Human scabies mite: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention

human scabies mite treatment
Human scabies mite treatment

Good day. During my studies, before checking into the hostel, already before the fifth year, according to tradition, it was necessary to provide a certificate about the absence of head lice and scabies.

As a result, there was one less roommate in our room. During the summer holidays, she became a victim of scabies mite.

Then several times she told the detailed history of her treatment. I didn’t want to go through these procedures. Do you want to know how, after a bite of an itch mite, people get treatment? Then I will share with you the basic and important information.

Scabies, symptoms, treatment

Scabies is a skin disease caused by a scabies mite. The length of the female scabies mite is 0.3-0.4 mm. She lives about 1 month. Females make passages under the stratum corneum of the epidermis, laying there 2-3 eggs a day. Larvae hatch from eggs.

Within 2 weeks, the larvae, after passing through several stages, turn into adults. The latter rise to the surface of the skin and mate. The males, having fertilized the female, soon die. A fertilized female invades the skin of the previous or new owner. Thus, the clinical picture of the disease is caused solely by females.

Outside the human body at room temperature, the itch mite is able to live for 2-3 days. At a temperature of 60 ° C, ticks die within 1 hour, and when boiled or at a negative temperature, they die almost immediately.

How does infection happen?

The contact mechanism of transmission is characteristic. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse, as well as through the household by clothing and bedding.

How does scabies manifest? Scabies is manifested mainly by itching and traces of scratching. Itching is characteristic in the evening and at night.

Itching is caused not by the direct action of ticks, but by an allergic reaction to ticks and their excrement. Therefore, at the first infection with scabies, itching appears after a few weeks; with repeated infection - in the first day.

What areas of the skin are most often affected by scabies? Favorite localization of rashes (in decreasing order of frequency): interdigital spaces, wrists, body of the penis, ulnar fossa, feet, external genitalia, buttocks, axillary hollows. Head and neck are not affected by scabies (exception - infants).

Despite the characteristic localization of rashes, itching with this disease can occur anywhere on the body.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture (itching, worse in the evening and at night; the nature of the localization of rashes). If possible, the diagnosis should be confirmed by identifying scabies and ticks themselves.

What treatment is indicated?

The main drugs for the treatment of this disease are:

Sulfuric ointment. The drug is rubbed into the entire skin (except for the head) 1 time per day for 5 consecutive days.In the process of treatment, underwear and bed linen can not be changed.

1 day after the last rub, wash with soap, change underwear and bedding. The disadvantage of sulfuric ointment is an unpleasant odor and the fact that it often causes skin irritation (especially with repeated treatment).

Benzyl benzoate. The application chart see the instruction enclosed in packing.

Spregal (aerosol). Sprayed once throughout the body (except for the head). After 12 hours, wash with soap, change underwear and bedding. The drug contains very detailed instructions that should be read before use.

When treating with any of the above methods, underwear and bed linen should be boiled and ironed on both sides. For the treatment of linen without boiling, as well as for the treatment of outerwear, there is a preparation A-PAR (aerosol).

Itching can persist for several weeks after a full treatment of scabies, which confirms the allergic nature of itching.

The risk of other sexually transmitted diseases

It should be noted that sexually transmitted skin diseases (scabies, pubic lice, molluscum contagiosum) are markers of other sexually transmitted diseases.

Therefore, if a man who has a sex life is found to have scabies, pubic lice or molluscum contagiosum, screening for other sexually transmitted diseases is necessary.

Our site has existed since 2002. During this time, we have accumulated vast experience in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of scabies. We actively use this experience in everyday work so that our help is effective and safe. We will be happy to help you!

Scabies - description, symptoms, prevention and treatment of scabies

Scabies (Latin scabies) is an infectious skin disease caused by a microscopic parasite - scabies mite or itchy itching (Latin Sarcoptes scabiei var. Hominis).

The name of the pathogen comes from other Greek. σάρξ (meat, pulp), κόπτειν (gnaw, tear, cut) and lat. scabere (comb).

The characteristic signs of the disease are itching and papulovesicular rash, often with the addition of secondary pustular elements due to infection by combing. The word scabies is the same root word with the verb itch.

How is it transmitted?

Scabies infection almost always occurs with prolonged direct skin-skin contact. Sexual transmission predominates. Children often become infected when they sleep in the same bed with sick parents. In crowded groups, other direct skin contacts are also implemented (contact sports, fussing of children, frequent and strong handshakes, etc.).

Although a number of guidelines continue to reproduce outdated information about the transfer of scabies through household items (household items, bedding, etc.), experts agree that such a path of infection is extremely unlikely.

An exception is cases of Norwegian scabies, when up to several million ticks live on the patient's body (in typical cases, it is 10-20 ticks).

A key experiment, which proved that direct contact with the patient’s skin plays a dominant role in scabies transmission, was performed in 1940 in Great Britain under the direction of Mellanby. Out of 272 attempts to infect volunteers by putting them to bed, with which patients with severe scabies just got up, only 4 attempts led to the disease.

Such features of the transmission of parasitosis are explained by the following data on its biology:

  • the scabies mite is inactive during the day. Females are selected to the surface only in the late evening and at night;
  • the tick needs about 30 minutes to penetrate the host skin;
  • in the environment, the tick quickly dies (at 21 ° C and a humidity of 40-80%, the parasite dies after 24-36 hours), the warmer and drier, the faster; the tick loses its activity even earlier.

Currently, more and more manuals and medical reviews include scabies along with phthiasis in the list of sexually transmitted diseases, although for the transmission of these parasitoses it is not so much the coitus itself that matters, but how long the bodies touch in bed.

Scabies through animals. Dogs, cats, ungulates, livestock, etc. can be infected with various Sarcoptes scabiei tick species that can be transmitted to humans.

This creates a picture similar to localized skin scabies caused by the human version of itching (Sarcoptes scabiei var. Hominis). However, all other tick variants are not able to complete the full life cycle on human skin, so this scabies is short-lived and does not require treatment with scabicides.

Scabies Mite Life Cycle

The causative agent of scabies is the scabies mite, an obligate parasite of humans. The parasite is characterized by sexual dimorphism: females are twice as large as males, reach 0.3-0.5 mm.

The mouth organs protrude somewhat forward, on the sides there are 2 pairs of front legs with suction cups, 2 rear pairs of legs located on the abdominal surface, in females equipped with long bristles, in males on 4 pairs of legs instead of suction cup bristles.

Tick ​​eggs have an oval shape, the larva emerging from the egg has an ovoid shape and 3 pairs of legs (4 pairs are absent), its size does not exceed 0.15 by 0.1 mm.

Mating of ticks occurs on the surface of the skin. Immediately after mating, the males die. The fertilized female forms an itch course in the stratum corneum, in which it lays 2-4 eggs per night. Mites dissolve keratin from the skin using special proteolytic enzymes contained in their saliva (they feed on the resulting lysate).

Males form short lateral branches in the scabies course of the female. Life expectancy of a female does not exceed 4-6 weeks. Larvae hatch after 2-4 days and immediately begin to form passages in the uppermost layer of the skin.

After another 3-4 days, the larvae molt and turn into protonymph, which in turn molt after 2-5 days into a teleonymph. Teleonimph develops into an adult male or female in 5-6 days. Total formation of an adult tick occurs in 10-14 days.

A tick can be infectious at any stage of development, but more often scabies is transmitted from person to person with fertilized adult females.

Ticks are not active in the daytime. The female begins to "dig" the course (2-3 mm per day) in the evening; then itching in patients with typical forms of scabies intensifies.

At night, females come to the surface of the skin to mate and move to other parts of the body (on the surface of warm skin, ticks move at a speed of 2.5 cm per minute. Then the most favorable situation arises for infection.


A characteristic, but not required, clinical symptom for scabies is skin itching, which intensifies in the evening. An erythematous papular vesicular rash forms on the skin, while combing, pustular elements join and crusts form with the formation of polymorphic rashes. The pathognomonic sign is the presence of scabies.

As soon as the female tick gets on the human skin, she immediately begins to "dig" the course in the stratum corneum of the skin at a speed of 0.5-5 mm per day. As a result, upon careful examination, lines of a whitish-gray color, ranging in size from 1 mm to 1 cm, can be detected slightly above the surface of the skin.

The front blind end of the course is distinguished by the presence of a tick in it, which is visible through the epidermis as a dark dot.

Itchy passages become visible after a few days when the host peritoneal reaction is formed. More often scabies can be found in the interdigital spaces, on the inside of the wrists and on the skin of the penis. Sometimes scabies can not be detected (scabies without moves).

The primary rash is represented by small erythematous papules, which can be scattered or multiple, confluent. Over time, papules can be converted to vesicular (vesicles), rarely a bullous (pemphigoid) rash. The severity of the rash does not correlate with the number of parasites, but is due to an allergic reaction to the products of their vital activity.

The rash is distributed most often (in descending order) in the interdigital spaces of the hands, on the flexion side of the wrists, in men it quickly passes from the hands to the penis and scrotum.

Then the elbows, feet, armpits, areas under the breast in women, the umbilical region, the line of the belt, the buttocks are affected. As a result, the whole body can be involved, except for the face and scalp (although these areas are affected in children under 3 years of age).

The presence of pruritus, primary rash and scabies is the main clinical symptom of a typical form of scabies.

Papules and vesicles often develop into secondary scabies: excoriation (scratching), eczematous elements, secondary pustular rashes and crusts. Primary and secondary elements coexist on the same patient.

In domestic dermatology, it is customary to distinguish characteristic eponymous symptoms that facilitate the diagnosis:

  • Ardi's symptom - pustules and purulent crusts on the elbows and in their circumference;
  • Gorchakov's symptom - there are bloody crusts in the same place;
  • Michaelis symptom - bloody crusts and impetiginous rashes in the intergluteal fold with a transition to the sacrum;
  • Cesari's symptom is the detection of scabies in the form of a slight elevation upon palpation.

Scratching often leads to severe bacterial infection of the primary elements with the development of pyoderma, which in rare cases can lead to post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis and possibly to rheumatic heart disease.

Sometimes pyoderma with scabies is accompanied by the appearance of boils, ecthyma and abscesses, accompanied by lymphadenitis and lymphangitis. A number of patients develop microbial eczema or allergic dermatitis, which, along with pyoderma, in domestic dermatology are classified as complicated forms of scabies.

Complications of scabies in the form of dermatitis and pyoderma occur in about 50% of patients.

Other complications are described with scabies: impetigo, pyogenic pneumonia, septicemia, panaritium, erysipelas, orchiepididymitis, internal abscesses, regional lymphadenitis.

In children, especially infants, along with papulovesicles and scabies, there is a vesiculo-urticarial rash, weeping develops, paronychia and onychia occur.

In children in the first 6 months. The clinical picture of scabies often resembles hives and is characterized by a large number of blisters combed and covered in the center with a bloody crust, which are localized on the skin of the face, back, and buttocks. Later, a small vesicular rash prevails, sometimes blisters (pemphigoid form).

In some cases, scabies in children resembles acute eczema, accompanied by intense itching not only in places where ticks are localized, but also in remote areas of the skin. In this regard, sleep disturbance is often observed, more often complications are observed in the form of allergic dermatitis, pyoderma such as impetigo.

Lymphadenitis and lymphangitis may occur, leukocytosis and lymphocytosis, eosinophilia, acceleration of ESR, albuminuria are observed. Infants may develop sepsis. In recent years, there has been an increase in cases of atypical scabies with erased forms in children.

Approximately 7% of patients develop nodular (nodular) scabies, in which bluish-crimson or brownish rounded skin seals of 2-20 mm in diameter are formed, which can persist for several weeks even if there are no parasites in them.

In fact, these seals are a special version of the itch course in the form of a lenticular papule.The reason for the occurrence of such elements is a special predisposition of the skin to respond to the effect of the stimulus by reactive hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue in the places of its greatest accumulation.

It prevails on the scrotum, penis, buttocks, elbows, in the front-axillary region, sometimes nodules form in the perianal region. Nadular scabies is also called scabious lymphoplasia.

Since there are no live ticks in the nodules, their formation is explained by a pronounced immune-allergic reaction of the host organism to the products of their vital activity.

In cases of reinfestation, there is a relapse of scabious lymphoplasia in old places already without a course. Nodules are accompanied by severe itching and, in some cases, corticosteroid injections are used to treat them.

Non-typical forms of scabies include Norwegian scabies, “clean” scabies (incognito scabies) and pseudosarcoptosis.

Norwegian (cortical, crustaceous) scabies was first described by Norwegian doctors Beck and Danielssen (C. W. Boeck, D. C. Danielssen) in 1848.

Norwegian scabies develops more often in people with predisposing disorders of immunity or skin sensitivity, but in about 40% of cases it is observed in people who are not at risk, which suggests a possible genetic predisposition in such patients.

Eosinophilia is observed in 58% of patients with Norwegian scabies, an increase in IgE level (on average 17 times) is detected in 96% of cases. Clinically, Norwegian scabies looks like psoriasiform dermatitis with an acral distribution and the presence of variable whitish scales.

The subungual zones are also usually involved with the development of severe hyperkeratosis, leading to thickening and degeneration of the nail plate. In some cases, with Norwegian scabies, the scalp, face, neck and buttocks are mainly affected.

About half of patients with Norwegian scabies do not feel itching at all. Due to the fact that with Norwegian scabies, more than a million live parasites can exist on the patient’s body (with typical forms, the number of ticks on average is 15 individuals), this form of the disease is extremely contagious.

Scabies “clean” or scabies “incognito” is detected in people who often wash in everyday life or by the nature of their production activities. Moreover, the majority of the scabies tick population is mechanically removed from the patient’s body.

The clinic of the disease corresponds to typical scabies with minimal manifestation. Complications often mask the true clinical picture of scabies. The most common are pyoderma and dermatitis, less common are microbial eczema and urticaria.

Pseudosarcoptosis is a disease that occurs in humans upon infection with scabies mites (S. scabiei other than var. Homonis) from other mammals (most often dogs).

The disease is characterized by a short incubation period, the absence of scabies (ticks do not breed on an unusual host), urticaria papules in open areas of the skin. From person to person, the disease is not transmitted.

Types of disease

Scabies in different individuals can occur in different ways.

Typical scabies, the most common. It is characterized by the presence of all of the above symptoms (itching, scabies, etc.)

Scabies without moves. Its difference from typical scabies is that there are no scabies on the skin, but there are bubbles up to 2-3 mm in diameter. Scabies without strokes develops in people who have been in contact with a patient with scabies, but their infection did not occur with adults, but with larvae, the development of which takes time.

Scabies "clean" is similar to typical scabies, but it develops in people who often wash and remove most of the scabies from the body. Thus, their scabies is not as pronounced as typical.

Norwegian scabies develops in people with weakened immunity (for example, with AIDS, tuberculosis), drug addicts, people with Down syndrome. Norwegian scabies is very severe, affects the entire body, including the head, and is highly contagious.

Pseudo-scabies (pseudo-sarcoptosis) develops in people who are infected by animals. The itch mite of animals is not able to cause scabies typical of humans and is manifested only by severe itching. The cure occurs on its own after the termination of contact with a sick animal.

Complicated scabies develops with untreated typical scabies and is the result of infection. The lesions become red, painful, wet and smell bad.


The volume of preventive measures is determined depending on the epidemiological situation. Upon detection of scabies, an emergency notification form is filled in and SES authorities are notified at the patient's place of residence.

Persons from one focus are treated together to prevent re-infection. All persons in contact with the affected carry out a single prophylactic treatment of the skin with anti-mite drugs.

After the treatment of the patient, many guidelines recommend the processing of all things and linen that the patient has come in contact with (special sprays, washing in hot water).

In accordance with the data on the survival of scabies mites in the external environment, and also due to the extremely low probability of transmission of scabies through household items (indirect contact transmission path), these recommendations are discussed in each case.

The latest manuals do not recommend processing mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets; bedding and underwear should be washed in hot water if less than 48 hours have passed since its use.

Contrary to a common misconception, scabies is not associated with poor hygiene.

The scabies mite is not susceptible to water or soap. With a daily shower / bath, the number of ticks and the likelihood of infection are not reduced.


The diagnosis of scabies is made on the basis of clinical manifestations, epidemiological data, data from laboratory examination methods. Laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis is especially important with an erased clinical picture. The following methods of laboratory confirmation of the disease exist:

  1. The traditional extraction of the tick with a needle from the blind end of the scabies, followed by microscopy of the pathogen. This method is ineffective in the study of old dilapidated papules.
  2. The method of thin sections of sections of the stratum corneum of the epidermis in the scabies during microscopy can reveal not only the tick, but also its eggs.
  3. The method of layer-by-layer scraping from the region of the blind end of the itch passage until the appearance of blood. Followed by microscopy of the material.
  4. The method of alkaline preparation of the skin, with the application of an alkaline solution on the skin, followed by aspiration of macerated skin and microscopy.

In each case, when the patient complains of skin itching, scabies should be excluded first of all, especially if other family members or an organized team have itching.

Detection of scabies moves reliably confirms the diagnosis. To fully confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to open the scabies with a scalpel coated with an oily substance, carefully scratching the stratum corneum with a blade along the scabies.

The resulting scrapings are placed on a glass slide and microscopic. The best results are obtained when scraping "fresh", not combed scabies moves on the interdigital spaces of the hands. Although this method has 100% specificity, its sensitivity is low.

Potassium hydrochloride allows you to dissolve keratin, contributing to better detection of ticks and eggs, however, tick feces, which also have diagnostic value, dissolve.

Scabies are easier to detect if the skin is dyed with iodine tincture - the passages are visualized in the form of brown stripes on a background of healthy skin painted in light brown. Abroad, ink is used for these purposes.

A video dermatoscope with a magnification of 600 times allows you to detect scabies in almost all cases.

Due to the fact that it is not always possible to detect ticks, a number of authors suggest the following practical approach for diagnosis: the diagnosis of scabies is established in the presence of a papulovesicular rash, pustular elements and skin itching (especially worse at night), as well as with a positive family history.


Treatment of patients with scabies is aimed at destroying the pathogen with the help of acaricidal drugs (scabicides).

General rules of treatment:

Experience shows that with scabies there is no relapse, the causes of the resumption of the disease are reinfestation from untreated contacts in the outbreak or outside it, the patient’s under-treatment due to non-compliance with treatment regimens, partial treatment of the skin, shortening the duration of treatment.

  • Treatment should be carried out exclusively under the guidance of a doctor;
  • Treatment of all patients living together should be carried out simultaneously;
  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen described in the instructions for the drug or as prescribed by the doctor;
  • The drug is applied to the entire body, except for the face and scalp, and in children under 3 years of age, these areas must also be treated;
  • It is important to cut the nails briefly and apply the drug under them densely (when combing under the nails, itchy eggs accumulate);
  • The rubbing of any drug is carried out by hand, due to the high number of itch moves on the hands. If the perineum and groin are densely covered with hair, it is better to rub the preparation with a brush;
  • Treatment should be carried out in the evening, which is associated with night activity of the pathogen;
  • It is recommended that the patient be washed before and at the end of the course of treatment, if necessary, the patient can wash off the drug every morning, while the exposure on the skin should be at least 12 hours, including the entire night period;
  • Change of underwear and bed linen is carried out at the end of the course of therapy;
  • For children, schoolchildren, soldiers, etc., a 10-day quarantine is desirable;
  • After 2 weeks, a repeated examination of the doctor is recommended to resolve the issue of a second course of treatment.

In the event that all family members of the patient with scabies and people living with patients in the same room are subject to preventive treatment.

If more than three cases of scabies are simultaneously registered in an organized team, preventive treatment is carried out for the whole team. Children and schoolchildren are not allowed in organized children's groups and schools for the period of treatment.

Evidence-based clinical trials on the comparative effectiveness of scabicide preparations are currently scarce. Therefore, in different countries, drug preferences vary.

So, in the USA, Great Britain and Australia, in most cases, a cream with 5% permethrin is used. In developing countries and in Russia, the main means is an inexpensive water-soap suspension or benzyl benzoate ointment (10% or 25%, in the Russian Federation 20%).

Monosulfiram (25%), malathion (5%), lindane (0.3-1%), crotamion (10%) are used to a much lesser extent in the world. In recent years, the French drug Spregal has been very popular in Russia.

In the poorest countries, sulfuric ointment is still used. Ivermectin has become a new revolutionary drug for the treatment of ectoparasites (especially Norwegian forms of scabies).

The list of some drugs against scabies:

  • Benzyl benzoate;
  • Pyrethrins and pyrethroids;
  • Spregal
  • Lindane;
  • Crotamion;
  • Sulfur ointment (5-10%);
  • Ivermectin.

After complete extermination of ticks, itching and individual elements of the rash can persist for a few more weeks (nodules persist for a particularly long time), due to the immuno-allergic nature of the scabies rash. To relieve these symptoms, your doctor may prescribe antipruritic, antihistamine, and corticosteroid drugs.

Note on the treatment of pregnant women. In the USA and Europe, pregnant women are not recommended to be treated with drugs such as Spregal, benzyl benzoate is limitedly prescribed, only permethrin is prescribed without restrictions.

In Russia, on the contrary, pregnant women are prescribed mainly benzyl benzoate and Spregal, while permethrin (medifox) is contraindicated according to domestic instructions.

Folk remedies

One teaspoon of turpentine is thoroughly mixed with two tablespoons of butter and the affected skin is treated with the mixture;

One tablespoon of celandine juice is mixed with 4 tablespoons of petroleum jelly and the skin is treated with the resulting mixture.

Birch tar is applied evenly on the affected skin. Three hours later, tar is washed off with warm water.

When scabies, it is necessary to grind the freshly picked yellow "buttons" of tansy and with this grated mass, lubricate the skin affected by the scabies mite. Sometimes two or three of these procedures are enough to get rid of the sore.

Pour in the evening in an enameled bowl 0.5 l of water 1 tbsp. crushed leaves of the root, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. After 30-40 minutes, strain, and then lubricate the whole body with a decoction. Put on clean ironed linen, iron the bed and go to bed. Repeat the procedure every night until recovery.

Mix 1 tsp. turpentine pharmacy with 1-2 tbsp. pork lard or boiled drying oil and regularly lubricate the rash with this ointment until it disappears completely.

Dilute the soap in a bowl of warm water so that a large cap of soapy foam is obtained, moisten the sponge in this solution and rub the patient’s body with it so that a layer of soap remains on the surface of the skin.

After 30 minutes, rinse everything off with warm water and treat the problem areas well with an ointment made from 1 part by weight of potassium carbonate (potash), 2 parts of pharmaceutical sulfur in powder and 1/8 part of melted internal pork fat.

Stir all components until smooth. If after a few hours the body begins to itch strongly, then it is necessary to wash off the ointment from the patient's body with warm water and put on clean linen;

If there are traces of scratching on the body, then it is necessary to apply a sulfuric ointment made of 1 part by weight of sulfur in powder and 4 parts of lard. Treat this body with ointment 2 times a day after bath.

Brew (brew it!) In an enameled pan of 6-8 kg of salt and pour the broth into a bath of water at a temperature of 37-38 ° С. Lie down in the solution for at least an hour and, leaving the bath, do not wipe yourself, but dry it. Perform the procedure daily until cured.

A mixture of chicken droppings with tar treats scabies. The components must be well grinded and the ointment prepared with the ointment lubricated at night affected by the disease. It is advisable not to wear underwear. Wash the body thoroughly in the morning.

When scabies, rub the chalk, sift it through a thick sieve and with this “flour” grease the rashes well. Scabies will pass.

With skin diseases, especially with scabies, you need to wash with a strong decoction of elecampane root until the body is clean. Do not wait for instant healing, but patiently heal, and soon healing will come.

Grate the laundry soap and soften by adding water. Stir and put on a slow fire.

Stir constantly. Once the mass is homogeneous, remove it and add a medium grated onion and a head of garlic. Cool, roll into balls and wash daily with this soap.

What is scabies?

Scabies is one of the most common diseases in dermatology.Despite the fact that almost everything has long been known about scabies, there are still problems in both diagnosis and treatment.

Scabies (Latin scabies) is a parasitic skin disease (infection) caused by the scabies mite.

Scabies is a contagious disease. She is usually infected by close contact with a patient with scabies (for example, lying in bed), or through any objects in common with him: clothing or bedding.
Scabies is sometimes even classified as a sexually transmitted disease. For scabies, a disease of several family members is characteristic.

Scabies mite

The Sarcoptes scabiei itch mite is not an insect, but a representative of arachnids. We will not give a picture of the tick. Some curious patients, having looked through a microscope and having seen their tick, then cannot recover for a long time.

Why take the risk? The length of the female scabies mite is about 0.5 mm. She lives about a month. Females make passages under the stratum corneum, laying there 2-3 eggs daily, from which the larvae hatch. Larvae go through several stages of development and turn into adults. All this happens in the skin of the patient.

There they leave the products of their livelihoods. Then they rise to the surface of the skin and mate. The males, having fertilized the female, soon die. A fertilized female invades the skin of the previous or new owner.

Having left the owner, the scabies mite at room temperature is able to survive 2-3 days. When boiling or in the cold, they die almost immediately.


Scabies is called that because everyone itches with it. Itching causes the presence of a tick in the skin and its vital activity.

This is a kind of tick allergy. Therefore, with the first infection, itching appears after a few weeks (until an allergic response is formed), and with repeated infection - already in the first day.

Itching is very severe; excoriation is characteristic - scratching. Itching is characterized in the evening and at night, during sleep.

In addition to combing, with a thorough examination of the patient with scabies, itching can be observed - tunnels in the skin made by a tick.

The strokes and combs are usually located between the fingers of the hands, on the wrists, in the elbow bends, on the feet, the external genitalia, buttocks, armpits. The head and neck are not affected by scabies (this happens only in infants).

What to do if you suspect scabies?

You need to see a doctor. You yourself cannot diagnose scabies. And the doctor will not be able until he conducts a special study (he finds a tick).

Scabies is not the only skin disease that can cause itching. There are many such diseases.

A rash in the same places as with scabies also occurs. In addition, there are atypical forms of scabies, the manifestations of which are clearly different: scabies without damage to the skin, urticaria scabies (similar to urticaria), nodules (with post-sciatic inflammatory nodules), eczematized scabies complicated by pyoderma (secondary bacterial infection), and finally - the so-called Norwegian scabies.

A big mistake of people who have contracted scabies is the independent use of anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. The cause of the disease - the scabies mite - will remain, the “scabies” continues, but finding it will already be more difficult.

Accurate diagnosis: scabies mite under the gun

The standard diagnosis of scabies is that the tick on the tip of the needle is removed from the scabies (this does not hurt) and examined under a microscope. To do this, find the itch passage and the point in it - the tick at the end of the stroke. Sometimes it fails.

In some clinical forms of scabies, it is generally not feasible. In addition, in many medical centers, staff qualifications are simply not enough for such a diagnosis. Therefore, they are afraid of patients with scabies.

For the diagnosis of scabies, its early clinical manifestations and control of cure, we first applied a video dermatoscopic technique. Using this method allows you to quickly, under a magnification of 80 times, detect specific scabies in both the papular elements of the skin of the trunk and the postscubic nodules.

Detection of typical scabies moves allows you to quickly (immediately) diagnose scabies and record clinical symptoms in computer memory.

How to treat?

For the treatment of scabies, various sulfur preparations, benzyl benzoate, the Demyanovich method with hydrochloric acid, etc. were previously proposed.

In recent years, new drugs have begun to be used - acaricides, such as malathion, permethrin (spregal) and the like. They are produced in the form of ointments, creams, solutions, shampoos, emulsions and aerosols.

However, the use of various drugs is faced with the problem of studying their effectiveness and toxicity, especially in children. In addition, various forms of scabies - such as post-scabious, eczematized, or urticaria - require the addition of pathogenetic therapy. To remove not only the tick, but also the inflammatory process launched by it.

Therefore, to cope with scabies on your own, even if you buy the newest drug and use it according to the scheme, you can not always.

Scabies - photos, symptoms and treatment

Scabies is one of the most common parasitic dermatoses, an infectious skin disease caused by the scabies tick Sarcoptes scabiei, accompanied by itching and a papulovesicular rash.

Symptoms of the disease were already known to Aristotle, they are described in detail in his writings. More than 2500 years have passed since then, but until our time the problem of scabies has occupied one of the leading places in the practice of doctors of various specialties.

In this article we will try to analyze the symptoms, photos, as well as the first signs of scabies in humans. Treatment at home will also not be ignored.

Causes and causative agent of the disease

A consistently high incidence rate is due to socio-economic and medical factors. Socio-economic reasons include:

  1. violation of personal hygiene;
  2. promiscuous sexual intercourse and the early onset of intimate relationships;
  3. population migration;
  4. deterioration of the material standard of living;
  5. natural disasters and other social problems that lead to crowding.

The appearance of scabies in humans can be triggered by a decrease in the body's defenses and chronic diseases. A large role in this is given to the low sanitary culture of the population.

The causative agent of scabies is the scabies mite, which parasitizes in the upper layers of human skin. Here he spends most of his life cycle and only appears for a short period on the surface.

For him, the ideal living conditions for the environment are natural fabrics and wooden surfaces. At a temperature of 22 ° C, the life span of the tick is approximately 2 days, and if the column of the thermometer drops to 0 ° C, the death is almost instantaneous.

The female, after fertilization, lays eggs in scabies, dug in the upper layer of the epidermis. Here she lives and eats. The duration of her life in the human body is about 4-6 weeks, while the male dies after mating.

During the day, scabies mites are inactive. The female digs moves and moves on the surface of the skin only in the evening and night hours.

How can I get infected?

Pathogen transmission usually occurs from person to person through close contact. A fertilized adult female migrates from one host to another. An especially favorable period for this is evening or night.

Most often, scabies affects a young population aged 17-18 years. These are students of technical schools and universities who are at high risk of infection, staying in close groups, living in dormitories.Teenagers and young children become infected in schools, kindergartens during the game.

The possibility of infection within the family in the presence of a disease in one of its members is also not ruled out. Youth is not a criterion, because the disease equally often affects representatives of different age groups.

The transmission of the pathogen through household items is unlikely, since infection requires direct contact with the skin of an infected person. In addition, in the outside world, the tick quickly dies. Favorable conditions for the spread of infection are created through sexual contact.

Symptoms of scabies: the first signs

Scabies in adults and children in the initial stage has a long period without symptoms (up to one month).

The first signs of scabies make themselves felt when the immune system of the human body begins to react with an allergy to the results of the vital activity of the parasitic tick (saliva, eggs, excrement).

Scabies in humans is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The existence of scabies, where entry and exit are clearly visible;
  • Itching, which intensifies at night (a rather subjective symptom, since its manifestations are peculiar to each person);
  • Rashes:
    • papules, vesicles, spilling out on typical parts of the body. Usually, the rash appears on the wrists, hands, feet, abdomen, hips, in the area of ​​the mammary glands in women;
    • pustules, purulent and blood crusts on the elbows (symptom of Ardi-Gorchakov);
    • impetiginous rashes in the sacrum and intergluteal folds (a symptom of Michaelis).


The diagnosis of scabies is established on the basis of complex data obtained by laboratory, clinical and epidemiological methods. Since the disease is characterized by multifaceted manifestations, the presence of a pathogen is required to formulate a conclusion.

When examining fresh papules, it is practiced to extract the tick from the scabies using a needle for subsequent microscopy. In laboratory conditions, a cut of the upper layer of the epidermis is also made over the same area. During microscopic examination, it is possible to identify not only the pathogen, but also its eggs.

The diagnosis is confirmed by the discovery of moves that are easier to see if iodine tincture, mascara or ink is applied to the skin. Against the background of healthy skin painted in light brown, itch tunnels appear in brown stripes.

These areas absorb dye more strongly and stain better. Diagnostic results depend on the specialist’s qualifications, on his ability to detect parasitic moves.

In more rare cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the positive effect of using one of the anti-scab drugs.


You should know that the disease never goes away on its own, and if it is not tackled, it can last for years, worsening more and more. For the treatment of scabies in humans, there are many different drugs and methods that focus on the destruction of the tick and its offspring. This is easily achieved using external means, that is, general therapy is not required.

Most often, a 20% emulsion of benzyl benzoate is prescribed, which has an acaracidal effect. Before starting treatment at home, you need to take a shower to mechanically remove ticks from the skin.

Then you should treat the whole body with a gauze swab dipped in the product. First you need to rub your hands, and then legs and torso. At the final stage after the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hands for three hours.

Processing is carried out once a day, and the course itself is designed for three days. During this period, you can not wash, change clothes and make a change of bed. Usually the disease recedes, but if necessary, treatment with benzyl benzoate can be repeated.

Use caution when applying benzyl benzoate to your skin, especially in sensitive areas. The drug bakes the skin quite strongly for 10-15 minutes.

Sulfur ointment, lindane, permethrin, spregal are also used for therapy.Medications for treatment can be different, but there are also universal principles for treating scabies, which must be observed unconditionally:

  • if several infected people are detected in one source, they must be treated at the same time to prevent re-infection;
  • in adults, the anti-scab drug is not used on the face and head in the hair area;
  • since the pathogen is active at night, then therapeutic procedures are required at this time;
  • the drug is rubbed only by hands, since it is on the hands that the largest number of scabies moves;
  • change of linen until the completion of treatment is prohibited;
  • water procedures should be performed before and at the end of treatment.

The decision on a possible repeat course should be made by the doctor after examination. Itching is not considered a reason for this, because it is considered as a reaction to a dead pathogen.

Preventative measures

The prevention of scabies is based on the identification of sources of infection and scabies, clinical observation. In family foci or groups, all healthy people need to be treated with an anti-scratch remedy, which is done once.

In order to protect against relapses of the disease, it is recommended that clothes, shoes, bedding with which an infected person came in contact be treated with some kind of disinfectant. In general, preventive measures are determined depending on the epidemiological situation.

Which doctor should I go for treatment? If, after reading the article, you assume that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.

Treating scabies at home

You can use the following recipes:

  • mix a spoon of turpentine with two tablespoons of butter and apply to the affected skin;
  • mix one tablespoon of celandine juice with 4 tablespoons of petroleum jelly and treat the skin with it;
  • apply birch tar evenly on the affected skin areas, and after three hours wash off the tar;
  • rubbed yellow tansy buttons to lubricate the skin.

The most important thing is not to get involved in folk treatment and trust doctors.

To begin with, it is important to identify the source of infection, and then intensively begin treatment. It is necessary to boil all the patient’s bedding and clothes. The itch mite dies at a temperature of more than 60 degrees.

After boiling things for 5 minutes, dry them and iron with iron on both sides. If it is necessary to process objects that are not subject to boiling, then for this they are placed in a dense plastic bag for 4 days.

Living quarters need daily wet cleaning, and surfaces need to be wiped with a soda-soap solution. It is indicated to carry out disinfection with aerosol A-PAR (A-PAR), which is sold in 200 ml bottles. The entire contents of the vial should be sprayed on the surface to which the patient touched.

Also in this number are toys, mattresses, pillows. This tool is convenient in that it does not stain, and it quickly and easily disappears. Spray in ventilated rooms so as not to harm the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

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