How to get rid of an aspen nest forever and yourself not to suffer from vengeful insects

how to get rid of an aspen nest
How to get rid of an aspen nest

Hello! I am not allergic to wasp or bee stings, there is no fear of these insects, but recently one moment has been quite embarrassing.

General cleaning of the house smoothly moved to the attic, where I discovered a huge hornet's nest.

This neighborhood did not make me happy, so I had to take measures to “evict” the flying comrades along with their “home”. The operation was successful and now I am satisfied. Want to know how to get rid of an aspen nest? How to make it safe? In the article below I’ll tell you everything.

How to destroy wasp nest

Today, more and more often, adults and children are allergic to hornet bites. If you have a nest of wasps in your country house or apartment, find out how to get rid of it.

In addition to the fear of getting bites, you will constantly hear the buzz of these insects, because they will fly from home to the garden.

The fight against insects can be carried out in several ways, which are popular among experienced summer residents.

What to do if a hornet's nest appears

It is better to fight insects in the evening, since in the morning they fly apart, and your actions will be ineffective. Before you get rid of the aspen nest in the country, you need to check if you are allergic to insect bites.

For this, it is advisable to consult an allergist. Remember that bites can even be fatal.

During the fight against wasps, it is important to wear clothes that will completely cover the visible parts of the body. It is advisable that things be sewn from thick material. Take the stairs, then it will be easy to get to the nest. Prepare in advance a spray bottle with antidote for wasps or a solution of oil products. You can also get rid of the nest with boiling water.

After you have processed the nest, it must be torn, put in a bag, carried away from home and burned. Some summer residents use dichlorvos to cultivate the abode of wasps. Your goal is to destroy most of the aspen family, then the rest of its members will fly away irrevocably.

If you prefer more humane methods of getting rid of wasps in the country, then try hanging red hot peppers next to the nest. After some time, the wasp should fly away.

How to get rid of wasps 100%

Today in the market you can find special poisons against wasps, which are placed as bait until the wasps are completely gone from the nest.

Cypermethrin and Actellic solutions are popular. They must be diluted with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer, and then simply sprayed onto the nest. After 20-30 minutes, the nest can be removed and burned.

Keep in mind that drugs can act on wasps in different ways. For example, if you get rid of an aspen nest using a ghetto, then you should not rush to pull out the nest.Wait for the next day, otherwise the chance of getting bites from wasps will increase.

If the hornet’s nest hangs, try to sink it in water. To do this, take a container of water and immerse the house of wasps in it. Wait about 5 minutes and then remove the socket.

Sometimes there are bees in the country. Keep in mind that for no apparent reason these insects do not attack humans, however, their proximity can be unpleasant. You can get rid of bees by the method of their destruction or still try to relocate them to another place.

One of the effective ways to relocate bees is smoke fumigation. After the insects become lethargic, they can be placed in a bag and transported.

If you decide to get rid of the aspen nest in the country, choose the most optimal way. Remember to take an allergy test and wear tight clothing and other personal protective equipment.

With your own hands, you can even relocate bees and get rid of any insects in the country even without the involvement of specialists.

How to get rid of wasps

Wasps are rather annoying predatory insects that can nest in the most unexpected places. The pain from the bite of one insect is comparable to a burn, but the fact is that a wasp is not a bee that dies after the first bite. If the wasp feels aggression, it will sting again and again, and this is not only painful, but also dangerous.

In addition, do not forget that wasps fly everywhere, including in garbage cans, so they are active carriers of intestinal infection. The wasp sting is not at all sterile, and with a bite on the skin there remains a small, but still a wound, which can subsequently fester and bring a lot of trouble.

For the time being, wasps are invisible, but with the ripening of fruits and berries, they begin to be irresistibly drawn to human habitation, and the population of wasps increases significantly by mid-summer, as does aggression.

A seemingly small hornet’s nest begins to grow literally before our eyes, and at first the neighborhood with a person seems to be “quietly peaceful,” therefore some compassionate summer residents or apartment dwellers prefer what is called “not to stir up a hornet’s nest”.

But by mid-summer, insects will certainly begin to show aggression, sting not only people and pets, but also harm the crop on the plot. Agree, it’s not pleasant when a dozen wasps are constantly circling around you, even if not aggressive.

The behavior of wasps cannot be predicted - they can attack with a swarm, deciding that a person is encroaching on their home. The bite of several insects, not to mention the whole swarm, requires immediate medical attention.

So, as soon as a tiny hornet’s nest is found in a country house, in a personal plot or in a country house, one must immediately begin to act - the larger the nest, the more difficult it will be to destroy it.

And do not listen to the ravings of some "professionals" about the need to wait for winter when the wasps go into hibernation and only then can they be safely destroyed. I wonder how these advisers imagine living with wasps? Especially if there are children in the house.

How to find a nest?

To get rid of wasps for sure and for a long time, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. If there are no grapes, fallen and decaying fruits on the plot, but there are still a lot of wasps, it means that they not only accidentally passed by, but somewhere there is a nest.

Wasps prefer to build their nests in places that are difficult to access and hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, all summer cottages, attics and roofs, as well as balconies in multi-storey buildings, are simply ideal places for hornet's nests.

They can comfortably accommodate under the skin of a house or balcony, in a niche under a slate, in a pile of unused rubbish, and even in bushes or hedges. Recently, hornet's nests are increasingly found behind air conditioning and in drainpipes.

There is also a species of wasps that prefer to nest in the ground - these are the so-called earthen wasps.

Finding a nest directly in a house or on a balcony is usually easy. It is enough to carefully observe where the wasps fly most often.

It is much more difficult to detect nests in a large infield. But there is one sure way: a small piece of meat or fish is laid out on the veranda or right on the street, as bait. A person will need to be careful and observant - wasps begin to ply between the bait and the nest. In such a simple way, the hornet's nest is easily located.

Security measures

For the operation to destroy the aspen nest must be carefully prepared. To do this, dress in thick and thick clothes that the bees will not be able to bite, it is also desirable to protect the face as much as possible - a hornet bite in the face is especially dangerous and unpleasant.

It is advisable to carry out the operation in the dark, since it was at night that the wasps are inactive and all are in the nest. If the operation is carried out during the day, the wasps that returned and did not find their nest will bring a lot of trouble.

It is impossible to exterminate separately flying insects in any case - wasps are able to secrete a special substance that will be a signal to attack for the entire swarm.

If the hornet’s nest was still very worried, and the whole swarm flew out, the operation should be interrupted and wait until the next night.

If insects settled in the apartment, on the balcony or in the country house

First of all, we must not forget to notify all neighbors and family members - all windows and doors must be carefully closed.

The most universal method of getting rid of wasps is special chemicals suitable for controlling insects both in the apartment and in the country. The market is filled with many effective drugs that will help you to easily get rid of wasps. To prepare the drug, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow them exactly.

The prepared solution with the chemical is poured into a large cellophane bag, and then the bag is put on the hornet’s nest and slammed shut so that the wasps are blocked.

If the wasps arranged a nest under the roof of the house, then the neck of the package is glued tightly with adhesive tape. If the nest is twisted on a tree, then the package is simply tightly tightened over the nest.

A bag with a chemical and a nest inside can be removed after 3-4 days - this time should be enough for all wasps to die.

The advantages of this method include the fact that many chemicals provide long-term protection against the reappearance of wasps.

If they settled on a personal plot

There are several ways to destroy wasp nests in the area. The most effective way is described above - using chemicals. If the wasps settled in the ground, in the hollow of a tree, or behind the skin of a house, then try to pour the drug directly into the nest. The exit from the nest is blocked using dense tissue, impregnated with the same preparation.

If the nest is located on the ground, then it can be filled with water - sometimes this method also works. It is best to use a high-pressure hose. Another effective way is to fill the hornet’s nest with plenty of boiling water.

If the nest is located in a well accessible place, then the water method will be as follows: the hanging nest is completely immersed in a bucket of water, and the bucket itself is supported from below by a stepladder or boards. There should be no gaps between the edges of the bucket and the ceiling, otherwise the wasps will fly out. The bucket should hang over the ceiling for several days.

Dichlorvos, Domestos, bleach ... The essence of using these drugs is as follows - insects are stupefied, the nest is removed and burned. The method may be effective, but quite dangerous, since, most likely, a bite of a half-drunk wasp can not be avoided.

Well, the last way - if you can’t get rid of wasps on your own, there are special services for this. Specialists who arrived, as a rule, give a guarantee for the work performed, so in the near future you can forget about wasps.

Folk remedies

The hornet’s nest is easy to set on fire, however, it is unacceptable to do this if the nest is twisted on a tree or on a wooden building - a fire is inevitable. The hornet’s nest completely burns out in a matter of seconds, but it can only be set on fire if the danger of fire is completely eliminated.

The use of baits gives good results, in addition, this method is considered the safest for humans. The result will not be noticeable as fast as we would like, but it will certainly be.

As a bait, you can use beer with sugar, jam, juice or just sweet water. Any odor control agent purchased in the store is added to the odorous bait. If the drug is not at hand, you can add ordinary boric acid, but the effectiveness will certainly be lower.

The bait is thoroughly mixed with the drug and exposed in an accessible place where the wasp that arrives with pleasure will enjoy it. But there is one important point - do not forget that pets can also try the bait, which, of course, cannot be allowed.

And yet - you can’t use honey, bees will surely fly off to it, and they are not our enemies at all.

The bait needs to be updated in a few days until the insects have completely disappeared.

Wasps - this is not a mistake of nature, but our closest agricultural assistants. Wasps do their job perfectly - they destroy small pests and their larvae. Therefore, if there are many wasps on the site, but they do not bother much and the neighborhood is quite peaceful, do not blindly destroy them.

If wasps only occasionally fly to the summer cottage and do not make nests there, then they bring only benefit. In this case, peaceful coexistence is the best option for both sides. Well, if the wasp swarm still bothers, then you can get rid of the nest quite quickly.

How to get rid of an aspen nest in the country

The appearance of an aspen nest in the country is a very unpleasant moment. The situation is even worse if one of the family members has a severe allergy to insect bites. In addition to the constant fear of getting a hornet's bite, you are haunted by annoying buzz from all sides and striped creatures scurrying back and forth.

At the beginning of summer, you may not even realize that winged pests made a nest under the roof of a house or in a barn. The main activity in wasps begins in early August.

At this time, their immense appetite attracts insects to the sweet smells of compotes and preserves. Being on the site, you forget about a pleasant summer vacation. All thoughts are directed only at how to remove the hornet's nest in the country forever and as soon as possible.

Safety precautions

Living on the same site with an aspen family is not a pleasant neighborhood. But if you decide to conduct an active fight against aggressive insects, you need to be doubly accurate. Before you destroy the hornet's nest, you need to protect yourself and loved ones.

Protective clothing. A very important point. Before fighting wasps in the country, put on tight trousers, a jacket or a hoodie, boots or boots in which you can tightly tuck pants, gloves.

At the ready, you can put on a hat with a mosquito net over the hood. If you plan to use chemicals, remember that products can leave stubborn stains.

Using stairs can be very dangerous.. Very often, wasps make their nest at high altitude, for example, under the cornice of the second floor or on a tree branch. Be extremely careful when trying to reach the nest from the stairs. At the most unexpected moment, a swarm of wasps can fly out of the nest. The danger of falling in this case is very great.

Chemical damage. If you chose special chemicals to fight wasps, make sure there are no children or animals nearby. At least during the day no one should be on the site. In addition, after the procedure, you need to remove all dead insects in a bag and carry away.

Otherwise, wasp infected with poison can cause serious poisoning for a cat or dog if they decide to eat light prey.

How to find a hornet’s nest

Before you talk about how to get rid of wasps in the country, you need to know how to find the main source of the problem. If the shelter of the wasps is not located in full view, then you will first have to start searching for it. This process is also unsafe.

You accidentally, without expecting it yourself, can step on the nest or touch it with your hand. In this case, attacks of aggressive insects cannot be avoided. Therefore, searches must also be carried out in protective equipment and be prepared for a quick escape. Where in the first place can I search for wasps?

The hornet's nest is often located in the most secluded and unexpected places. The first thing to watch isps. Stand aside and look in which direction the insects fly after a hard day. So you already determine which part of the house or garden should be searched.

After that, carefully inspect all building beams, cornices, roof canopies, attic, barn for storing things and working equipment. It is possible that there you will find a nest. But often wasps climb into more inaccessible places. If you saw a small gap in the wall, on the floor or at the junction of pipes, you can safely assume that wasps live there.

In this case, the only sure way to get rid of annoying wasps is to pickle them with aerosol chemicals, and then close the cracks tightly.

How to choose the right time

It is best to get rid of wasps at the beginning of the season, since fighting wasps in a wooden house closer to September is much more difficult. Firstly, the number of insects is not too large. Secondly, wasps in this period are not as active as the sunset of summer. But, as mentioned above, it is not always possible to find a hornet's shelter on time. Active wasps must be fought at night.

In the dark, their reaction is slowed down, so the operation is less dangerous. In addition, in the evening, all wasps return to the nest and you can completely destroy the colony at a time. Wasps are very vengeful insects.

If you try to exterminate a half-empty nest in the afternoon, then the wasps returning after a few hours can very much harm the offenders of their brethren.

Make an escape plan. Do not neglect this, at first glance, an absurd point. After spraying the poison in the direction of the nest or in an unsuccessful attempt to remove the shelter of insects, the wasps will fly out and attack.

You willy-nilly will have to run very fast to hide from bites. It is better if the route is thought out in advance, and unexpected obstacles in the form of a log or scattered children's toys do not appear on the way.

Weapon selection

Before proceeding directly to the destruction of wasp dwellings, you need to thoroughly prepare, study various methods, evaluate your own capabilities. But at this time, the wasps do not stop attacking. Their bites continue to be a serious threat to the inhabitants of the cottage. How to be Try setting traps that temporarily distract the attention of the wasps.

The easiest option is a container with a sweet liquid. Wasps flock to the bait. A bottle with a narrow neck is best suited for this purpose. Insects crawl inside the trap, but getting out of there is quite problematic.

Instead of regular sugar syrup, use jam or compote. Fruit aroma attracts wasps much more strongly. Some summer residents advise adding to the “treat” an ampoule of any insecticide that is designed for gastrointestinal poisoning of pests. They say that in this way you can significantly reduce the number of insects.

Water. One of the most common methods offered by summer residents. If you act clearly according to plan, then it is quite possible to exterminate annoying insects without the use of chemicals. So:

  • put on a prepared protective suit;
  • pour hot water into a bucket. The higher the temperature, the better;
  • take a tight plastic bag or bag;
  • if the nest is on a tree branch, throw a bag over and tighten the cord tightly from above. If the wasps decided to twist the dwelling in the corner of the house or under the roof, holding the bag directly under the nest, with a sharp movement of the stick, knock the nest into the bag and also tie it;
  • immerse the bag in a bucket, press on top with a stone and leave it overnight;
  • in the morning all wasps will be destroyed.


Before you destroy the hornet’s nest under the roof of a wooden house, you can buy a special pesticide in the form of a spray. Aerosol bottles are convenient to use and quite effectively affect wasps.

But just as in other cases, safety precautions should not be neglected. Having prepared a can of poison, proceed as follows:

  • put on the correct closed clothes, direct the bottle to the nest;
  • direct a stream of pesticide on the habitation of wasps and spray for 10-15 seconds;
  • leave the territory as soon as possible.

The best means for bullying these insects are considered to be those that say “from wasps”, and not aerosols of complex action “from all species flying ...”. Of the pesticides that are presented in household chemical stores, Moskitol v. Os, Raid, and Dichlorvos (ordinary, not newfangled, “odorless”) have proven themselves well.

From the first time to cope with the entire hornet family usually fails. The procedure will need to be repeated after another day or two.

This method is often used as a preparatory stage before destroying the nest. After the action of chemicals, wasps become intoxicated, their reaction slows down significantly. Therefore, further manipulations become less dangerous.

Burning a nest

There is another effective way to remove the hornet's nest in the country. The process is carried out using smoke from a bonfire, bred directly under the nest. It’s better to burn not ordinary firewood, but needles. It is believed that this smell quickly intoxicates insects and makes them leave their homes.

This option is suitable for cases when wasps settled on a tree branch. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to light a fire right on the porch of their own summer house. Although some resourceful owners came up with the use of a barbecue for this purpose.

The kindled fire must be left for some time. Smoke will rise, choking wasps, causing them to fly out. In an hour or two, all the insects will leave their shelter. The nest can be easily removed and destroyed.

There is another variation of the method of getting rid of wasps using fire. Without waiting for the wasps to leave the house, you need to get to the nest. And also, as stated in the method with water, “pack” it in a bag. The package is quickly doused with gasoline or other flammable liquid, and thrown into a diluted fire.

Kerosene or diesel fuel. Any of these fluids must be poured into the garden spray gun and the hornet's nest sprinkled liberally. After some time, the insects will die from the poisonous smell and you will not have problems with cleaning the nest. But there are pitfalls.

Few people decide to voluntarily water their house with kerosene. After all, the slightest carelessness and fire can lead to instant ignition of the building.

Recently, those who nevertheless decided on this method often complain that kerosene does not help. Experts suggest that the insects mutated, and their body became more resistant to such fluids. So instead of killing insects, you can only anger them.

Insecticidal dust. Insecticidal dust is effective when wasps built a nest right on the ground. Such insect behavior is characteristic of large hornets.If you are affected by this case, proceed as follows:

  1. take a quarter cup of insecticidal dust (you can ask Sevin 5 Garden Dust in the store;
  2. in the dark or in the early morning sprinkle a hole in the nest with this powder. At the same time, do not forget about protective clothing and gloves;
  3. no need to cover the nest. Let the wasps freely enter and exit. Poisoned dust clings to its paws and is carried inside the nest, infecting all other inhabitants.

Usually one or two days is enough to destroy the whole swarm. If it’s not the third day you still notice living wasps, repeat the process.

A vacuum cleaner. Reviews about this method are quite contradictory. Some summer residents consider it the only true salvation. Others for some reason do not even want to try.

The process is quite long, but if everything is done correctly, the hornet's nest will be completely destroyed.

  • pour about 5 cm of soap solution into the container of the vacuum cleaner. The liquid will kill insects already during absorption;
  • place the end of the hose directly at the inlet of the socket;
  • turn on the vacuum cleaner and hold it until everything is inside. The procedure is long (it may take more than one hour) and noisy. But at the end of the process, you can forget about the aspen nest in the area;
  • as soon as the socket is completely inside, the vacuum cleaner must be turned off, and the hose hole tightly plugged with a rag. Within hours, an angry buzz will be heard from within. As soon as the sounds subside, you can open the vacuum cleaner and dispose of all that remains of the nest.

How to get rid of the aspen nest on the balcony

Very often, the question of how to destroy a hornet’s nest arises among residents of apartment buildings. Wasps love to stand their houses on the balcony or under the eaves. In this case, it is important to find the nest first.

If you notice that the wasps began to fly into the room or, going out onto the balcony, constantly hear the characteristic rumble, start the search. The hornet’s nest is far from always visible.

Insects love to climb into secluded places. Therefore, first, carefully inspect:

  • ceiling;
  • cornices outside the window;
  • places under the windowsill;
  • drainpipes;
  • cracks between the wall and the casing;
  • mountains of things, cabinets and hanging shelves.

Any of these places may be occupied by new applicants to your territory.

If at first glance the nest could not be found, observe the wasps. After 10-15 minutes, you will understand where the insects are in such a hurry.

Before you remove the hornet's nest, in the same way as in the case of summer pests, carefully prepare. You can not immediately proceed in the analysis of blockages or tear off the skin from the wall. Wasps can attack unexpectedly and very aggressively.

Methods of dealing with "urban" wasps are exactly the same as described above. Compliance with security measures and speed of action is the key to success in this process.

Options for eliminating the aspen nest in the country

There are many options for fighting: Take a bag of dense polyethylene and very carefully throw it on the nest. Now separate it from the surface and tie the bag. The whole operation needs to be done very quickly. Most often, a bag with a nest is simply burned in a fire or poured with boiling water, after placing it in an iron bucket under oppression.

Traditionally used for destruction kerosene. The shell of the aspen nest is collected from wood pulverized to a state of slurry and wetted with saliva of insects. That is why kerosene almost instantly penetrates the inside of the nest and is also quickly absorbed into the body of the wasp, preventing it from breathing. Insects die immediately.

Sometimes wasps create nests in places that are almost impossible to reach. In this case, you can use a can of foam. Just blow it into the air hole. Make sure that it is completely “sealed”.

To destroy flying aggressors, you can use the usual dichlorvos or other similar drugs. But the method will work only if, immediately after processing, the nest is tightly wrapped in polyethylene. This is necessary in order to block the wasps from accessing oxygen.

Can be used pesticidal sprays. But keep in mind that tools designed to kill small insects are completely useless here. It is necessary to purchase pesticides originally designed to kill bees.

Work the nest in the evening. In the morning, inspect it, not approaching. If the wasp is still active, repeat the treatment in the evening. And in this mode - processing / inspection - until the desired result is obtained, i.e., the death of insects. Then knock down the nest and burn it.

Insecticidal dust. It is this format of the product that is most preferred if wasps live in the ground. Just process the entrance to the nest, but you don’t need to close it. Wasps, when passing through the inlet, on the paws will carry dust into the heart of the colony.

The remaining wasps will also become infected. As a rule, the entire insect population dies in about two days.

How to get rid of an aspen nest that has "grown" in the attic of a house or in a summer cottage?

Summer residents say, now a lot of wasps have divorced. Experts say that most of these pitiful insects become in the middle of the solar cycle, which falls in the current year.

In addition, the number of wasps reaches a maximum in August. This month, as well as in September, wasps are most dangerous to humans, especially when their nests are near people's homes.

With knowledge

If the wasps settled in the cracks, the rescuers foam them or cement the customer’s material. The service is paid. The cost depends on the complexity of work, mileage, the number of employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and the equipment used. For example, a trip around the city will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

This service is provided free of charge to educational, health, social protection institutions, as well as to disabled people and participants in the war. Wasps will be dealt with for free if they pose a direct threat to life and health.

For example, if the nest grew in a house where people with disabilities who are unable to move independently or people with an allergic reaction to wasp venom live.

Do it yourself

How to cope with wasps on their own, free of charge, dispatchers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations consult on the phone. A lot of simple ways can be found on the Internet and specialized publications.

A plastic bottle with a trimmed top will come off as a trap. The upper part must be inserted into the bottle like a non-spill ink bottle, and the container should be filled with sweet syrup mixed with a karate poisonous substance. You can color the trap in yellow attracting wasps and leave it in the place of the largest concentration of these insects.

Chemical baits work great. For example, you can mix borax with minced meat in a ratio of one to nine. The bait is placed in the feeder and set near the nest.

Generously coat the area where the wasps exit the nest with a mixture of sugar syrup or honey and poison. The nest, as a rule, dies within three to five days.
Traps and baits should be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Don't be bad

Wasps regulate the number of many pests. Unlike domestic bees, they sting only if absolutely necessary. Therefore, if the nest is located away from places of direct contact with a person, you should save it.

And in places of mass accumulation of these insects, simple precautions will be enough.

  • when working in the garden or the garden clothes should not be bright colors;
  • do not use perfumes and cosmetics before visiting the forest or summer cottage;
  • during the period of greatest activity, be careful when drinking fruit juices and other sugary drinks;
  • one should not come close to the aspen nest, much less touch it.

How to safely get rid of an aspen nest in the country

Allergies to wasp stings are increasingly common in adults and children. Therefore, if a nest was found in a summer cottage, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight with its inhabitants.

The most effective method of struggle is to destroy the nest. To do this, you can use special chemicals, and also turn to alternative methods.

The main methods of struggle

You can destroy the hornet's nest in the country with the help of specially developed purchased drugs or physical methods of control. Each of the methods is effective in its own way, so just select one of them and start the fight.

However, if you are allergic to wasps, it is better to abandon self-destruction, and call a special service. Otherwise, even a few bites can cause serious allergies or even death.

In addition, in some cases it is not necessary to destroy insects. You can relocate the nest away from the cottage. However, nest transfer is possible only during periods of minimal wasp activity, for example, in the cold season.

If relocation of wasps in spring or summer is required, it is better to choose a dark time for this.

And do not forget about the protective suit, which includes tight clothes, shoes and gloves, and if possible - a beekeeper’s mask. But if you move the nest safely for humans and the wasps fail, its destruction is required.


The use of chemicals is the most effective method of control, but at the same time the most dangerous. First of all, if you do not use personal protective equipment when using chemicals, you can get poisoned.

In addition, when processing nests, wasps do not die immediately, and an angry swarm can inflict several tens of bites in a few seconds. And this amount of poison can cause serious allergies, even in people who are not exposed to it.

To eliminate the hornet’s nest using chemistry, one of the most effective drugs should be used:

  • Dichlorvos. Time-tested and effective drug. It has the greatest power in a confined space.
  • Raptor. An effective anti-wasp product that comes in blue containers.
  • Sevin 5 Garden Dust. Insecticidal dust, which is used to treat the surface of hornet's nests. In this case, special attention should be paid to the place at the entrance. The wasps themselves on the legs and wings will bring poison into the nest, which will gradually lead to the death of the entire swarm.
  • Pesticidal aerosol. The drug is applied to the surface of the nest. After a few days, all the wasps will die, and it will be safe to remove and discard their nest. Available in the form of a spray, which has a high degree of toxicity, therefore, leads to instant death.

Therefore, if you need to get rid of the aspen nest in the country in an inaccessible place, it is best to use chemical means of control. But at the same time, do not forget about the need to use personal protective equipment.

Physical means

You can get rid of the aspen nest without the use of toxic poisons. Available tools will help. With the physical destruction of wasps, it is also important to put on tight clothes, close your face and eyes. Work is better to transfer to the dark.

Physical methods for destroying an aspen nest:

  1. Throw a garbage bag on the hornet’s nest, and tape it as soon as possible. When you are sure that the wasps cannot get out, place the bag with the nest in an iron barrel, set it on fire and close it with a lid.
  2. Boil a bucket or large pot of water. Carefully knock down the nest with a stick so that it falls into boiling water. Close the lid quickly.
  3. If the nest is located in an inaccessible place that you do not plan to use, you can simply fill the entrance to it with foam. Also, with the help of foam, you can completely fill the nest.
  4. You can apply glue against insects on the surface of the entrance to the nest.
  5. Gradually, the wasps will clog the passage into it, due to which all the insects in the nest will die.

Do not forget that using physical destruction methods can be dangerous. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a specialist.

Alternative methods against wasps

If a hornet's nest appeared in the country, how to get rid of it depends on the number of wasps, your courage and dexterity. Many people prefer to fight wasps with folk remedies. They do not require significant cash investments, but at the same time quite effective. The most popular and effective folk remedies:

Processing nests with kerosene. One of the most effective folk methods of fighting wasps. Pour kerosene into a medical enema and pour a nest over it. Try to be at a considerable distance from it. Repeat the procedure every day until the wasps leave the nest. Then throw it away from home or burn.

Fumigation of the nest with smoke of conifer needles. This method will not allow you to get rid of wasps after the first use, but with repeated use it has a lasting result. To fumigate the nest with smoke, you need a stove-potbelly stove.

It should be placed near the aspen nest, directing the chimney directly into it. The stove should be heated with fresh pine or spruce needles. For a more toxic smell, plastic can be added to the needles. Perform the procedure daily until the wasp leaves the nest.

Application of resin. It is necessary to collect gum from fruit trees, for example, from an apple tree and a pear. Spread the red rope with this mass, and set it near the nest. It is believed that within 10-20 days, wasps themselves must leave the nest. This is a very old wasp recipe, but many people confirm its effectiveness.

The use of folk remedies will not allow you to get rid of wasps after one procedure. It will take a lot of time. But at the same time, you will not have to buy expensive chemicals to control insects.


After the destruction of wasps and their nests, it is necessary to use preventive means to prevent their return to the territory of the dacha. The main preventive measures:

  • In winter, all empty wasp nests should be removed so that in the spring a wasp colony does not wound up in them. Most wasps return to old houses or build new nests on old ones, so the destruction of empty wasp nests will protect the site from the appearance of insects next year.
  • It is not recommended to plant fruit trees near the house. Rotten fruits lure wasps, so they build nests near the power source. If fruit trees are already planted, it is necessary to collect and discard all rotten fruits in time.
  • Do not leave open trash bins in the area. The smell of spoiled foods lures insects, and it will be difficult to get rid of them. Therefore, the tanks should be closed with a lid and regularly treated with disinfectants.

Fighting wasps is a long and complicated process, but if you follow all the recommendations, you can get rid of insects on the site once and for all.

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