was bitten by a wasp or bee and signs of an allergic reaction become visible, for example: severe swelling, difficulty breathing, blisters and rashes, give the child an antihistamine in a child dosage (read the instructions for the drug), and treat the bite site with an anti-allergic cream, it can help fenistil.

And immediately call a doctor or go to the hospital. Keep in mind that an allergic reaction in a child who was bitten by a wasp is more likely if he has a tendency to diathesis, bronchial asthma and other diseases of an allergic nature.

Do not try your luck if not one bee or wasp has bitten, but several. It is believed that if the number of bites is more than three, then a general toxic reaction can begin.

Keep in mind that if a wasp or a bee has bitten you on a lip, tongue or larynx, seek immediate medical attention. In this case, edema that appears after a bite of a wasp or a bee, spreading to the entire larynx, can lead to suffocation.

So, it is necessary to go to the hospital urgently and immediately if: a wasp or a bee has bitten in a face, a wasp or a bee has bitten in a lip, tongue or larynx, bitten by more than three wasps or bees. If a person has a tendency to allergic reactions, going to nature, always take antihistamines with you.

In allergy sufferers, wasp or bee stings can cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylactic shock (blood pressure drops sharply, larynx stenosis occurs, the voice becomes hoarse), nausea, cramps and even loss of consciousness.

After the bite of a wasp or a bee, it is worth adding to the general first actions the application of a tourniquet above the site of the bite. To prevent a decrease in blood pressure caused by urticaria, 25 drops of cordiamine can be given to the victim.

If bitten by a hornet

A hornet bite is painful for humans, but the toxicity of the poison varies greatly depending on the type of hornet: some sting no more than many other insects, while some species are generally ranked among the most poisonous insects known to date.

If the hornet has bitten, allergic reactions to the bite in some cases can be fatal if medical assistance is not immediately provided to the victim of anaphylactic shock.

Consequently, the consequences of a hornet bite depend on the reaction of the stung organism. The poison of common hornets and most other species is less toxic than bee venom; the sting at the injection does not remain in the wound (although the hornet can inflict several injections in a row).

If the hornet introduced a large amount of poison, then a fairly serious inflammation occurs.

According to a special scale of pain in Schmidt's stings, the pain from stinging a hornet is approximately comparable to the pain from stinging a honey bee and is in the middle of the scale (moderately severe pain). Thus, the fear of the hornet is largely exaggerated: its bite is not proportional to the size of this insect.

If hornets wound up in the area, try setting a trap. Hornet trap: put sugar in a jar with a layer of about 1.5 cm, then stir it in water (150 g) then add beer, about half a can.

Close with a metal cover and make an incision in it with a cross, bend the edges inward.

Useful information

Know that a bee is able to sting only once in its life, it has a serrated sting that gets stuck in the layers of the skin and comes off, which leads to the death of the bee.

Wasps, hornets and bumblebees can sting many times, as they have smooth stings, so it is better to flee from them.

You cannot kill a hornet that has bitten you, as other hornets attack you immediately. This happens because a chemical substance is released from the body of the killed hornet, which stimulates the attack of other hornets nearby.

Wasps sting people more often than bees. A wasp sting is much more painful than a bee sting. A hornet bite is comparable in pain to a bee sting.

If a person was bitten at once by several tens of wasps, then a general toxic reaction of the body occurs. Bites of more than 500 individuals are considered fatal.

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