Frontline drops for dogs - instructions for use, side effects

frontline drops for dogs instruction
Frontline drops for dogs instruction

Hello! My pet treatment has been helped more than once by the fact that my cousin works in a veterinary clinic.

This eliminated dozens of advice from dubious experts and allowed me to monitor the health of my dogs.

She noticed that fleas appeared - one call to her sister, and she would tell an effective remedy. I want to talk now about the instructions for the use of drops for dogs Frontline. It was this remedy that more than once rescued my pets from parasites.

Directions Frontline Drops

The drug FRONTLINE® Spot It is used to combat fleas, lice, whipworms and flares (ixodidae, cheilitella, otodectosa) of dogs and cats by topical (spot) application of the drug to the skin.

Composition, release form

FRONTLINE® Spot It is an insecticaricidal preparation containing fipronil as an active ingredient, as well as excipients and solvents.

FRONTLINE® Spot It is produced in the form of a 10% solution for topical (spot) application, packaged in 0.5; 0.67; 1.34; 2.68; and 4.02 ml in polyethylene pipettes with a breakaway tip, placed in 3 pieces each in a blister, which shows the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, volume, purpose and composition of the drug, batch number, date of manufacture.

Each blister is packed in a cardboard box. Each box is marked with the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, volume, purpose and composition of the drug, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date.

Order of application and dosage

Before use, the tip is broken off at the pipette, the hair is spread out in the withers area (between the shoulder blades) and by pressing the pipette, the contents are completely squeezed onto the skin at one or more points.

After application, the drug is independently distributed throughout the skin of the animal within 24 hours. FRONTLINE® Spot He pipettes of various volumes are used depending on the type and weight of the animal:

Order of application and dosage
Order of application and dosage

The drug FRONTLINE® Spot It is used to treat otodectosis (scabies). For this purpose, 4-6 drops are instilled into each ear (drops must be introduced into both ears).

For uniform distribution of the drug, the auricle is folded in half and its base is lightly massaged, apply the remainder to the skin between the shoulder blades (single treatment).

Contraindications and Precautions

Only for animals. Only externally. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use for rabbits.

FRONTLINE® Spot It is not allowed to use puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age.

It is not recommended to walk with the animal, in the area of ​​a possible tick-borne attack, within 24 hours from the moment of treatment with FRONTLINE® Spot On.

When working with the drug, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for working with veterinary medicines.

It is not recommended to bathe or wash the animals within 48 hours after treatment with the drug.

Side effects and complications in animals when using the drug FRONTLINE® Spot It is not observed.

Pharmacological properties

Fipronil, which is part of the drug, blocks the receptors of gamma-amino-butyric acid of the parasite's nerve cells and has a pronounced insecticidal and acaricidal effect against lice, fleas, whipworms and ticks (ixodidae, cheilitella, otodectosa) parasitizing on dogs and cats. As a result of nervous excitement, the parasite quickly dies.

FRONTLINE® Spot It is not a systemic preparation (does not enter the bloodstream), it accumulates in the epidermis and sebaceous glands of the animal and has a contact insectoacaricidal effect on ectoparasites.

Deposition of the drug in the sebaceous glands creates a "reservoir effect" and determines the duration of its exposure and water resistance.

FRONTLINE® Spot It is gradually distributed over the entire surface of the body over 24 hours and protects animals from ectoparasites. Duration of protection of animals from ticks: in cats 3 weeks, in dogs 1 month.

Duration of protection of animals from fleas: in cats - 2 months, in dogs 3 months.

Repeated processing of animals is carried out after the specified time.

FRONTLINE® Spot It belongs to the group of low-hazard substances by the degree of exposure to the body - according to GOST it does not have a skin-resorptive, sensitizing, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effect.

Eye contact causes slight irritation.


Is Front Line® Spot Safe for pregnant and lactating animals?

FRONTLINE® Spot It has passed numerous laboratory tests. It has no side effects on pregnant and lactating dogs and cats. This is the only drug recommended for the treatment of lactating and pregnant dogs and cats.

Frontline® Spray is recommended for kittens and puppies from the first days of life (under 8 weeks).

If my pet starts licking itself after treatment, is it dangerous? Apply FRONTLINE® Spot It in places where the animal cannot lick it.

If the drug gets inside, short-term hypersalivation (increased salivation) may occur. It is safe to swallow and does not cause intoxication, as it selectively affects the nervous system of invertebrates.

How fast will FRONTINE® Spot kill the fleas on my pet? FRONTLINE® Spot It kills 98-100% of fleas less than 24 hours before the flea lays eggs.

It is necessary to remember regular treatment of the animal, since it is typical for fleas that only 5% of adults live on the animal, the rest is in its environment, therefore, repeated reinvasions are possible.

How often to re-treat the animal? It is recommended to treat the animal with FRONTLINE® Spot It against fleas: every 2 months for cats and every 3 months for dogs. In the case of treatment and prevention of allergic flea dermatitis or the danger of tick-borne infestation 1 time per month.

Does FRONTLINE® Spot scare away ticks and does it prevent tick bites? No, FRONTLINE® Spot It is not a repellent. It acts in such a way that the tick cannot transmit dangerous diseases.

Ticks, on average, need at least 48 to 72 hours to transmit pathogenic agents. During this time, Front Line Spot It minimizes the risk of transmission of tick-borne diseases (pyroplasmosis, Lyme disease, etc.)

What should I do if my pet gets wet or I want to wash it? FRONTLINE® Spot It is resistant to rains, bathing or washing with shampoo, after 48 hours from the moment of processing. When washing with shampoo more than 2 times a month, the interval between treatments should be reduced.

How to use FRONTLINE® Spot It for animals with border weight or weighing more than 60 kg? In case of border weight, use a pipette in the direction of increasing weight, for dogs weighing more than 60 kg. a combination of 2 types of pipettes should be used: maximum weight + additional pipette with missing weight.

Do I need to additionally use other anti-ectoparasite drugs?. FRONTLINE Spot It is so effective that it does not require the use of additional protective equipment and there is no need to combine it with other drugs.

Remember - the safety of external antiparasitic agents varies from case to case.


MERIAL S.A.S., France, 69007, Lyon, Avenue Tony Garnier, 29. Moscow Representative Office of the company MERIAL S.A.S. - 109147, Moscow, Taganskaya St., 17-23.

Front line for dogs: types of drugs and instructions for use

Frontline for dogs and puppies is produced by Merial (France). It is used to control lice, lice, fleas and various types of ticks.

It is applied to the skin in the form of drops or spray. This is an insectoacaricidal drug, the active substance of which is fipronil, as well as solvents and excipients. Fipronil blocks the nerve cells of a parasite that dies as a result of nerve excitation.

Frontline Combo Dog also has the substance S-Metoprene. Its task is to destroy the chitinous membrane of a flea at the stage of an egg and larva. The drug does not penetrate into the blood, but only accumulates in the sebaceous glands and the epidermis of the animal, this ensures the duration of exposure of Front Line.

Forms of release of the drug and dosage

The most commonly used form of Front Line and its variations of Front Line Combo is a polyethylene pipette with a breakaway tip. These pipettes have several dosages designed for animals with different weights: 4.02 ml per 40 kg; 2.68 ml per 20-40 kg; 1.34 ml per 10-20 kg and 0.67 ml per weight from 2 to 10 kg.

For dogs weighing more than 60 kg, you need to use a combination of two types of pipettes: one for maximum weight and an additional with the expectation of missing weight. Front line spray is packaged in containers of 100 and 250 ml. The smaller bottle is designed for small dogs and puppies weighing more than 5 kg.

On average, there are 200 clicks in it, and 6-12 clicks are designed to process 1 kg of animal weight. The larger bottle is designed for dogs weighing 12 kg or more. It has about 160 clicks and 1 kg of animal weight needs 2-4 clicks depending on the length of the coat.

Instructions for use

Before use, a tip is cut off from a polyethylene pipette, wool is spread between the shoulder blades in the withers area, and by pressing the pipette, the contents are completely squeezed onto the skin at several points. Within a day after application, the drug throughout the skin of the animal is distributed independently.

The drug reliably protects the dog from ticks for a month, after which the treatment must be repeated. In winter, when protecting a dog from fleas, it is enough to treat it with the drug once every three months. For the treatment of otodectosis in dogs (ear scabies), the drug is used differently.

It is 4-6 drops instilled in each ear. Be sure to enter in both ears, regardless of the location of the disease. In order for the drug to be distributed evenly, the auricle needs to be folded in half and its base slightly massage.

To protect the animal with a spray, it is necessary to spray it with a frontline spray against the direction of hair growth, so that the drug evenly moistens the skin and hair. Holding the bottle strictly upright, you need to fully process the animal: chest, abdomen, neck.

Contraindications and Precautions

The drug Frontline in the form of drops is not allowed to use for puppies younger than eight weeks of age.Although this is a low-hazard substance, even if it gets into the eyes, it causes only slight irritation, which can be dealt with by rinsing the eyes with cool water.

Puppies under the age of eight weeks are treated with Front Line spray. Also, from the moment of treatment with the drug, it is not recommended to walk with the animal for 24 hours in the area of ​​a possible tick-borne attack.

Also, you should not bathe the dog after treatment with the drug for 48 hours. If the dog washes with shampoo more than twice a month, then in this situation, the interval between treatments is better to reduce.

Complications and side effects when using the drug in animals are not observed. It is safe even for pregnant and lactating bitches. Even if the dog accidentally licks the drug, it will simply increase the salivation for a short time.

It is also safe to swallow, since it acts extremely selectively - only on the nervous system of invertebrates.


The cost of the drug depends on what weight the drug is designed for, one pipette of Frontline drops for dogs costs from 220 to 330 rubles. Drops Frontline Combo are more expensive and cost from 320 to 400 rubles.

The price of a bottle of a drug in the form of a spray per 100 ml is 430 rubles, and a bottle of 250 ml - 730 rubles.

Prices in different regions may vary by 10-20%, so check them out by contacting a drug company directly. Some of them are presented on our website.


Review No. 1. I have been using Front Line for two years now and have found the most advantageous formula for myself. For a fruitful fight against ticks, I drip a drop every month on my withers and spray it with a little more spray.

Then one bottle of spray can be stretched for the entire summer season and the best effect from ticks is obtained. They don’t climb my doggie at all. And before, after a walk in five pieces removed. Marina, Moscow

Review No. 2. I especially liked the Frontline because it has a maximum dosage of 60 kg in drops. This is very convenient for my bullmastiffs, there is no need to combine anything, at the risk of not choosing the right dosage. Yes, and all these combinations are much more expensive than one Front Line pipette. Ruslan, St. Petersburg

Review No. 3. I’ve been using Front Line for about three years now and am completely satisfied. True, I noticed one feature: a French-made drug works flawlessly, but Polish ... That's why I always buy in the same pharmacy, where exactly what is needed is brought.

On May’s, we were at sea with our dog and for a week not a single tick was removed from the dog, and our neighbors took 2-3 pieces each. By the way, even dog breeders noticed that if you process a dog with drops, then you should not wear a special flea and tick collar on it. An allergic reaction can occur and not every dog ​​can be saved. Ivan, Novosibirsk

Frontline drops for dogs: instructions for use

The Frontline dog preparation is intended against fleas (we already told you how to remove fleas in a dog at home), lice, lice beetles and various types of ticks. It is available in the form of drops and spray, the manufacturer is the French company Merial.

Release form and active substances

Different volumes of bottles and pipettes intended for dogs of different sizes, which for which are described below by the instruction for use of the frontline.

Release form
Release form

Frontline Combo also has an additional active ingredient S-metoprene (designed to fight eggs and flea larvae, destroys their chitinous membrane). Therefore, Frontline Combo is effective against most parasites, regardless of the stage of their development.

Instructions for use

As a rule, in Frontline for Dogs the instructions for use are always either inside the package, or written on the package itself. If for any reason it is lost, read below how to properly apply drops and frontline spray from fleas for dogs.

Frontline drops for dogs instruction. First, the tip of the polyethylene pipette is cut off, then in the area of ​​the withers between the shoulder blades it is necessary to spread the wool and squeeze out the entire contents of the pipette at several points.

During the day, the drug itself will spread throughout the skin of the dog. During the period of parasite activity (spring-summer), the procedure should be repeated once a month (for prevention), and in the winter period - once every three months.

Dosages depending on the weight of the animal
Dosages depending on the weight of the animal

For treatment of an ear mite, Front Line drops are used differently: 4-6 drops are instilled into both ears (even if there is only one tick), after which the auricle is folded in half and lightly massaged. The last action helps the drug evenly distributed.

Frontline spray for dogs instruction. The spray must be sprayed against the direction of growth of the coat, so the drug will evenly moisten the coat of the animal.

It is important to ensure that the spray does not get into the dog’s eyes. How many times should “puff” look in the table below (the longer the coat of your pet, the more times).

Front line spray
Front line spray

Spray Frontline flea spray for dogs is necessary throughout the body of the pet (neck, chest, stomach).

Indication for use and contraindications

Indications for use:

  1. fleas (disposal / prevention);
  2. ticks (disposal / prevention);
  3. other ectoparasites (disposal / prevention).


  • can not be used on puppies younger than 10 weeks;
  • can not be used on dogs weighing less than 2 kg;
  • can not be used on sick animals;
  • can not be used with individual sensitivity to the components of the frontline.

Side effects

The only possible side effect of the frontline is an allergic reaction. In this case, the drug can no longer be applied to the pet, since it has an individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Review about Fronline drops for dogs, Maria writes. For about ten years, Front Line has been saving my dog ​​from fleas and ticks. At first I used the usual one, and when Combo appeared, I switched to it.

The tool is not cheap, but in the summer there are only two treatments. Once I bought some cheap analogue on herbs - it was very smelly, and Front Line odorless, does not cause discomfort to me or the dog.

Review about fronline for dogs, writes Larisa. It was possible to use the funds from fleas for all whose pets these parasites appeared. We have a smooth-haired Russian toy, a doggie is small, so on walks we closely monitor him. Where these fleas came from is not clear, but getting rid of them was not easy.

At first they tried cheap shampoos and drops, but fleas disappeared only for a while, even processing the entire apartment with a special solution did not help. As a result, they bought an expensive Front Line, and it was not for nothing that it was expensive - not a single flea was found after use. Conclusion - do not save, do not torment your doggie, it is better to immediately buy a normal flea remedy.

Front Line Price for Dogs

  • For Frontline drops for dogs, the price is from 580 to 800 rubles (depending on volume);
  • for drops from fleas for dogs, the frontline combo price ranges from 700 to 980 rubles (depending on volume);
  • For Frontline spray for dogs, the price is - about 1280 rubles per bottle of 100 ml, about 2090 rubles per bottle of 250 ml.


You can buy Frontline for dogs at any veterinary pharmacy, but if for some reason they do not suit you or do not suit your dog, you can use the following analogs for fleas:

  • Advantix drops from fleas for dogs (price about 440 rubles);
  • Drops Bars from fleas for dogs (price 160-230 rubles);
  • Beafar drops from fleas for dogs (price 135-200 rubles);

FRONTLINE Spot On (Frontline Spot On)

COMPOSITION AND FORM OF ISSUE. Front Line Spot It contains active ingredient fipronil (chemical formula: C12H4CL2F6N4OS) in 10% concentration, as well as excipients and solvents.

In appearance, the drug is a colorless transparent solution with a weak specific odor for external topical (spot) application. Issued in packs of 0.5; 0.67; 1.34; 2.68 and 4.02 ml in polyethylene pipettes with a breakaway tip, placed 1 each in a package.

PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES. Fipronil has a pronounced contact insecto-acaricidal effect against ectoparasites of dogs: lice, fleas, lice, ticks, as well as heiletiella and the causative agent of ear scabies.

The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block GABA-dependent receptors of the parasite, in violation of the transmission of nerve impulses, which ultimately leads to paralysis and death of the parasites. Fipronil has no effect on mammalian GABA receptors.

When applied to the skin of an animal, the drug is practically not absorbed and is evenly distributed over the surface of the body during the day, accumulating in the sebaceous glands of the skin, while providing a long insect-acaricidal effect.

Front Line Spot It belongs to low-hazardous substances by the degree of exposure to the organism of warm-blooded animals and does not have a resorptive-toxic, sensitizing, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effect in recommended doses. Eye contact causes slight irritation.

INDICATIONS Assign to cats and dogs against ectoparasites: fleas, lice, lice beetles, ixodid ticks, heiletiella. For the treatment of otodectosis (ear scabies) in animals.

DOSES AND METHOD OF APPLICATION. Frontline Spot It is applied externally by topical (spot) application to the skin. Before processing, the tip is broken off at the pipette and the animal’s fur is spread in the back (between the shoulder blades) and, pressing the pipette, completely squeeze its contents onto the skin at one or several points.

Depending on body weight, pipettes with different amounts of preparation are used for processing animals:

Amount of drug
Amount of drug

If the dog weighs about 10 kg, then a dog dropper from 10 to 20 kg should be used (i.e. you need to choose a dropper with a large amount of the drug). If the animal weighs more than 60 kg, then two pipettes for dogs from 20 to 40 kg should be used.

The protective effect of the drug against ticks is 1 month (for cats 15-21 days), against insects - 2-2.5 months (for cats 1.5 months). For the treatment of otodectosis (scabies), the ear canal is cleaned of crusts and scabs and 4-6 drops are instilled into both ears, even if only one ear is affected.

For uniform distribution of the drug, the auricle is folded in half and lightly massaged at the base, and the remainder of the drug can be applied to the skin between the shoulder blades. Processing is carried out once.

In advanced cases of otodectosis complicated by otitis media, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The drug can be used in pregnant and lactating females. You can wash animals with shampoo no earlier than 48 hours after treatment.

SIDE EFFECTS. In hypersensitive animals, allergic reactions are possible. In these cases, the use of the drug is stopped, the remaining product on the skin is removed with a cotton swab and washed with water, if necessary, desensitizing therapy is carried out.

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Puppies and kittens under the age of 8 weeks are not to be processed.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. When carrying out manipulations with the drug, it is recommended to use rubber gloves, especially if there are abrasions and other skin lesions on the hands. During processing, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat food.

Do not pet the animal and let it in to small children within 24 hours after using the drug. If the product accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it must immediately be washed off with a stream of water or removed with a swab and then washed with water.At the end of the treatment, hands should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

STORAGE CONDITIONS. With precaution. In the manufacturer’s packaging, in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children and animals. Separated from food and feed at temperatures from 0 to 35 ° C. Shelf life is 3 years.

MANUFACTURER. Merial S.A.S. (Merial S.A.S.), France.

Front line for dogs

Every day we take care of our pets, and in return they answer us with their boundless love and devotion, joyfully and cheerfully wag their tail, meeting their beloved master from work. Joint games and daily walks bring us a lot of pleasure, and with the onset of the spring-summer season, trips out of town.

However, a vacation in the forest or in the country is not only a great opportunity to frolic freely for a dog and enjoy nature for the owner, but also a real threat of bites from ticks, fleas and all kinds of insects.

In order to protect his dog from these insidious parasites, the responsible owner must first worry about the means of protection. Those who follow the principle of “trust - but verify” are not in a hurry to immediately buy and test the recommended product on their pet, but read the preliminary reviews on the Internet and go to the manufacturer’s website.

This review is dedicated to one of these products, Front Line for Dogs, which has long earned the trust of many dog ​​breeders and has a good reputation.


Front Line is one of the products of Merial, a company specializing in the development and manufacture of vaccines and veterinary products for livestock, and for pets.

This French company was established in 1997 as a joint venture between the subsidiary veterinary and sanitary branches of Merck & Co and Sanofi-Aventis. In January 2017, Merial was acquired by the German corporation Beringer Ingelheim and merged with the veterinary division of Beringer Ingelheim Vetmedika.

Now they are one of the world leaders in the veterinary industry, and are actively engaged in research activities, as well as the creation of innovative drugs in the field of animal health.


Today, there is a whole gamut of means aimed at protecting the animal from fleas and ticks, produced under the Frontline brand.

Front line spray. It is used to combat ticks and fleas in adult dogs, and in puppies from two days from birth. The active substance here is fipronil, which has a detrimental effect on ectoparasites.

The spray has several advantages over other forms of the drug: it is convenient to dose, it can be used for pets weighing less than 2 kg, the protective effect occurs immediately after drying of the treated wool. It is produced in bottles of 100 and 250 ml.

Spot-on. The classic product containing fipronil, in the form of drops for application to the skin. It is used against fleas, whipworms, lice, ixodid and scabies ticks, mosquitoes.

Available in tubes of blue, sealed in blisters. By volume Frontline Spot-On is divided into four varieties, depending on the weight of the pet:

By volume Frontline Spot-On is divided into four varieties
By volume Frontline Spot-On is divided into four varieties

Combo. Drops at the withers, like Spot-On. It differs from the previous one in that it contains the second active substance (S) -metoprene, which kills in addition to the eggs and flea larvae. This product is available in green color pipettes and is also packaged in four types of packages depending on the weight of the dog: S, M, L, XL.

Tri-Act. The solution, which is also applied to the withers. Their main difference is their active protection not only against fleas and ticks, but also against flying insects: mosquitoes, mosquitoes, zhigalka flies.

In addition to fipronil, the substance includes permethrin, one of the properties of which is repellent (repelling insects). Available in five types of pink pipettes designed for different dog weights: 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 ml, at the rate of 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of pet weight.

Nexgard. The drug is in the form of chewable tablets, which is designed to rid the pet of fleas and ticks. In order for the dog to eat it itself, the tablet has an attractive taste of braised beef.

The main active ingredient in it is afoxolaner, it begins to act almost immediately - 30 minutes after eating. After 6 hours, all fleas are completely destroyed, and after a day - all ticks.

The protective effect lasts one month. There are four types of chewable tablets: 0.5, 1.25, 3 and 6 grams, for dogs weighing from 2 to 50 kg.

Description and effect of the drug

One of the most famous drugs in this series is Drops at the withers for dogs of Front Line Combo.

It is based on two active substances - fipronil and (S) -methoprene. Fipronil acts on adult parasites, causing paralysis in contact with them, which leads to their subsequent death.

A (S) -methoprene infects eggs and insect larvae, thereby interrupting their development cycle, and hence the risk of repeated invasion.

Plus, this feature will help to protect the home itself, because the reproduction of these parasites and further infection of the dog’s habitat completely stop.


All drops for Frontline brand dogs have the same principle of operation, so the instructions for them are almost identical. Immediately after contact with the skin of the animal, the substance begins to spread and gradually cover the entire skin and coat.

This process is completed within 24 hours. The drug substance does not enter the bloodstream, but accumulates in the outer layer of the skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, creating a protective barrier.

This peculiar shield protects the dog from ticks for four weeks, and from fleas - 4-12 weeks. The duration of the protective effect can be affected only by frequent bathing of the pet with shampoo (more than 2 times a month).

Instructions for use

First of all, before treating Front Line for dogs, you need to remove the collar from the pet and make sure that there are no injuries or wounds on the skin. It is also worth making sure that the coat and skin are dry.

Next, the tip is broken off at the tube and, by hand dividing the hair on the back between the shoulder blades, squeeze out all the liquid on the skin at the withers in one or more places, so that the animal could not lick the product.

For some time (about a day) in the place of application there will be a wet or oily coat. Until it is completely dry, it is better not to stroke and touch the dog, and also not to let her in to small children.

If your pet weighs more than 60 kg, then the instructions for using Front Line Combo or Tri-Guard for dogs require you to combine a tube marked with XL with a pipette in volume corresponding to the missing weight. Also, the necessary volume of an additional pipette can be calculated based on the calculation of 0.067 ml per 1 kg of dog body weight.

Within two days after treatment, the pet must be protected from bathing in a pond or from home water procedures with shampoo or soap. It is strictly forbidden to use this tool for puppies under two months of age, animals weighing less than 2 kg, and also during illness. Repeat treatment should not be earlier than after three weeks.


After analyzing the price tags of several online stores, we can say that the average cost of one “Combo” pipette is higher than “Spot-On” by 100-150 rubles.

The cost of Frontline Combo for dogs depends on body weight:

  • from 2 to 10 kg - from 550 to 690 rubles;
  • from 10 to 20 kg - from 610 to 780 rubles;
  • from 20 to 40 kg - from 680 to 870 rubles;
  • from 40 to 60 kg - from 750 to 975 p.

Front Line Spray will cost 950 - 1200 rubles per 100 ml bottle, and a 250 ml bottle costs between 1600 and 2000 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that Frontline products have a considerable price, but a high quality product always has a high price. And the products of the company with a worldwide reputation, do not cause doubts in its reliability and effectiveness.

In addition, if you have a small short-haired dog, you can save a lot by using a spray rather than drops, and be sure that it does not face a single blood-sucking parasite.

Frontline Combo (Frontline Combo) XL drops for dogs from 40 kg

Frontline Combo (Frontline Combo) - a medicinal insecticaricidal drug in the form of a solution for external use.

Frontline Combo contains fipronil-9.8% and S-metoprene-8.8% as active ingredients, and polyvidone and polysorbate as excipients.

Frontline Combo is a colorless, clear liquid with a faint specific odor.

Release Frontline Combo packaged in 0.5; 0.67; 1.34; 2.68 and 4.02 ml in polyethylene pipettes with a breakaway tip, which indicate the name of the manufacturer, the name and amount of the drug, batch number, and date of manufacture.

Store Frontline Combo as a precaution (list B) in the manufacturer's packaging, in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 0C0 to 25C0.

The expiration date of Frontline Combo, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Frontline Combo should not be applied after the expiration date.

Pharmacological properties

Frontline Combo has a pronounced contact insecticide and acaricidal effect, is active against the preimaginal and imaginal phases of the development of lice, fleas, gnats, and ticks (ixodidae, cheilitis) that are parasitic in dogs and cats.

The mechanism of action of fipronil, which is part of Frontline Combo, is to block GABA-dependent (GABA-gamma-aminobutyric acid) parasite receptors, impaired transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of ectoparasites.

S-metoprene inhibits the juvenile hormone, which promotes the formation of chitin, thereby disrupting the development of fleas at the egg and larva stage.

When applied to the skin, the drug is not absorbed, but gradually, within 24 hours, distributed over the surface of the body and, being reserved in the sebaceous glands, it has a long insectoacaricidal effect in places of localization of ectoparasites.

Frontline Combo in terms of exposure to the body belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST, in the recommended doses, it does not have a skin-resorptive, sensitizing, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effect. Eye contact causes slight irritation.

Vaccine Administration

Frontline Combo is used to combat fleas, lice, lice eaters and ticks (ixodidae, cheilitis) of dogs and cats by topical (Spot On) application to the skin.

Before processing, the tip is broken off at the pipette, the animal's fur is spread in the back (between the shoulder blades) and, by pressing the pipette, the preparation is applied to the skin at one or more points. Frontline Combo pipettes of various volumes are used depending on the type and weight of the animal.

For the treatment of dogs weighing more than 40 kg, a combination of pipettes of different volumes is used.

The protective effect of the drug against ixodid ticks in cats lasts up to 3 weeks, against adults and preimaginal phases of insect development up to 6 weeks.
The protective effect of the drug against ixodid ticks in dogs lasts at least 1 month, against imago of insects up to 3 months, from preimaginal phases of development of insects - up to 8 months.

If the animal is severely affected by lice, fleas, and lice, it is recommended to treat it once a month.

If the animal is washed more than 2 times a month, it is recommended to reduce the interval between treatments to 3 weeks.

It is not recommended to wash animals within 48 hours after processing with Frontline Combo, as well as use other insecticaricidal agents.

Side effects and complications in animals when using Frontline Combo according to the instructions for use have not been established.With increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and the appearance of signs of allergic reactions, treatment is stopped, the drug is washed off with water, antihistamines are given inside.

Sick and recovering animals, as well as puppies and kittens younger than 8 weeks of age, cannot be treated.

Side effects: In the recommended doses are not observed.


Frontline Spot It is not allowed to be used by sick and recovering animals, puppies under 10 weeks of age and dogs weighing less than 2 kg. It is not recommended to wash animals within 48 hours after processing with Frontline Combo, as well as use other insecticaricidal agents.

special instructions

While working with the drug, it is forbidden to smoke, drink and eat food. At the end of the work, wash your hands with warm water and soap. Do not pet the animal and let it in to small children within 24 hours after treatment with the drug.

In case of accidental contact with the skin or mucous membranes, immediately rinse with water.

When working with Frontline Combo, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for working with medicines for animals.

While working with the drug is not allowed to drink, smoke, eat. In case of accidental contact with Frontline Combo on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off with a stream of water. At the end of the work, hands should be washed with warm water and soap.

It is forbidden to use empty pipettes from under the preparation for domestic purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

Frontline Combo should be kept out of the reach of children.

Producer: FrontLine, France

MERIAL FrontLine Spot On S (Front Line) drops for dogs weighing from 2 to 10 kg

Indications: Prevention and control of ectoparasites of dogs and cats (fleas and ticks). Duration of protection against repeated infestations:

  1. for dogs: two months from fleas and one month from ticks;
  2. for cats protection against fleas for 40 days.

Side effects. In case of licking, temporary hypersalivation may occur.

Recommendations Do not bathe the animal for two days before and after treatment with Frontline.

Ingredients: Fipronil 10g, Butylhydroxyanisole 0.02g, Butylhydroxytoluene 0.01, Ethanol 10ml, Excipient up to 100ml

Duration of protection against repeated infestations: two months from fleas and one month from ticks.

Packing: 3 types of packaging for dogs, 1 type of packaging for cats:

  • 2.68 ml in a pipette for dogs 20-40 kg
  • 1.74 ml pipette for dogs 10-20 kg
  • in a pipette 0.67 ml for dogs 2-10 kg
  • 0.55 ml pipette for cats

Application: One Frontline pipette is designed for a single treatment taking into account the weight of the animal.

Break off the tip of the pipette at the designated location. Apply the contents directly to the skin in the withers area (between the shoulder blades), having previously spread the hair to avoid licking.

In less than 24 hours, the drug naturally spreads over the entire surface of your animal’s body. Avoid getting the product in your hands. In case of licking, temporary hypersalivation may occur.

Recommendations: Do not bathe the animal for two days before and after applying the drug frontline.

As with all insecticides:

  • wash hands with soap after use;
  • during the use of the drug is not allowed to smoke, drink and use food;
  • Keep the drug out of the reach of children.

Contraindications: Not identified. It is not recommended to treat puppies under the age of 10 weeks or weighing less than 2 kg.

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Studies in laboratory animals (rats and rabbits) have proved the absence of the teratogenic and embryotoxic effect of fipronil. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug for pregnant and lactating animals.

Storage: In the dark, dry place at a temperature from 0 to 50 ° C.

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