Intavir: instructions for use, analogues, reviews of the drug

intavir instructions for use
Intavir instructions for use

Good day. There was a period when I had long cherished the idea of ​​making my own small garden on the site.

And forever to herself, she came up with excuses against this. In the end, a positive decision was made: my site gradually began to fill up with new plants.

I constantly process trees with pest control. The garden is still in perfect order. Now I will tell you about Intavir and instructions for its use. It is thanks to this tool that my garden is in excellent condition.

Inta-virus from pests: instructions for use

With harmful insects and parasites that live in the garden, greenhouses, rooms, many summer residents and housewives have encountered.

To destroy insect pests, there are many different drugs, but the most popular and popular is the intravir insecticide. This is a broad-spectrum drug with which you can destroy about 50 different types of insects.

The main active ingredient of the drug is cypermethrin, the concentration of which is 3.75%. This substance has a paralyzing effect on pests. Inta-vir is available in the form of tablets or powder.


The drug belongs to the group of pyrethroids. These are natural insecticides found in some complex plants. Especially these synthetic substances are found in representatives of the genus chamomile, chrysanthemum and tansy.

Pyrethroids, synthetic analogues of pyrethrins, quickly infect the nervous system of pests during contact with plants. In insects, under the influence of these substances, muscle cramps and cramps begin. All this leads to paralysis and death of pests.

Plants resist pests and receive less damage. Pyrethrin does not pose any danger to plants.

This drug is characterized by its universal chemical properties and fights against Lepidoptera, Equidrop and Coleoptera insects:

  • Carrot fly
  • Colorado beetle
  • Potato and Moth
  • Cabbage whitewash and scoop
  • Sorrel leaf beetle
  • Moths
  • Aphid
  • Thrips
  • Bedbugs, etc.

The drug based on pyrethroids has a negative effect on harmful and beneficial insects that pollinate plants. Therefore, use the drug with caution. Pests in agricultural structures can be resistant to the substance. In this case, another drug should be used.

How to use the drug from pests

To destroy insects, it is necessary to breed a tablet or powder in 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in calm weather, when there is no rain. It is advisable to sprinkle in the morning or evening hours. It is important to observe uniform wetting of the leaves. To do this, you can use a household spray.

Only fresh Inta-Vir solution should be used. If a solution remains after the spraying procedure, it is forbidden to store it.

A good result will be if there is no rain after sprinkling for several hours. It is recommended to process such crops as pear, quince, apple tree one and a half weeks after the beginning of flowering.

Repeat the procedure is recommended after 2 weeks. More than 3 chemical treatments are not allowed. In order not to cause addiction in some insects, Intervir can be alternated with other pest drugs.

Strawberries are best treated before flowering, and gooseberries and currants can be before and after flowering. On a 10-liter bucket of water you will need one and a half tablets Inta-vir. Cherries and cherries should be processed before staining the berries. On one tree you will need 2-5 liters of solution.

When pests appear on tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, it is possible to spray the prepared solution. If the pests reappeared after some time, then the treatment with Intavir is repeated.

Use of the drug in the area of ​​water bodies is prohibited, since the active substance is highly toxic to the aquatic fauna.

To destroy indoor insects (bugs, cockroaches, fleas, etc.), the following concentration of the drug is established: for cockroaches, one tablet of the drug is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water, for other types of indoor pests - 1 tablet per 0.7 liters of water.

The drug has a 3 hazard class, i.e. the substance is detrimental to pests and poses minimal risk to humans and pets.

When working with Intavir it is necessary to observe safety measures and use special protective equipment: gloves, a bathrobe, a respirator, boots and glasses. After treatment with the drug, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the face and hands.

If the procedure was performed at home, then in the treated room you can not eat or smoke. If any signs of poisoning appear, you need to call an ambulance and provide first aid before the arrival of specialists.

The victim should rinse the mouth and nose with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To remove toxins from the body, you can give a mineral laxative or activated carbon.

This chemical product must not be stored together with food and medicines. Keep out of the reach of children. Storage temperature should be from -10 to +30 degrees.

Intavir - instructions for use for plants, reviews of summer residents

Now there are many chemicals that can protect the crop from pests. However, many of them have a directed effect on individual groups of insects.

Against the background of such funds, the int-vir insecticide is significantly released, since it has a wide spectrum of action and guarantees the protection of crops from more than fifty varieties of pests.

This quality makes it possible to use this product for most garden plants, as well as indoor crops.

Main characteristics

Inta-vir is a tool that can be used on farms, as well as at home and in household plots. Since ancient times, people have practiced pest control with the help of dried flowers of the pyrethrum plant. This helped protect crops and preserve crops.

Based on these properties of the plant, scientists were able to synthesize artificial substances that resembled pyrethrum qualities, but had an effect several times stronger.

These drugs got their name pyrethroids. Recently, a more innovative second-generation pyrethroid, cypermethrin, was developed, which became the basis of the int-vir drug.

The principle of action of the product is based on protecting the plants themselves from damage from pests. The drug has a strong effect on the nervous system of the pest, thereby causing muscle spasm and cramps. As a result, the nerve endings of the insect are affected, which leads to its immobilization. As a result, the pest dies within 24 hours.

Intavir for plants does not do any harm; in addition, it does not pose a danger to humans. In addition, within 2-4 weeks, the drug breaks down into substances completely safe for the biosphere.

It is also noted that this tool has an effective effect on household insects - bugs and cockroaches in a short time.

This tool is an intestinal drug, that is, it gets into the pest during active eating of leaves, which ultimately causes its death.

Intavir treatment is recommended against such pests:

  • codling moth;
  • leaflet;
  • flower beetle;
  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly, etc.

However, there is a danger of a negative effect of the drug on beneficial insects (bees), so its use implies some limitation. Also, in some cases, the resistance of agricultural pests to the effects of intravir is observed, then it is recommended to use other drugs.

Mode of application

The form of release of the drug is a tablet, in rare cases, a powder. To prepare the working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 or 2 tablets of intavir according to the instructions for use based on the physiological characteristics of a particular pest. When the tablet is dissolved, a cloudy solution with a characteristic odor is formed.

During spraying, the drug settles on the surface of plants, while not penetrating into the tissues. The duration of the intravira is from 2 weeks to 1 month, depending on weather conditions.

It is noted that repeated use of this product on the same type of pest can be addictive, therefore it is sometimes recommended to alternate different insecticides to avoid this. This drug has the ability to withstand adults of the pest, but it is not able to destroy the larvae.

According to the instructions of the drug, int-vir is used immediately after preparation of the working solution. Processing is carried out by uniformly spraying the leaves of plants, and it is necessary to treat not only the affected areas, but also those that do not have obvious signs of pests.

For large trees, a consumption rate of up to 10 liters per tree is provided. If necessary, re-treatment is carried out with the product, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one.

Consumption rates for the protection of various crops

The use of the product may vary depending on the crops being cultivated, and these differences are not only in the concentration of the drug, but also in the timing of its use.

The use of intavir in the garden should be carried out in the morning or in the evening, since the effect of the drug may decrease at an air temperature above 25 degrees.

To protect pears, quinces and apple trees:

  1. from the moth, it is necessary to prepare a working solution of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, should be treated after flowering for 1 week, if necessary, re-spray for a period of 2 weeks;
  2. from the beetle, use a working solution of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, spraying during the appearance of buds;
  3. from the leaflet, prepare a solution of 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, process during a mass accumulation of caterpillars;
  4. from aphids, intavir is used in the form of a freshly prepared solution of 1-2 tablets in 10 l of water, should be sprayed at the end of flowering.

For berries. To protect strawberries, gooseberries and currants from a sawfly, weevil, leafworm, and moth, a freshly prepared solution of intavir is used.

To prepare it, you need 1 tablet of the product and 10 liters of water, in case of numerous pests, it is allowed to use a more concentrated solution, which is diluted 1.5 tablets per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out before flowering.

Cherries. To protect cherries and cherries from a cherry fly, use a freshly prepared solution of 1 tablet and 10 l of water. Processing is carried out during the coloring of berries.

Vegetables. The use of the drug for closed ground is carried out in order to protect tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers from a complex of pests. To prepare the solution, 1-2 tablets and 10 l of water are used, depending on the number of insects. It is necessary to process during a mass accumulation of pests.

The use of intavir to protect vegetable crops is carried out from a complex of pests. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet in 10 water, treatment should be carried out during a period of mass accumulation of pests. Repeated spraying is allowed if necessary.

Grapes The use of the drug to protect grapes from leafworms is carried out by treatment with a solution for the preparation of which 2 tablets of the drug and 10 liters of water are used.

It is necessary to spray twice: the first time during the flowering period, the second time - during the setting of berries.

Home use

The use of intavir for indoor plants is also allowed, but there are some limitations. Before using it, you must remove the pets from the room, as well as pre-cover the aquarium, in order to avoid negative consequences.

Processing should be carried out in the event of the appearance of whiteflies, thrips, aphids, caterpillars. The solution is prepared 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, spraying is carried out evenly throughout the leaf mass. After the procedure, the room should be carefully ventilated.

Numerous reviews about intravira indicate that it effectively acts on various household insects that can degrade the quality of human life. It is noted that the use of intavir from bedbugs gives positive results in the shortest possible time.

Before processing, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and free hard-to-reach spots in the room. You should also take your pets and cover the aquarium.

During processing, standard safety measures should be applied. The working solution is prepared in a proportion of 1 tablet per 0.5 l of water. Processing should be carried out by spraying the sites of the alleged accumulation of insects.

After the procedure, leave the room closed for 2 hours, at the end of the time thoroughly ventilate. Do not wash floors for 3 days after treatment. If insects reappear, the procedure should be repeated after 10 days.

Restrictions on the use of the drug

The use of the drug has several limitations. First of all, you can not treat it with intavir when the flowering of plants occurs, as it can be the cause of death of bees.

You should also stop processing with this tool 4 weeks before the expected harvest. In the case of pests during this period, it is recommended to use drugs with a shorter waiting time.

It should also be borne in mind that the effect of the drug is aimed at pest control, therefore its use for the treatment of fungal diseases is inappropriate. You should not spray plants in early spring, when many pests are still at a dormant stage, as this will not bring positive results.

Storage of the working solution for more than a day is not allowed. Unused drug must be poured into the soil, where within 1 month its properties will be destroyed.

Application Reviews

A large number of reviews about int-vir suggests that this drug is popular among gardeners and florists.

Tatyana, 40 years old. I have been growing roses for a long time, but every time aphids appeared on young pagons, it made me look for various ways to protect plants.

After I tried the action of intavir against these pests, I no longer experiment with other means. This drug copes with aphids and has a quick effect. I recommend to use.

Dmitry, 54 years old. I tried intavir on gooseberries from a leaflet. I was pleasantly surprised not only by the result, but by the ease of use of this tool. After that I tried on other plants from aphids and caterpillars, was also amazed at the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, now I often use it in various cultures.

Universal insecticide for plants Inta-vir: composition, instructions, reviews

Among the many insecticides, it is quite difficult to choose one, the most effective drug. Experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend using the unique Inta-vir tool.

This is a broad-spectrum enteric-contact insecticide that destroys more than 50 types of pests. It can be used on garden and indoor plants, vegetable crops.

Prescription, action of insecticide

The drug Intavir belongs to the group of pyrethroids, synthetic analogues of natural pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are plant insecticides found in chamomile, tansy and chrysanthemum flowers.

Pyrethroids act on the nervous system of pests during their contact with treated plants. Then, within 2-3 days, paralyzed insects die.

The drug is used to kill a large number of pests:

  • scoop;
  • cabbage whitewash;
  • codling moth;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • thrips;
  • carrot fly;
  • aphid;
  • leaf-eating caterpillars;
  • leaflet;
  • potato moth;
  • sawfly;
  • Apple Blossom.

In addition, the drug is often used to combat cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas and red ants in the apartment.

Intavir is available in the form of a water-soluble tablet or powder, weighing 8 g.

The active substance of the drug is cypermethrin, at a concentration of 37.5 g per kg. The most effective insecticide in the fight against aphids, thrips, whiteflies and caterpillars.

How to prepare a solution

One tablet is diluted in a small amount of water, after which the solution is brought up to 10 liters. The consumption of the drug depends on the cultivated area and the type of pests. If less solution is needed, then the tablet can be divided into two parts. In this case, 0.5 tablets are mixed with 5 l of water.

You need to prepare the solution in a well-ventilated room or outdoors, after wearing a respirator and rubber gloves.

Instructions for use

The plants should be treated in dry, calm weather, preferably in the early morning or evening. The drug is not resistant to rinsing, so re-spraying may be required.

Apply this insecticide only with the mass appearance of pests. For preventive treatment, it is not used.

Inta-vir should be used strictly according to the instructions. Spraying can be carried out no more than 3 times per season and only after flowering. If it is not possible to completely get rid of pests in 3 times, then it is better to use another drug so as not to cause addiction in insects.

To spray apple and pear from aphids, moths, or leafworms, it is necessary to take 8-10 liters of the prepared solution per tree.

To process strawberries from weevils or tomatoes and cucumbers from whiteflies and aphids, you need about 1.5 liters of solution per 10 square meters. m. Potatoes, carrots, beets and cabbage are recommended to be sprayed with Intavir at the rate of 10 l of the drug per 100 square meters. m. landings.

Cherries and cherries from cherry flies can be saved with 2.5 l of solution per tree.And to rid currants and gooseberries from most pests, the treatment of each bush with one liter of the diluted preparation will help. Plants can be sprayed no later than 20-25 days before harvest.

To remove cockroaches, bugs, ants and fleas in the apartment, it is enough to process the places of their appearance with a more concentrated solution (1 tablet per 0.3-0.5 l of water).

Security measures

Inta-virus is moderately dangerous for humans. Belongs to the 3rd class of danger. Extremely toxic to bees and other beneficial insects. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to process plants during the flowering period.

When working with the drug, it is recommended to limit the bees years to at least 5 days. Also, the intravir insecticide is toxic to fish. It is not used closer than 2 km from the fishery zone.

Work with the drug in protective clothing, glasses, gloves and a respirator. It is forbidden to smoke, drink and eat food during processing. At the end of the spraying, you should thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap, rinse your mouth and change into clean clothes.

First aid. The drug when it enters the stomach can cause severe poisoning.

To avoid serious health consequences, it is urgent to rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, drink 6 tablets of activated charcoal and 1 liter of water, take a mild laxative and call a doctor. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse with plenty of water.


It is necessary to store Intavir in a dry, dark place, at t no higher than + 40C.

Remember. Ready solution can not be stored. It is used immediately after cooking.

For storage, choose a place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not place an insecticide package next to food or medicine. After opening the package, the drug is not subject to storage.

Reviews about the drug

Catherine: I have been using Inta-Vir in the garden for many years. A very effective drug. Of course, it will not save you from all pests, but it copes with aphids, Colorado potato beetles and whiteflies. The drug is very easy to use and relatively safe.

Alexander: With the help of Inta-vira, I’m trying to fight the apple bee-eater and the moth in the garden. An economical and inexpensive drug. Enough 2-3 treatments per season. I recommend to everyone.

Anna: I always buy Inta-vir for spraying potatoes. The Colorado potato beetle disappears after the first application. Over the summer I spend 2 treatments: before flowering and after. Excellent result.

Intavir from pests: instructions for use of the drug

With insect pests, parasites that prefer to live in a living room, in a garden, a greenhouse, most summer residents, gardeners and housewives are constantly faced.

For the destruction of harmful insects, scientists propose many different means, but the most highly effective and popular drug is the intravir insecticide.

The drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action. You can use it to get rid of 50 types of insect pests.

Drug characteristics

The active substance of the drug is cypermethrin with a concentration of 3.75%. The substance has a paralyzing effect on insects, they begin to cramp and cramps. This leads to their death. The drug does not pose a danger to the plants themselves.

Available in powder and tablet form (8 tablets per pack). Both forms of the drug are highly soluble in water at room temperature.

Intir vir actively defeats the following Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Equidoptera following plant pests:

  1. carrot fly;
  2. Colorado potato beetle;
  3. potato cow and moth;
  4. cabbage whitewash and scoop;
  5. sorrel leaf beetle;
  6. moth;
  7. aphids;
  8. thrips;
  9. bedbugs, etc.

But this tool negatively affects both pests and beneficial insects pollinating plants.

Therefore, when using Intavir, the instruction requires special care, and pests of crops are often resistant to the drug. In this case, it is recommended to use another drug.

Instructions for use

In order to correctly use Intir, the instructions for use should be studied carefully. A good result can only be obtained using a freshly prepared solution. Basic solution - one tablet for 5-10 liters of water. It is poured into a sprayer and treated with healthy and insect-affected plants.

Strawberries are preferably sprayed before flowering. Currants, gooseberries are allowed to process before flowering, and after it. For a ten-liter capacity of water, 1.5 Inta-Vir tablets are required.

Cherries and cherries are processed shortly before the fruit stains. For 1 tree, 3-5 liters of the finished solution will be required.

If insect pests are found on cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, they are also treated with this tool. If after a certain period of time the pests reappeared, then the treatment is repeated.

It is desirable to process pears, quinces, apple trees 15 days after the beginning of flowering. The procedure should be repeated, but not earlier than after 15 days. More than three treatments with a toxic drug are not allowed. A good result can be obtained if there is no rain after spraying for 3-5 hours after spraying.

For bed bug parasites, the concentration of the active substance increases. One tablet should be diluted in half a liter of water. The entire surface is processed where it is possible to find bed bloodsuckers.

Bedbugs may optionally be in sleeping places. They can be found behind skirting boards, batteries, wallpaper, carpets, inside household appliances. Detected parasite nests are treated with the Intavir chemical agent especially carefully.

If the processing is carried out poorly, then this will only exacerbate the problem. Bed bugs will develop addiction to the product and will not reduce the population.

What is dangerous for people?

Intavir is a toxic drug. For humans is a moderate danger. Requires handling certain safety rules:

  • when working with the drug, it is necessary to protect the body with a long coat, a respirator or gauze bandage and safety glasses;
  • feet should be protected with rubber shoes, preferably boots.
  • After work, wash your face and hands with soap;
  • rinse thoroughly the oral cavity;
  • wash protective clothing.

In the premises processed by Intavir it is forbidden to smoke, eat.

During the processing of the premises, there should not be other residents in it to avoid insecticide poisoning.

Medical assistance

If after work the state of health worsens, signs of poisoning are noticeable, then the victim can be provided with basic assistance before the arrival of the ambulance.

First aid is as follows:

  • washing the mouth and nasal cavity with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • rinsing with running water in the eyes, if a solution enters them;
  • if the product gets inside, it is necessary to give the victim 3-4 cups of water and cause vomiting;
  • to remove toxins, you need to take 30 grams of activated carbon and any laxative.

Storage rules

You can not store the drug near medicines and food. After opening, the packaging cannot be stored for a long time. Storage temperature from -10 to +40 degrees C. Children and pets should not even come close to the drug. Working solution cannot be stored.

Flora and fauna conservation

The area of ​​the protection zone for bees is up to 5 km. The summer time limit is up to 90-120 hours. The drug is toxic to fish. It is forbidden to use near fishery reservoirs (closer than 2 km from the coast).

The container freed from under the solution is buried or burnt. It must be ensured that the product does not leak into the sewers and nearby water bodies.

If after three treatments the pests do not disappear, then Intavir must be replaced with another insecticide and in the future, alternate the preparations.

Inta-vir preparation, instruction

The drug Intavir, like the insecticide Iskra, has a very wide scope - according to the instructions, it is able to neutralize more than fifty varieties of harmful insects.

The instruction for the drug allows its use not only in large farms of the agro-industrial complex, but also in suburban, peasant, and farmer plots; Inta-vir can also be used to protect flowers, greenhouses and indoor plants.

In addition to the instructions governing the processing of plants, there are recommendations for the destruction of unwanted household insects by Intavir: the drug also affects them. Visible result is observed very quickly.

In recent years, scientists have created many other chemical compounds, many new names are proposed, but the instructions for most of them do not imply such a huge sphere of influence that Intavir demonstrates.

At the same time, its toxic accumulation in the human body is not observed; in the natural environment, it breaks down into substances safe for the biosphere in two to four weeks. An undoubted advantage is the cheapness of the drug. It is easy to use, the solution is very simple to prepare.

Important limitations when working with the drug

The main condition is that Intavir can not be used on flowering plants, this can lead to mass death of bees. Measures for processing fruit and vegetable crops must be stopped 3-4 weeks before the collection of products (in the instructions this is written as a “waiting period”).

Instead, during flowering periods and shortly before the crop ripens (if absolutely necessary), biological agents Fitoverm and Akarin (cope with any aphids, caterpillars, young larvae, various ticks), as well as Bitoxybacillin and Lepidocide (from some varieties of aphids, caterpillars) are used.

The substance acts only on insects, there is no point in using the drug against fungal, bacterial, viral diseases. Preventive early spring sprayings of the entire garden are also ineffective when the pests are still sleeping; it is an extra harm to the environment and a waste of energy, time and money for the farmer.

If an unused solution of a chemical remains, do not pour it into water bodies and in the vicinity of them: this is detrimental to fish and other aquatic inhabitants. The liquid should be buried in a hole under a layer of soil: in light soil, the compound is destroyed in a month, and in heavy soil - in two.

Operating principle

For centuries, dried flowers of a plant called "Dalmatian chamomile" (feverfew) have been used against harmful insects. Only in the second half of the twentieth century did chemists synthesize similar artificial substances called pyrethroids. They are hundreds of times stronger effect on insects.

In 1971, scientists received second-generation pyrethroid cypermethrin. It is this insecticide (pesticide) that forms the basis of a special pill known as Inta-Vir.

The tablet of the drug is diluted in water, and a cloudy solution of cypermethrin with a mild characteristic odor is formed. When spraying a substance in a thin layer settles on the plants, without penetrating into the tissues.

Insects come in contact with the treated surface, swallow particles of the chemical with plant food. The poison quickly destroys their nervous system and leads to death. However, this insecticide does not kill insect eggs.

Cypermethrin coating can perniciously affect pests within two weeks (up to a month).

There is evidence that repeated use of the drug over several years can lead to a weakening of its effect - some insects adapt and become less sensitive to this toxic chemical. Various insecticides must be alternated.

The process of processing plants according to the instructions

The Intavira tablet is dissolved immediately before treatment in ten liters of water; this amount of liquid is distributed by spraying within one to two hundred parts. The drug is applied to the plants with a fine spray, preferably in the late morning or early evening hours.

He is not afraid of solar radiation, but the efficiency decreases slightly in very dry and hot weather (from +25 degrees). If it rains during the day after spraying, it is better to repeat the event after it.

When performing work, according to the instructions, standard hygiene and protective requirements must be observed. Pyrethroids have a toxic effect of moderate severity on humans (and other mammals) exclusively with the internal use of large doses. And, practically, they are not dangerous for birds.

Malicious objects affected by the drug

Perhaps only slugs and soil-borne pests such as wireworms are not affected by Intavira. Ticks are also not always amenable to its influence (then Akarin is used instead).

It is believed that pyrethroids are not able to get underground insects. In general, this statement is true. But there are some subtleties. Caterpillars of a gnawing scoop in early summer at night creep to the surface and feed on seedlings of various cultures, biting it at the root neck.

If you sprinkle the “tops” and water the “roots” of Intavir, the voracious creatures will be stopped. And spraying the drug over the beds of carrots during the flight of the carrot fly (at the time of flowering cherry) will prevent it from leaving egg clutches at the base of seedlings (the larvae then eat the root crops).

The Intavira instructions prescribe measures for the protection of various plants (treatments begin when observing the first harmful individuals or immediately before their expected appearance):

  • Potatoes - from larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle,
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers - from greenhouse whiteflies (alternating with chemicals that penetrate laid eggs - for example, Mospilan), thrips, various aphids,
  • cabbage - from aphids and various caterpillars,
  • strawberries and raspberries - from the weevil (gnaws the buds at the base), raspberries - against the raspberry beetle (and its worm larvae); protective spraying is carried out during the period of extension of the buds and again at the end of fruiting,
  • fruit trees and berry bushes - against a complex of pests (aphids, caterpillars, flies, weevils, leafworms, moths); 1-3 irrigation is carried out per season: the first, usually before flowering, the second - on young ovaries, the third - a month before the harvest ripens
  • seedlings, decorative foliage and flower crops (trees, bushes, herbs, flowers) - from various harmful insects.

Some methods of struggle are not spelled out in the standard instructions, but (with caution) are quite acceptable:

  • To protect against two-tails attacking seedlings, Inta-vira powdered tablets sprinkle the surface of the soil and the area around the landing tanks,
  • a strong solution of the drug is poured over the wasp nests dangerously located near the summer cottage, and they are also watered by anthills,
  • 2 Intavira tablets are diluted in a liter of water, and this concentrate is applied in places of movement of house cockroaches, bugs, fleas, ants.

Mixtures and analogues of pesticide

Sometimes the question arises of the joint use of various drugs. Categorically it is impossible to connect Intavira solution with Bordeaux liquid. It is permissible to mix with HOM, Ridomil, Fitosporin, Epin, Zircon, Fufanon.

In mixtures, the dose of Intavir is sometimes reduced (with stimulants, half a tablet is placed on a bucket of liquid, with a tenth of insecticides).

Cypermethrin is a component of many complex pesticides (Inta-TsM, Alatar, Spark-double effect, chalk "Mashenka", etc.). They have increased toxicity.

Features of Inta-Vir

An insecticide of intestinal contact action, effective against various types of pests of indoor flowers (thrips, all species of aphids, whiteflies) and garden plants (Colorado potato beetle, cherry fly, carrot fly, moth, weevil, tea moth, mushroom mosquitoes, etc.). At the request of the manufacturer - Inta-Vir destroys 52 species of pests.

Active ingredient: cypermethrin, at a concentration of 37.5 g / kg. Shelf life (unopened packaging) 4 years. The drug is approved for use by pesticides and agrochemicals in the agro-industrial complex and personal subsidiary plots in Russia until 2024.

Manufacturer: Fasco (Russia). Available in the form of tablets weighing 8 g and a water-soluble powder. Hazard class - 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Analogs, what to replace: preparations Alatar, Arrivo, Iskra, Shar Pei.

A broad-spectrum preparation, effective against Homoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and other pests.
Belong to the class of pyrethroids, it has intestinal and contact action:

  • cypermethrin leads to rapid paralysis of all organs of the insect pest, affecting its nervous system;
  • Intavir can be mixed with other pesticides, except those that have an alkaline reaction (check in each case);
  • The protective effect is 10-15 days;
  • The drug is not phytotoxic.

Garden application

The time for spraying garden flowers, raspberries, currants Inta-Vir - before flowering and after harvest (or with the end of flowering). Do not spray at the beginning of flowering!

Vegetables, apple trees, other fruit pears - spray during the growing season, strictly 20 days before harvest.

The consumption of the prepared solution is up to 2 liters per bush of currants or gooseberries, a young apple tree and about 5 liters per adult fruit tree.

Consumption rates

The preparation of a working solution for treatments in the garden does not depend on the type of crop (currant or apple tree), but on the type of pest:

  • against aphids, thrips, Colorado potato beetle and other pests, 1 tablet per 10 liters of water is bred, spraying during the growing season
  • from the moth, leafworm (leaf-eating caterpillars): 1 tablet per 10 liters of water, spraying during the growing season
  • 1.5 tablets are diluted against weevil per 10 liters of water, spraying during the growing season
  • 2 tablets are diluted against whiteflies per 10 liters of water, spraying during the growing season
  • against a glass case on currants and a stem fly on raspberries: 1 tablet per 10 l of water, spraying before flowering and after harvesting

Inta Vir at home

Preparation of a working solution for home treatments: 1 tablet is diluted for 10 liters of water, used for spraying on a sheet. To destroy cockroaches, 1 tablet is diluted in 0.5 l of water.

Spray indoor plants when pests are detected. It is best to use a kitchen scale accurate to a gram and divide the tablet into 8 parts, take 1 g per 1 liter of water. It is enough to spray 2 window sills of flowers.


Despite the manufacturers claim that cypermethrin does not cause resistance, there are factors that weaken its effect. Pyrethroids (including cypermethrin) entering insects are exposed to oxidizing enzymes and enzymes that hydrolyze ester groups (esterases).

The action of esterases leads to the cleavage of the original molecule into acid and alcohol components and, as a result, to a complete loss of insecticidal activity.

Apparently this property, as well as the poor wettability of the leaves, explains the incomplete destruction of pests. Therefore, for indoor flowers, spraying can be replaced by dipping the leaves in a bucket of solution. It is permissible to increase the concentration by 2-3 times (2-3 tablets per bucket of water). Expiration dates - up to 20 days.

Also, it should be noted on Inta-Viru a positive point - the absence of a poisonous smell, from the minuses: the drug is easily washed off by rain. recommendation: in view of the manufacturer’s dubious statement that pests do not have resistance to Inta-Vir, for the garden use it no more than 2 times per season, and also alternate with drugs of another group (by active substance) by year, t i.e. use Inta-Vir in a summer cottage after a year.


The drug diluted in containers under the influence of the sun, temperature and humidity completely decomposes within a month. When applied to the soil, it persists for 2-3 weeks in light soils and up to 10 weeks in heavy soils.

When sprinkled on the surface of the soil (in the grass) is stored for 2 weeks.

Cypermethrin is highly toxic for bees and other beneficial insects (hazard class 1-2, the size of the protection zone for bees 4-5 km, the duration of the bee’s summer restriction is 96-120 hours). Highly toxic for fish, medium toxic for humans and warm-blooded animals (hazard class 2-3).

Security measures

Treat using personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles, protective clothing). During work, do not smoke, drink, eat. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth.

Store the drug in a cool dry place at a temperature of -15 ° C to + 30 ° C, separately from food and medicine, in places inaccessible to children and pets! Storage of working solution is not allowed.

First aid for poisoning: if the drug gets on the skin, wash off with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, take a few tablets of activated charcoal, seek medical help.

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