How to scare off cockroaches - chemistry, folk remedies, ultrasound?

than scare off cockroaches
than scare off cockroaches

Good day. I was so worried when my daughter left for another city to study.

I was even more upset when I saw the living conditions. It was something with something! Of course, together with a neighbor, they brought their living space in order.

But what to do with cockroaches, had no idea. I had to urgently leave and deal with the problem on the spot. More mustachioed parasites did not interfere with my daughter. Want to know how to scare off cockroaches? What are the best remedies? In the article below you will find a detailed analysis.

What are cockroaches afraid of? How to get rid of cockroaches: aerosols, boric acid, traps and folk remedies

We all do not like cockroaches, and most of the fair sex are simply afraid of them: “Save! Red and mustachioed! Guard!".

However, it is very difficult to bring out cockroaches. After all, they are older than dinosaurs, but managed to survive both them and many other species, which means that they developed a wonderful ability to survive.

They can do without water for 3 weeks, and they will always find food for themselves, because able to feed on paper, and polyethylene, and their own excrement. Their ability to reproduce rapidly is remarkable: a female in her life lasting up to 200 days is able to give birth 10 times to offspring of 30-40 eggs, which become adults in two months.

Even increased radiation does not adversely affect them. Cockroaches really like living in our apartments, because here it is warm and you can always find food and water, especially if the owners do not monitor the cleanliness of their home.

Why are they dangerous

In addition to the psychological shock that a person receives when he finds a mustachioed ingredient in his plate, this nuisance can lead to other far-reaching severe consequences.

On the legs of a cockroach, whose favorite habitat is food debris, bins, garbage bins, the most dangerous pathogenic bacteria, for example, dysentery and parasite eggs, such as worms, pinworms, a wide ribbon, are carried.

Chitosan shells dropped during molting, as well as waste products secreted by barbel, can cause serious allergic reactions. Penetrating into household appliances, agile “monsters” are able to spoil them by closing contacts. And climbing into an electrical outlet, they run the risk of causing a short circuit, which threatens a fire.

Cold and boiling water

There are two sure folk remedies against uninvited guests: cold and boiling water.

You can freeze cockroaches only in a detached low-rise building, for example, in a village hut or your own cottage. To do this, in severe frost, you need to turn off the heating and leave open windows wide open for 1-2 days, and leave yourself to live at that time in another place.

At 5 ⁰ of heat, the Prussians hibernate, at 5 ⁰ of frost they die in half an hour, and at -7⁰ in one minute.

Boiling water can be successfully used in an apartment building. You just need to abundantly pour boiling water over all the cracks from which barbel climb: behind the eaves, around the entrance to the apartment of water and sewer pipes, in the floors. Then, all these cracks must be carefully sealed with cement or alabaster to prevent the re-emergence of insects.

If the cockroaches settled in the crevices of the furniture, then it must be ruthlessly thrown away, and even better - burned. This is the only way I have been able to forever - pah! pah! - take cockroaches out of their apartment on the first floor of a multi-storey building.

Industrial aerosols

There are many aerosol chemicals that promise to save you from this scourge: Perfos-P, Oxazol. Neofos-2, Phenozol-P, Pyrethrol-P and others. They give a good result when locally processing places of accumulation of insects, but are usually not harmless to humans.

Therefore, before disinfection, it is necessary to remove food products and domestic plants from the premises, treat them with the windows closed for the minimum possible time, and then thoroughly ventilate them. It must be remembered that wooden furniture retains liquids and odors on it for a long time.

To consolidate the result after 4 - 72 hours, it is recommended to re-spray with 4% chlorophos or 1% Rovikurt, 2% karbofos or 1% Aktelik, Kilzar.

At the same time, it is very important to completely eliminate the possibility for cockroaches access to water: tightly tighten the water taps and wipe the sinks dry, grease the toilet bowl with sunflower oil on the outside so that they cannot climb there.

However, if your red-headed guests have the opportunity to move around the apartment, and even more so throughout the house, then the surviving individuals will simply temporarily escape to another room, for example, from the kitchen to the bathroom or to neighbors.

They will be more likely to return to you, the more comfortable conditions you create for their stay: crumbs and puddles on the floor, dirty dishes in the sink. If during processing the same means are constantly used, then cockroaches will get used to them and can even eat them calmly.

Disinfection station workers noticed that phosphorus - organic poisons had ceased to exterminate uninvited guests, and they developed immunity to synthetic peritroid preparations that replaced them even faster.

A possible way out is in the continuous processing of the entire building using several means simultaneously.

Boric acid

However, there are substances that are odorless and practically harmless to humans and animals, but cockroaches are certain death. These are boron-containing poisons that cause fatal dehydration in insects.

But if a mustachioed tenant can find water and get drunk, then he will not die. Therefore, it is necessary to categorically block any access to water, eliminate leaks and dampness.

And then it will make sense to spread boron lures in the habitats of cockroaches. You can prepare the bait from the yolk of a raw egg, mixed with boric acid powder and powdered sugar until the sour cream is thick, and lay them on cardboard.

Or roll up small balls of boiled potatoes, two boiled yolks and 2 - 3 bags of boric acid. Leave the bait for a period of 10-15 days, then after 1-2 weeks the procedure can be repeated. The composition of the poison is preferably constantly changed in order to exclude addiction to it.

Cockroach traps

The simplest traps can be made independently. Wrap a glass jar with paper so that cockroaches can get into it, and put the bait on the bottom of the jar: sweet crumbs, bread soaked in kefir.

Inside the top edge of the can 5 - 10 cm grease with grease, which will not allow insects to get out. Put the can for the night in your favorite "Prussians" place, and in the morning destroy the prey.

You can apply a 2-3 cm wide circle of sticky mass to thick paper, put a bait in the center, and then destroy the sticky sweet tooth. Similarly, the Japanese Hoi Zoy trap works. Ecologically safe traps “Kombat”, “RAID”, “Kombat-superbyte” kill insects by poisoned bait.

Recently, electric traps have appeared in which the lured "Prussians" are destroyed by an electric discharge. This device is not dangerous for people and animals and is very durable.

To prevent the penetration of cockroaches - defectors into your territory, use special crayons containing substances that repel or poison uninvited aliens. They can draw lines - barriers along baseboards or doors.

Folk remedies

An effective bait made from equal proportions of dry gypsum (alabaster) and flour, which hardens inside the insect and kills it. Green bay leaves and fresh cucumber peeling are successfully used to scare off cockroaches. Bouquets of red and black elderberry, flowering rye or lemon will drive barbel out of the kitchen.

How to protect your home

The way to make your home unattractive for red barbel is very simple - keep clean:

  • Clean your apartment regularly, especially kitchens, toilets and bathrooms.
  • Store food waste in closed buckets and do not leave it in the house at night.
  • Store food in closed containers.
  • Do not allow water to accumulate anywhere in the apartment, which means that do not leave the washed dishes to dry when water drains from it onto the pallet, but wipe it; wipe dry the sinks overnight; water the flowers in the morning, and not at night, do not allow any leaks in the plumbing system.
  • Cement or putty all the gaps through which uninvited guests can penetrate and in which they can hide.
  • If you had to visit a place where cockroaches may live, carefully check the bag to see if you brought a barbel with you.

Add a little liquid ammonia to the water when washing floors, cockroaches do not like it, it is also useful to treat them with ventilation holes.

If you follow these simple rules, you will make your apartment completely unattractive for the "scary and baleen" insects, and they will try to find a more comfortable home for themselves.

Ultrasonic cockroach repellers and how effective are they?

Almost everyone faced the problem of the appearance of cockroaches in their home. This is not only an unpleasant acquaintance, but also cockroaches are carriers of various viral diseases. Therefore, experts do not recommend putting off the fight against them.

There are many folk and chemical agents that are dangerous to human health, labor costs during processing, constant repeated disinfection is needed. But I would like to get rid of pests without harming my family.

At present, a tool completely safe for humans has been invented - an ultrasonic cockroach repeller. Many repellers act only on midges and flies, but cockroaches are not affected in any way.

Therefore, quite powerful repellers were invented, but they do not always help. This new product can be purchased in electronics stores, online stores and simple hardware stores.

How does it work?

Many who purchase ultrasonic repellers hope to destroy the entire cockroach population forever. Sometimes this happens, but most often the number of pests is slightly reduced. Ultrasonic waves do not kill “uninvited guests”, but only force you to leave your house and run to your neighbors.

Ultrasonic waves of high frequencies begin to affect the nervous system of insects, from which insects begin to feel uncomfortable, panic, transmit information about danger to relatives, it is not always possible to find food. After that, the “mustachioed” neighbors leave the apartment with unfavorable conditions for their lives.

The ultrasonic device for cockroaches works from a conventional outlet. Some repellers have on and off buttons.

In order for unwanted insects to leave the house forever, you need to use the drug for 2-4 weeks, it also depends on the power of the device and the radius of wave propagation.

Does he help?

There is much debate about the effectiveness of ultrasound devices from cockroaches. Scientists have proven that this device is effective in getting rid of mosquitoes and flies.

Experts say that "mustachioed" pests are less sensitive to the effects of ultrasonic waves.

It is noticed that the drug has more effect on adults, they begin to leave the apartment, but on young cockroaches, high frequencies almost do not work.

Advantages of ultrasound products:

  • Safe for your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Does not affect pets.
  • Simple use. You need to plug the repeller into a wall outlet and it will start working.
  • Not toxic. No unpleasant odors and chemical fumes.
  • Silent for humans and animals.
  • Great period of use.

Cons of repellers:

  • High price. The cost of an ultrasound device from cockroaches varies from 420 rubles to 4500 rubles.
  • "Mustachioed" neighbors do not die, they just leave the room.

Typhoon LS 500-700

Domestic remedy that is able to deter insects, even mice. The exposure radius varies from 80 to 200 m, depending on the model purchased.

This device shows better results compared to all other repellers in the sales market. The power of the Typhoon repeller is 4 watts.

The cost of the repeller varies depending on the region, the price varies from 920 rubles to 1,500 rubles.

Eco sniper

Very compact magnetic resonance device developed in Hong Kong. The wave propagation area is up to 200 m. The manufacturer convinces that low repeller frequencies have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of insects, which makes them leave the premises without hesitation.

But reviews show that the tool is not effective enough. You can buy Ecosniper in an online store at an affordable price, in the region of 1000 rubles.

Tornado OTAR-2

The manufacturer of the Tornado brand produces many drugs for cockroaches, but the OTAR-2 model of Tornado was more effective.


  1. Russian manufacturer.
  2. Double exposure. In addition to sound waves, the device emits light waves.
  3. The best place to place a Tornado repeller is to hang the drug in the kitchen under the hanging cupboards.
  4. For convenient placement there is a rotary mount.
  5. The price is 1000-1500 rubles.

Tornado brand repellers have both positive and negative reviews. Many say that the number of cockroaches has decreased significantly, but over time they return again.

Pest reject

The product is made in America, has a wave propagation radius of up to 200 sq.m. Inside the device there is an additional cartridge, which also affects the death of insects. But it is worth noting that this does not affect the health of family members and animals.

Many recommend using Pest Reject in conjunction with non-toxic insecticides and traps. It is then that 100% insects will leave your home. The average price of a device is 400-600 rubles.


This ultrasonic agent for cockroaches is most often used in food industry workshops, has a large coverage radius and is safe. The cost of the device is about 5000 rubles.

To summarize: there are many opinions about the effectiveness of ultrasonic cockroach repellers. You can find many positive and negative reviews. But which side you noticed, you can only find out by trying in operation one of these devices.

It should only be said that not a single repeller kills the cockroach population, but only creates uncomfortable conditions for insects, forcing them to leave your home. But there is no guarantee that they will not come back.

Ultrasonic Cockroach Repeller Tornado OT.02

Ultrasonic and light cockroach repeller Tornado OT.02 - a device that repels ultrasound and additionally light radiation.

Cockroaches are scared of light, because lead a nocturnal lifestyle and when turned on, they always run away. This device is effectively used over a table, cabinets, kitchen sets - cockroaches will be scared not only of sound, but also of light.

Application: The device is very easy to use. It is necessary to install it in an open space so that both ultrasound and light radiation do not block it.

The Ultrasonic Cockroach Repeller “Tornado OT.02” is best installed on a table or on a kitchen unit - at a height of 1.0 to 1.5 meters above the floor at a slight angle to the vertical.

Once this is done, turn on the repeller, the LEDs light up and it will immediately begin to fill the kitchen with ultrasound, since this is the first room in which you need to start fighting them.

Despite its miniature size, the electronic cockroach repeller Tornado OT.02 has enough power to create intolerable conditions for cockroaches for a free life.

However, you should not even dream that cockroaches will disappear instantly. Cockroaches love heat, twilight and water. They can serve as food for anything, even paper, and with it carpentry glue and cotton unpainted fabric or threads.

Therefore, for some time they will be able to live where ultrasound cannot disturb them. In order to completely end cockroaches, the repeller will need several weeks.

Warranty - 12 months. Manufacturer - Russia.

Contents of delivery:

  • Rodent Repeller Tornado OT.02
  • User's manual
  • Packaging

How to get rid of cockroaches

It is said that cockroaches will survive even in the event of a nuclear war. But, nevertheless, hardly anyone will like having these insects at home. After all, their waste causes allergies, they multiply exponentially, spread the infection, and simply - nasty.

If the enemy is seen in the apartment, you must immediately take action, as one female in one egg carries up to forty small cockroaches. That is, there will be so many of them in a week that just can not cope.

Habits and Features

As you know, cockroaches love the dark and scatter in the light. To get rid of them effectively, you need to identify the "nest" - that is the place from where they creep.

Most often, they live in cabinets under the sinks and in the toilet, they can climb through the ventilation holes (in this case, an ordinary ventilation net will be a great way of protection), they love trash bins, dirty dishes and bowls with food for animals.

Few people know this fact: cockroaches can go without food for a long time, but not without water! A half-dead cockroach, once in the water, may well go around and run on. Due to their small size, it is almost impossible to block their access to water, because they need a small drop, and there is always water in the toilet.

In addition, cockroaches are very curious and always feel new unfamiliar objects with their antennae. However, they are not able to share their experience with each other. In any case, they do not know how to warn each other about danger.

Cockroaches can eat everything, including soap, paper, skin. And sometimes they live up to five years. In addition, large black cockroaches are less hardy than red ones, and fighting them is somewhat easier.

Fight preparation

For the fight against cockroaches to become truly effective, it is necessary, first of all, to prepare. Cockroaches do not like cleanliness and order - therefore, it must be maintained.Do not leave crumbs, dirty dishes, food anywhere (including removing animal bowls).

If possible, close up all the cracks through which the cockroaches can enter the apartment: ventilation holes, crevices in the threshold of the front door, baseboards and even window frames.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure with the whole house, or at least with the closest neighbors, whose cockroaches can sit out to return home afterwards.


Chemical agents for controlling cockroaches can be divided into two types:

  1. poisons dangerous to humans;
  2. means safe for people and animals.

The first category includes mainly aerosols like diclofos and karbofos, the same "Raid" and many others. Their main disadvantages are that there is an unpleasant smell, and being in the apartment during use is unpleasant and even dangerous.

They are well suited for holidays: you should spray as many surfaces as possible, especially crevices and hard-to-reach corners, block access to water - and after arrival the whole floor will be strewn with corpses.

It must be remembered that the apartment must be washed so that the toxic substance does not remain on the surfaces and does not accidentally get into food products. It is also necessary to ventilate the premises well.

Pesticides can also be dry, in which case they are very dangerous for small children and animals, therefore, living in an apartment, it is necessary to pour them in places accessible exclusively to cockroaches.

Chemicals that are safe for humans include crayons (pencils) and some gels. Although their safety is also conditional, since ingestion of such a substance can lead to unpleasant consequences.

When using crayons, you need to remember that the line should be continuous and cover all the contours of the apartment and each room, especially to limit the places where cockroaches nest.

As for gels, they are usually applied to pieces of paper, which are subsequently easy to throw away, and left in places that are loved by cockroaches, but inaccessible to children and animals.

The main disadvantage of any chemical agent is that cockroaches very easily adapt to everything. If it does not work, this does not mean that the remedy is bad, simply, most likely, someone in the house already poisoned them, and the cockroaches developed stability.

Folk methods

For centuries, humanity has been trying to get rid of cockroaches. And even if one hundred percent remedy is not found from them, but some alternative methods still work well.

The best and safest tool to date is boric acid (borax), which is freely and inexpensively sold in pharmacies. It can also be used when sealing cracks.

You can sprinkle boric acid powder on all sources of water (sinks, a bathtub and a toilet), process plinths, the rubbish bin and its surroundings, ventilation and any places that seem suspicious.

To sprinkle the entire apartment, you will need 30-100 grams, depending on the size of the premises and the intensity of the sprinkle.

This remedy has one drawback: cockroaches can smell boric acid. It is a very strong poison for them, from which the whole body is itchy, but even after poisoning, cockroaches can be cured by water.

Another method works well with boric acid: mix 30-50 grams with raw egg yolk until gruel. From it, mold small balls, about a centimeter, dry in an hour.

These balls need to be scattered around the apartment in places interesting for cockroaches, paying special attention to the kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

It is good to lay them on top of shelves and cabinets, behind a stove, under the cabinets. You can on the windowsills, near the flowers. In this case, the cockroach does not learn boric acid, and touching the ball with a mustache - it is doomed. If touched, it can infect a healthy fellow.

This remedy is long-lasting: the effect will be noticeable in three to four weeks. In order to extend it longer, you do not need to remove the balls from the cabinets and from the corners under the furniture.There they do not bother anyone, and scare off cockroaches, even by accidentally running in.

Both methods tested by generations both in communal apartments and in dormitories work quite well. The yolk can also be boiled, the principle of operation remains unchanged: roll up the balls (you can add a drop of water) and put it around the apartment.

You can use some other mixture, the main ingredient of which is boric acid. Instead of yolk, there should be something edible, such as semolina, mashed potatoes. Can be mixed with sugar and starch (one part each) and three parts boric acid. The powder is distributed on skirting boards, in crevices and other places.


As a rule, pesticides are used in traps, the smell of which is safe for humans, but they themselves can be harmful.

But they are inside the trap, so if you do not let animals play with them and children disassemble them into components, then such traps can stand for long in difficult corners, under the sink and on cabinets, and also be attached to the walls of the cabinets.

The promised principle of action is that, crawling into a trap, the cockroach infects itself and infects its relatives. The disadvantage of this tool is the same as that of other pesticides: cockroaches adapt too quickly to it, and if it worked once, then after six months it may no longer work.

Bait traps can also be done independently, based on repellents that repel cockroaches. These include, for example, bay leaf (green) and cucumber peeling (fresh only). Cockroaches, especially black ones, cannot stand the flowers of red and black elderberries.

A few small bouquets - and the cockroaches are expelled from the room. If it is possible to hang a bouquet of flowering rye on the wall, it will also be unbearable for cockroaches.

As traps, you can use ordinary glass jars. From the inside, grease the jar along the contour with fat so that the cockroaches could not get out. You can wrap it on the outside with paper. Inside, pour something edible mixed with boric acid.

As an option for the trap - apply a sticky mass to thick paper, cellophane or tracing paper and roll it into a tube. If you don’t feel like making a trap yourself, you can buy ready-made “cockroach houses” in the store. You can see their effectiveness visually.

The principle of operation of such a house is as follows: the bottom of a small cardboard box is covered with a sticky solution mixed with nutrients. Cockroaches crawl into the house and stick firmly inside it, unable to get out.

An important factor in setting traps is the lack of nutritious alternatives for cockroaches in the form of crumbs and dirty plates, otherwise they simply will not pay attention to the traps.

Pest control

As a rule, official institutions and those people who are desperate to overcome cockroaches on their own turn to pest control. All measures consist of destruction and prevention.

Each company offers its own nuances and uses certain chemicals. They can be divided into disinfectants and repellents. Repellents repel insects, while disinfectants kill them.

Properly conduct total pest control can only special services. They check the developmental stages and resistance to insecticides and act according to the characteristics of the drugs.

Means and concentration are calculated for each individual case. This measure is unpleasant, but it guarantees the complete destruction of harmful insects. In the case of a multi-storey building, disinsection must also be carried out in the hallways.

After disinfestation, a total cleaning of the room should be carried out, all surfaces should be washed and things should be removed, otherwise poisons may remain somewhere. This is perhaps one of the most unpleasant disadvantages of this method.

Technics in the fight against the Prussians

Human thought does not stop there and invents more and more new ways in the fight against the enemy. Not so long ago, ultrasonic and magnetic resonance repellents began to appear, which act with the help of electromagnetic waves of low frequency or, accordingly, ultrasound.

Frequency has a bad effect on the nervous system of a cockroach, without affecting people. Insects cheerfully run away from these waves.

The exposure time is at least three weeks, so that not only adults leave, but also the baby hatched from the laid eggs.

Some more tips

In order for the result to be true, you need to take cockroach control seriously. Regardless of the method, before starting the destruction event, you need to close the cracks, then rinse all the kitchen furniture and the bin with a cloth with ammonia solution and block access to water. To do this, when using sinks and a bath, it is necessary to wipe them dry.

Cockroaches are very tenacious, and if you slam them, but not smear them, they may well come to their senses and crawl on. And having reached the water, they will at all begin to feel excellent. Sprinkle a very well-swatted cockroach with boric acid. Then he will recover himself and infect his relatives.

It is better to pour cereals and pasta into jars, since cockroaches tear the bags and feast well. In the cabinets with food, it is better not to keep any pesticides, even safe ones. Particular attention should be paid to the place of storage of bread: close the enemy access to this food warehouse! A bin is best to have with a lid and take out the trash as often as possible.

Despite the fact that boric acid is not dangerous for people, anyway, throwing balls around the apartment, you need to limit access to them for animals and small children.

Firstly, cockroaches spread infections, and secondly, the product (yolk or porridge) can deteriorate and cause poisoning. Yes, and boric acid itself is hardly useful for delicate baby tummies.

Ultrasonic repeller - a new effective tool against cockroaches

It’s quite easy to buy a cockroach remedy, because this is a very common problem for owners and tenants of private houses and apartments. But what is the best way, how to get rid of parasites quickly and without damage to your health?

Many funds from cockroaches are ineffective, they are simply outdated, because cockroaches mutate, adapt to the conditions in your home. Their body ceases to perceive poison, from which they inevitably died a year ago.

Especially hard in the fight against these insects is those who live in an apartment building. You just installed expensive poisonous baits or called a disinsector, and after a few days the whole effect came to naught, because new cockroaches passed into your apartment through the ventilation passage.

We suggest you solve the problem with uninvited parasites once and for all - buy a cockroach repeller. Such a device is very effective, is the least harmful to humans and even humane in relation to uninvited mustachioed guests.

This remedy for cockroaches is of two types - ultrasonic or magnetic resonance repeller. It is important not to confuse them, the latter generates electromagnetic waves of low frequency and its radius of action is limited to an area of ​​50 m², it can slightly affect the operation of electrical appliances.

An ultrasonic cockroach repeller is one of the best means of combating cockroaches, it creates sound vibrations with a frequency above 20 KHz, and inhibits the vital processes of parasites, contributes to their discomfort and lack of ability to reproduce.

This remedy for cockroaches does not cause interference in the operation of the equipment, harmless to humans and pets. Even dogs that distinguish a larger range of sounds than humans do not hear, because ultrasound is more than 20 KHz for them out of reach.Such a device can only harm insects that you are trying to get rid of.

The ultrasonic cockroach repeller is easy to use, compact, durable, it is enough to plug it into the outlet and the cockroaches will never return to your house. Such devices operate within the same room because ultrasound does not pass through walls. It is worth buying an ultrasonic anti-cockroach agent for each room.


To get rid of cockroaches and other unwanted insects, we present a multi-functional 2 in 1 electromagnetic and ultrasonic cockroach and insect repeller for rooms up to 100 m2 (model AR-131).

This device is a stationary electromagnetic repeller which is designed to repel cockroaches in small rooms. The device is designed to repel cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ants, bugs in rooms up to 100 square meters, such as apartments and offices.

The model is absolutely safe for people and animals, even if you have a cat or a dog at home, it will in no way affect their health and behavior.

Do not confuse an electromagnetic cockroach repeller with an ultrasonic cockroach repeller, because unlike an electromagnetic ultrasonic cockroach repeller, it has a completely different principle of operation and makes a nasty sound heard by insects and some people, which sometimes creates a certain discomfort when fighting cockroaches.

This combined electromagnetic cockroach repeller is an effective means to combat cockroaches and its effectiveness is achieved due to the negative impact of the electromagnetic field on the central nervous system of pests, creating discomfort in them, and thereby causing them to leave the territory where the device is used.

Together with ultrasound, the device’s incredible efficiency is achieved, so to speak 2 repellers in one case, which gives additional guarantees of the device’s effectiveness.

To start the operation of this device, simply plug it into a power outlet and electromagnetic radiation is already beginning. After switching on, the device will automatically turn on, a red LED indicates the presence of power, and green indicates the fact of the electromagnetic repeller.

To repel insects by ultrasound, on the right side panel of the device there is a button for switching the modes of ultrasonic repellent.

The leftmost mode of the switch is periodic ultrasound radiation (at different intervals to avoid getting used to), the rightmost mode of the switch is constant radiation of ultrasound, the switch in the central position means disabling the ultrasound deterrent function.

In addition, on the left side there is a switch with which you can adjust the operation of the LED backlight, constant light mode and flash mode.

As practice shows, cockroaches and other insects leave the rooms equipped with this cockroach repeller no less than after 2-3 weeks of its continuous operation.

Simply put, if you are tormented by cockroaches or other unwanted insects in your home or office, then you definitely should buy a multi-functional 2 in 1 electromagnetic and ultrasonic cockroach and insect repeller for rooms up to 100 m2 (model AR-131) which can double help in solving problems with insects.


  1. Effective in the fight against cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, ants, bugs
  2. Two repelling factors are ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation.
  3. The required time of the device to achieve the effect of 2-3 weeks
  4. Harmless and not felt for humans and pets
  5. Scope: up to 100 square meters
  6. Integrated LED backlight
  7. Power: 6W
  8. Ultrasonic Floating Frequency: 32 ~ 65KHz
  9. Fixed frequency: 25.5 ± 2.5KHz
  10. Food: from a network of 220 V
  11. Dimensions: 110 x 79 x 60 mm
  12. Weight: 147 grams
  13. Options: Multi-functional 2 in 1 electromagnetic and ultrasonic cockroach and insect repeller for rooms up to 100 m2 (model AR-131) - 1 pc.


We present you a 2-mode electromagnetic cockroach repeller with backlight (model AR-123). This device is a stationary electromagnetic repeller that is designed to repel cockroaches in the premises.

The presented electromagnetic cockroach repeller is often confused with an ultrasonic cockroach repeller, which, unlike the electro-magnetic cockroach repeller, has a completely different principle of operation and makes a quiet but nasty sound heard by people, which creates a certain discomfort when fighting cockroaches.

This electromagnetic cockroach repeller is an effective means to combat cockroaches and its effectiveness is achieved due to the negative impact of the electromagnetic field on the central nervous system of pests, creating a sense of discomfort in them, and thereby causing them to leave this territory.

The device is designed to repel only cockroaches and in small rooms (up to 80 square meters) such as apartments and offices.

The model is absolutely safe for people and animals, even if you have a cat or a dog at home, it will in no way affect their health and behavior. To get this device started, just plug it into a power outlet.

After switching on, the device will automatically begin its work, the red LED indicates the presence of power, and the green indicates the fact of the repeller. In addition, on the side there is a switch with which you can adjust the operation of the LED backlight, constant light mode and flash mode.

Using the LED backlight option, you can further illuminate the room. As practice shows, cockroaches leave rooms equipped with this cockroach repeller no less than 3-4 weeks after its continuous operation.

Simply put, if you are tormented by cockroaches and cannot be taken out, then this 2-mode electromagnetic cockroach repeller with backlight (model AR-123) will help you get rid of unwanted insects in your home.


  • Effective in the fight against cockroaches
  • The required time of the device to achieve the effect of 3-4 weeks
  • Harmless to humans and pets
  • Scope: up to 80 square meters
  • Integrated LED backlight
  • Food: from a network of 220 V
  • Dimensions: 110 x 84 x 42 mm
  • Weight: 178 grams


We present to your attention a universal advanced ultrasonic repeller of insects, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice for areas up to 50 m2 (mod. ZS-633). This device is designed to repel insects, such as mosquitoes and cockroaches, as well as rodents such as mice, from their places of use.

The repeller is a small white plastic box (with blue inserts) with an operation indicator (in the form of an LED) and a “plug” for connecting to an outlet. In order for the device to start scaring it off, it’s enough to plug it all into everything and the device will automatically start working.

The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple, the device produces an inaudible sound for humans, but audible to mice, cockroaches and mosquitoes, which is extremely unpleasant for the latter and the pests try to get away from the source of this sound.

The device does not have any switches capable of switching the operating modes of the device, which greatly simplifies the use of the repeller, everything automatically turns on when power is applied.

The body of the repeller is made of durable plastic, which will not allow it to break if it is accidentally dropped. The effect of the repeller in terms of leaving mice and cockroaches should be expected no less than 2 weeks after constant use, mosquito repellent occurs gradually after switching on (for some time).

The area that this repeller covers is 50 square meters.meters within the same room. Using this device outdoors is useless and not recommended, as the deterrence efficiency is reduced several times and there is a great danger of device failure.

The places of application for this device can be different, these are places where chemistry or poisons cannot be used, such as kitchens, food and animal feed production, restaurants, cafes, other catering establishments, places where rats and mice are very common - shops and supermarkets , warehouses, theaters, hotels, hospitals, or at home: in apartments, rooms, houses, cottages, country houses, etc.

Simply put, if you have problems with insects or mice, then the universal advanced ultrasonic repeller of insects, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice for areas up to 50 m2 (mod. ZS-633) will solve these minor troubles.


  • The ideal device in those places where you can not use poisons
  • High quality workmanship
  • The case is made of durable plastic
  • Ultrasonic waves are non-toxic, tasteless, not audible and safe for people and pets
  • Perfect for a residential building, warehouse, store, hotel, hospital, office, garden, etc.
  • Powered by a regular 220 V outlet
  • The device is not intended for outdoor use.
  • White colour
  • Material: ABS
  • Power: 5 W
  • Frequency: 22 ~ = 55KHz
  • Power Supply: AC 90 ~ 220V, 50 ~ 60 Hz
  • Plug: 2-pin connector
  • Coverage Area: 50 square meters
  • Dimensions: 8.7 cm x 5.5 cm x 5.1 cm
  • Weight: 48 grams.

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