How to remove midges from an apartment - simple and effective means

how to get midges out of an apartment
How to get midges out of an apartment

Good day. Oh, this autumn period with insane activity of midges. It’s not so easy to get rid of these little bastards.

At one time, I tried a dozen different ways before I was able to reliably get rid of these wrecks.

Now there is no such easy panic as before. Want to know how to get midges out of your apartment? What actions to take to minimize the chance of their appearance in your home? Now I will describe everything in detail and tell you.

Tips: how to remove midges in the kitchen?

These small annoying insects are called - Drosophila. Midges are found in places where there are rotting fruits and vegetables, in which they lay eggs.

To get rid of midges, you just need to find and throw away the source. But it is not always clear where they come from if the apartment is clean.

It's simple, the smallest crumbs of the same fruits, for example, a grape can be under furniture, where it is difficult to detect.

But midges will quickly lay eggs there and begin to breed at high speed. You can also bring these small creatures from the store along with products, for example, carrots, potatoes and others.

Reason for occurrence

The surest means is purity. It is advisable not to leave overnight in the kitchen cleaning, half-eaten pieces of fruit and other things. You must always carefully check the purchased products.

If the kitchen is kept perfectly clean, cleaning is done regularly, and midges still appear, then it is quite possible that they just flew to stay. These small insects can enter the apartment through the ventilation system, through the openings of the water pipes, from the basement, sewage and heating.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen?

If you still have midges in the kitchen, then there are two ways to exterminate it - this is to destroy Drosophila itself and eliminate the environment for hatching eggs. So what to do?

It is important to remember one truth, midges love sweets very much, which means that they can be outwitted, invited to a feast of sweet fruit or sugar syrup. Everything is easy and simple, you need to make a sweet table for them in the sink as close to the drain hole as possible.

After you pour the syrup into the sink, literally a few minutes later all midges will fly on it and the most important thing is not to miss the moment and have time to rinse them along with the syrup.

Another good way to help remove midges is to invite them to drink. All midges adore moisture, and citric acid with water will show them the way, following which midges will gather at the source. But, insects do not sink due to the film on the water, and in order to destroy it, you need to add a little liquid soap to the water.

You can fill in sour or sweet water in a bottle with a narrowed neck.Inside the flies will fall by the smell, but it will be almost impossible for them to get back, they simply will not be able to identify the neck as a way to deliverance. It is important to change the water in the bottle, lowering it into the sewer along with midges.

You can put a sweet bait, for example, rotting fruit in a plastic cup. Cover the glass with cling film and make small holes in it. The trap should be left overnight. The moths easily penetrate inside, but they cannot get out anymore.

Sticky tape will help get rid of midges. Sweet aroma attracts midges very much. They sit down and immediately stick.

You can use incense. Effective aromas are patchouli, ylang-ylang and verbena. You can use aroma lamps, scented candles and sticks.

Camphor alcohol will also help. It needs to be poured into a hot pan and, evaporating, it will kill midges. But not everyone will like this method, because after this procedure you will have to ventilate the room for a long time.

After all the midges have been sent to the sewers, you need to find the environment for their reproduction and get rid of it. If this is not done, then new insects will appear very soon, so it is very important to find the reason for their appearance. Instructions for such actions simply do not exist, so you need to start with cleaning.

It is necessary not only to thoroughly wash all the floors, but also to carefully examine all the food cabinets so that, for example, there are no rotting vegetables or fruits. The source of the appearance of midges may be the knee of the sewer and a siphon at the sink.

In order to neutralize the breeding centers, you need to heat the kettle and drain any means for punching the sewage with boiling water. A little later, you need to do the same, but with pure boiling water.

It should be checked that there is no leakage of water anywhere, for example, with poor-quality connection of pipes with fittings. In such cases, puddles with mold appear, which serve as an excellent breeding ground for midges. Therefore, you need to find the source of the leak and fix it.

If you are sure that the flies have flown to you from your neighbors, all the above procedures must be done in their apartment, but this is not always possible, unfortunately. Therefore, it is necessary to install ventilation grilles with a mosquito net, and the grille should be as tight as possible against the wall.

Clearances can be removed using colorless silicone. Midges could also get into the kitchen from the bathroom, and from the basement there, so you need to check the tightness of the risers tightly. If holes are found, they must be repaired with foam or cement.

How to prevent occurrence?

To prevent the appearance of these annoying insects in the kitchen, preventive measures must be taken.

  • It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the garbage bin, it is advisable to fold the cleaning not in the bucket itself, but in a bag, which should be tied well.
  • Be sure to regularly carry out wet cleaning.
  • You also need to remove all crumbs and other food debris from the table.
  • If there are animals in the house, you need to wash their bowls every day.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

If midges appeared in the apartment, then this does not always indicate the uncleanliness of the owner. Do not be shy, because midges can appear in any home. You just need to take measures to destroy these annoying insects as quickly as possible.

How to remove midges from the apartment?

You can start to remove midges only after establishing the reason for their appearance. This is sometimes more complicated than the process of getting rid of them. There can be frost or heat on the street, this does not affect the moment you notice uninvited guests.

Basically, people bring people into the house, or the lack of cleanliness of the apartment and communication problems contribute to this.

Dirty vegetables and fruits attract midges. Dirty fruits and vegetables in the “rotting” stage are a breeding ground for midges. They themselves live only about 24 hours, but very intensively lay their eggs, if there are conditions for this. It doesn’t matter where you got the products - in the market or in the garden.

Garbage as a center for the spread of insects. The reason is the lack of cleanliness in the location of the bin or the presence of stale garbage. When the process of decay begins, midges appear. After garbage removal, the bucket must be washed very carefully so that no traces of the insects themselves remain.

The groomed place of animals attracts Drosophila. The reason is insufficient hygiene in the place where animals live. This may be a poorly cleaned rabbit cage, an aquarium with fish, where water has not been changed for a long time. The main thing is to clean everything from possible products of decay and do it regularly.

Drosophila from potted plants. An especially nutrient medium for the appearance of insects is the land moistened with tea leaves. If you are thinking about how to remove midges from the apartment, be sure to ensure that there is no increased humidity in the area where the pots are located and never fertilize plants with tea leaves.

Pipes as a midge habitat. The reason is water pipes and sewage. Unfortunately, you cannot properly clean them, so dirt and food debris accumulate in the most inaccessible places, and this is a favorable environment for midges.

How to remove midges from an apartment: perform general cleaning in residential premises, remove all rubbish, use masking tape or a trap

How to get rid of annoying neighbors?

Unfortunately, no matter how you try to eliminate midges in the house, this will never work for you until you find a source of their spread.

Checking products to protect against midges. The first thing you should do is fruit and vegetables in all places of their storage. Everything that seems to you slightly spoiled or completely spoiled should be thrown away and taken out of the apartment as soon as possible. Put the good fruit in the refrigerator.

Cereals. Pour all cereals into special containers. You need to make sure that where they are stored there is no moisture or mold. It is best to seal the jars tightly to prevent ingress of excess.

Cleaning in the bathroom and kitchen for protection against Drosophila. Stock up on all the tools available to you for pipe cleaning and disinfection. If there are none at hand, then soda, slaked with vinegar, will also help.

If possible, remove the siphons; they must be cleaned at least once a year.

Plant Care Against Drosophila. Carry out some procedures with indoor plants, for example, stick matches head down. This will positively affect the elimination of midges, will not allow them to multiply. It is best not to overfill the plants in order to remove excessive moisture and possible rotting of the roots.

In addition to matches, you can lightly sprinkle the ground with ground black pepper.

Cleaning the habitats of animals against midges. If you have pets, do not allow contamination of their food and toilet. Only timely replacement of the filler and clean bowls will allow you to get rid of midges in the house.

Drosophila trap. If you are interested in radical methods for resolving the issue of how to get midges out of an apartment, then use a makeshift trap. From an ordinary PET bottle, you need to cut off the upper part, and insert it back down, with the narrow end down, like a funnel.

Everything must be fixed (with tape or electrical tape). At the bottom - “appetizing” for midges - a rotten fruit. The traps are thrown whole, pouring water with a small amount of dishwashing gel.

Geranium protects against Drosophila. Geranium is a salvation not only from midges, but also from a moth. This flower will decorate the room and perfectly protect against uninvited guests.

Adhesive tapes to kill midges. Adhesive tapes are practical, but not very aesthetically pleasing.Hang them everywhere, even in closed cabinets, but only after the outbreak of midges has been neutralized.

Prevention of occurrence

Prevention of the appearance of midges does not require special knowledge and skills:

  • keep all rooms clean, then you do not have to think about how to remove midges from the apartment;
  • clean carefully and regularly;
  • take out the trash on time;
  • wash the garbage container with disinfectants;
  • clean the pipes;
  • Watch for foods that can go bad and become a breeding ground for midges.

Do not forget that cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also a guarantee of no midges. Do not neglect cleaning, including in kitchen cabinets. Be mindful of products, especially those that can deteriorate quickly.

Choose a special cereal storage system. Prevention is not difficult, in addition, it benefits everyone who lives in the apartment.

How to remove midges in the kitchen and prevent their appearance

What hostess doesn’t want her kitchen to be clean, comfortable and beautiful? Most likely, there are none! A kitchen is a room where all family members gather every day, where many women spend most of their time, where we meet guests, celebrate birthdays, spend holidays and, of course, prepare culinary masterpieces.

However, over time, many housewives encounter one nuisance - fruit flies appear out of nowhere in the kitchen.

They very quickly fill the room and begin to host: crawl in all bowls, cups, try the products on the table, climb the curtains, wallpaper, window sills and, in the end, fly fearlessly in front of the nose.

Where do they come from

Usually they appear when fruits, vegetables and berries begin to rot in the house. The most favorite habitats of these insects are onions and potatoes. Also, the place of their deployment can be grapes left on the table, a saucer with jam, an open container with wine, beer or sweet compote.

The reason for the appearance of midges can be any vegetable or fruit that fell past the bin and lay on the side for a while.

Also, do not be surprised at the appearance of these “guests” if a bin with melon or watermelon peels has been standing in your house for several days.

Females lay eggs where there is rot and dampness. They are looking for favorable conditions in which midges will breed and grow.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, get rid of all rotten foods on which midges are so fond of sitting. There will be no nutrient medium - there will be no insects! Look at everything: fruits, berries, packages with cereals and nuts, open jars of jam, compote, as well as places where onions, carrots, potatoes, etc. are stored.

After you throw away everything that has rotted, do the cleaning, as our uninvited guests really do not like cleanliness. Wash the floor thoroughly, remove the trash and rinse the bucket, then wipe the surfaces of tables, the walls of the refrigerator, cabinet doors, and try to clean out all inaccessible places.

Usually after the general cleaning the question “How to remove midges in the kitchen?” Disappears by itself.

Do you still have midges after harvesting? See if the sink drain hole is clogged. If leftovers of food are stuck there, then this is the breeding ground of insects, which we get rid of.

The kitchen is perfect clean, and midges continue to fly through it and feel at home? Then inspect all the flower pots. Frequent waterlogging of the soil, as well as the organic fertilizers that we use, contribute to the appearance of fruit flies.

To solve the problem, you can use purchased insect control products, you can sprinkle soil with a small amount of ground pepper, treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, dry the soil as much as possible until the next watering, or stick a few matches with the heads down.

If you notice a cluster of fruit flies in the house, take a simple spray bottle, add water and a small amount of dishwashing liquid to it. Spray insects with the resulting solution, and they will soon die.


Option One:

  • take a small glass jar, drip a little apple cider vinegar and water into it. Instead of vinegar, you can pour sweet compote;
  • then take a piece of paper, make a funnel out of it and fasten it with tape. It is better to use yellow paper;
  • make sure that at the end of the funnel there is a small hole through which it will be difficult for midges to fly out;
  • then insert a paper funnel into the jar and place it where uninvited guests fly;
  • The aroma of apple cider vinegar is very attractive to small insects. Having made their way into the can once, they simply will not be able to fly out of it.

Option Two:

  • take an ordinary bowl and drip a small amount of apple cider vinegar into it;
  • then wrap the container with a plastic bag and make several holes on top. A thick needle can be used for this, but keep in mind that the diameter of the holes should not be very large. Otherwise, the trap will not work;
  • insects enter the bowl through the holes, enjoy the bait, and do not fly back, due to poor orientation in space.

Some useful tips

  1. There is an opinion that mosquito pills help in the fight against fruit flies. So, this is not true! Our intruders simply do not respond to them;
  2. Also, many housewives mistakenly claim that air fresheners help get rid of midges. Attention: if you use a freshener with a sweet aroma of lemon or orange, on the contrary you can attract midges, rather than drive them away;
  3. if there are pets in the house, do not forget to carefully clean their bowls, since the left food can soon become a breeding ground for midges;
  4. never leave dirty dishes in the sink;
  5. discard rotten products on time;
  6. Do not forget to rinse the bin to prevent the appearance of insects.

Simple, affordable ways

Mice most often appear in the apartment suddenly, and some of their species can bite painfully and suffer serious infectious diseases. It is important for residents to know how to get rid of small midges in an apartment quickly and for a long time.

Cats can cause significant harm to humans, they spoil food, wind up in sweets, indoor flowers, and serve as an excellent bait for other insects.

Therefore, it is urgent to take measures to remove them from the premises.

Where do the parasites come from?

Sources of their manifestations can be very diverse:

  • rotten fruits and vegetables;
  • sweets thrown under the bed;
  • dirty bin;
  • sewage system;
  • houseplants;
  • humid environment in the kitchen, basement.

And also midges can easily fly in from neighbors. As soon as the reason for their appearance is established, you can safely proceed to drastic actions - the destruction of intolerable pests.

How to get rid of midges in an apartment quickly?

You can give a lot of ways how to get rid of midges in the apartment, just consider the main ones.

To audit all vegetables and fruits that are stored at home, in the kitchen, on the balcony, in a vase in the living room. All spoiled food should be removed and discarded, the rest should be washed and refrigerated.

You also need to review the existing cereals, perhaps they managed to get these small people there. After checking, tightly close the container, remove to another place.

Now you need to process the sink and wash basin, for this you can use an effective remedy for midges in the apartment - table soda, extinguished with vinegar. After - rinse with plenty of running water.

Next you need to vacuum the walls, ceilings, floors and other surfaces where midges have been noticed. Wash floors with warm water and powder.

Check the pots of indoor plants, fill them with clean earth, reduce the amount of watering, and on top you can sprinkle the ground with a small amount of ground pepper.

How to get rid of midges in an apartment quickly and efficiently? For this case, various traps prepared from improvised tools are suitable. It is enough to take an empty bottle, cut off the neck of it, and then insert it with the nose into the same dishes, fixing it with tape.

At the bottom of the bottle you need to put a bait, for example, a piece of banana, spoiled berry. The moths will fly into such a trap, and after they are caught, the dishes must be disposed of without dismantling it.

In the fight against midges help sticky tapes, special aerosols, solutions against insects. In order not to get intoxication, spraying should be in a well-ventilated room.

A quick way to get rid of biting midges in an apartment is to use an ordinary mosquito fumigator, this device must be turned on day and night until the pests disappear completely.

Indoor geranium, which should be grown indoors, will perfectly help in the fight against midges, the smell of this plant cannot be tolerated by midges, moths, flies, mosquitoes. An excellent universal remedy for all insects.

How dangerous are Drosophila to humans?

Such midges are insects that are not dangerous to humans, they do not bite and do not tolerate infections, but they multiply very quickly, spoil not only fruits and vegetables on the table, but also fruit stands.

Such midges simply bother, fly into the nose, mouth, eyes, stain wallpaper and curtains, bring discomfort during sleep, appear at dawn, looking for a breeding ground. Even air fresheners can attract them if they have a sweet aroma.

How to get rid of fruit midges in the apartment with the help of preventive measures. If you remove all the sources of nutrition of insects, they themselves will disappear, fly to a new place of "residence". You should regularly do wet cleaning in the house and ventilate the room.

To effectively get rid of parasites, you need to keep the house clean, discard spoiled foods in a timely manner, and wash the trash can thoroughly. You can put garlic on the windowsills or drip camphor oil.

Here's how to get rid of flower midges in an apartment: periodically water the affected soil with a solution of potassium permanganate or soapy water. Place orange slices in flowerpots or sprinkle crushed cockroach chalk.

If all the methods were unsuccessful, then you can get rid of onion midges in the apartment by chemical methods of control (solutions of Aktar, Fitoverm, Karbofos, Agravertin or Thunder -2). Such tools instantly kill all pests.

Keep your home clean and adhere to preventive measures that are guaranteed to save the room from uninvited guests.

How to remove Drosophila from an apartment or house?

Whatever it is, but the presence of midges in the house is very annoying and brings discomfort. Some people can even observe a hysterical state from their appearance.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to get rid of midges, as well as mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other parasitic insects.

There are thousands of species of midges. Some may bite. And to combat them, it is not at all necessary to study them, because all the same, it all comes down to one scenario of events - the complete destruction of midges!

Why do they appear?

The reason, as always the simplest and most banal, is a violation of the sanitary-hygienic norms indoors. Forgot to put perishable foods, including fruits and vegetables, in the refrigerator? Get the “portion” of midges!

Once again, forgot about the bin? And one more “portion”! Not observing the basic rules of hygiene in the house, you will never get rid of parasitic insects.

In order not to create a “dining room” from your home for midges, as well as cockroaches and flies, you should adhere to the following:

  • Change garbage bags in a bucket in a timely manner, and keep the trash bin clean;
  • Follow the hygiene of your pets, including aquarium fish (watch for water and algae in the aquarium);
  • Keep plumbing fixtures clean. Very often midges start when leftover food remains in the sewer. To do this, they must be cleaned either with a special tool for cleaning sinks, or with boiling water, or with a solution of soda;
  • Do not leave rotten vegetables and fruits on the table or in any other place. Puppies are very fond of bananas, apples, watermelons and melons. They can debug larvae in their peel to breed offspring. Keep an eye on crops;
  • Reconsider your food supply. Perhaps some of the products could rot. Then it’s best to go through them all, review and rinse;
  • Do not fill indoor plants with water. Excessive watering will create an ideal environment for mushroom midges, which will eat up the root of the plant over time, and it will die. By the way, most often midges are found in those pots that have tea leaves used as fertilizer.

Better use wood or stone ash. Insecticides such as “Thunder”, “Agravertin”, “Fitoverm”, “Karbofos” can be used for the soil. You can stick in the pot with the heels of matches gray down. Sprinkle leaves with potassium permanganate. And be sure to change the soil if the plant is infected.

How to escape from pests?

All of the above rules are the guarantor of the complete extermination of midges. Cleanliness is the best remedy against midges, cockroaches, flies and any other insects. And yet, to remove existing midges there are many simple tricks with which you can quickly catch and remove them from your home:

Homemade trap - An elementary and effective remedy against midges. To do this, you can take a plastic cup and throw some rotting fruit into it. After that, wrap the glass with foil and make a few holes at the top. Moshkara will climb into a glass of 100%, and will not be able to get out any more. The trap is simply thrown out along with midges.

You can also use any capacity (jar, mug, sudochka). In it you need to pour something sweet, such as juice. Moshkara will simply sink there, but you just need to update the bait in a timely manner. Yes, and yet, midges will not immediately come across. Wait until the juice is acidified, then the midges and will fly into the smell.

Pour a little oil into the sink. This will attract Moshkar no worse than with homemade traps. After a lot of midges are collected in the sink, they must be washed with water from the tap, and the sink itself should be thoroughly washed.

Puppies are afraid of aromas of anise, basil and cloves. If midges settled in the roots of your indoor plants, a weak solution of potassium permanganate will help you, only it should be really very weak so as not to burn the roots.

Camphor smoking - A completely safe method for humans, and fatal for midges. The crushed camphor is poured into the pan and brought to a steam state. She is fumigated by the whole room.

Destruction by SES service

If you are unable to withdraw midges by all available means, most likely, you will need the help of a specialist. It happens that all of the above ways to destroy midges do not help.

And then you have to apply a chemical method of destruction. And naturally, it is better to entrust such a procedure to a professional team that has knowledge and experience in this matter.

We strongly recommend that you do chemical disinfestation yourself, as if you are mismanaged you can only harm your health, and removing midges will not be so productive. Our experts process objects from midges, including flies, mosquitoes, in accordance with all safety rules.

The most important thing is that order reigns in the house.Then, such Drosophila insects can never be found in it.

How to get rid of small midges in an apartment: the most effective ways

The easiest and most effective way is to maintain perfect cleanliness throughout the house. Special chemicals will help you quickly and effectively get rid of insects. The most popular and affordable are:

  • Bazudin;
  • Actara;
  • Thunder-2;
  • Combat
  • Raid;
  • Dichlorvos.

Alternative methods are also very affordable and effective. They are especially relevant for those who are allergic to chemicals or pets and small children.

  1. Traps for midges. They can be purchased ready-made in hardware stores or made independently at home.
  2. Smoking. This method helps well if you have a small kitchen area.
  3. A vacuum cleaner. If you follow all the rules, then this method will also be very effective and completely inexpensive.
  4. Fruit juice.

Special tools

How to remove small midges in the apartment without resorting to the services of special companies that conduct comprehensive cleaning and disinfection for a tidy sum? There is an exit! And it can be found in any hardware store.

These products are available in a large assortment, various packaging and volumes. Therefore, everyone can choose exactly what he needs. For example, if a colony of midges is wound up in a remote place, then an aerosol spray is suitable for you. If in a bin or sink, it is recommended to use special gels.

To date, there is a huge assortment of different means for removing insects. Their choice will depend only on your budget and wishes for the processing method.

During chemical treatment, it is best to remove small children and pets from the apartment. Protect your skin with gloves, glasses and a gauze bandage or respirator. All recommendations on the packaging must be strictly followed.

Pay particular attention to spray products. They must not be used near open flames or incandescent objects. Also observe exactly the distance indicated in the instructions for spraying the product.

Before processing with chemicals in the kitchen, you must remove all food, animal feed and children's toys, dishes, indoor plants.

The surfaces of tables, stoves, cabinets, refrigerators are covered with cling film or thick oilcloth. Before the treatment itself, all windows and doors are tightly closed so that the sprayed poison does not penetrate into other rooms. The instructions will indicate the duration of the funds.

At this time, it is not recommended to enter the tightly closed kitchen, but it is best to leave the apartment altogether. After the action of the poison ends, you need to ventilate the room for a long time and well, so that poisoning does not occur.

The advantages of "Dichlorvos" include:

  • convenient spray bottle;
  • availability. It can be purchased at any store;
  • acceptable price.

Cons of "Dichlorvos":

  • the complexity of quality processing. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to spray a thick layer of aerosol in one place;
  • short duration of action. After the first airing, it completely evaporates;
  • toxicity. This drug can not be completely called safe. It has a negative, albeit small, effect on the human body.

The advantages of Combat include: cost-effectiveness; added odors with a pleasant smell; when spraying, no spots remain on the wallpaper and walls. Cons: high price; toxicity; short duration of action.

Advantages of Bazudin: effective against both adults and larvae; non toxic to humans; low price. Cons: difficulty in preparing the solution; toxic to fish; do not allow to enter water bodies. That is, it is not suitable for those who have an aquarium at home.

Folk remedies

If you already got insects, and you got rid of the source of their reproduction, that is, rotten vegetables and fruits, and also carried out a full-scale cleaning with disinfectants, it is necessary to maintain such a sterile regimen for another two to three days. Adult midges will be left without food and will soon die.

Do not forget that all products must be tightly closed in bags or containers. The bin should also be thoroughly washed and sanitized with detergents. Garbage bags are thrown away on time and carefully tied. The sink and drain must also be treated with special tools.

If you have pets, their feeding area should also be clean and tidy. No leftover food leftovers. They can also be closed with a container or bag.

Folk remedies are much safer than chemical ones. But their preparation will have to spend more energy than going to the store. We offer you the simplest, fastest and most effective recipes, which, no doubt, will help to find the answer to the question: "How to get rid of small midges in an apartment with folk remedies?".

Use a variety of pungent incense in the kitchen. You can buy a couple of pieces in specialized stores. They look like oblong sticks that need to be ignited on one side. Verbena or ylang-ylang odors are recommended.

After that, an odor will spread throughout the house, which will remove insects. If you have an aroma lamp, add four to five drops of clove oil to it and leave it in the kitchen for several hours. After that, you will forget about any insects for a long time. After all, they simply do not tolerate the smell of cloves.

As a substitute for incense or aroma lamps, you can use ordinary paraffin candles with a pungent odor. They are also ignited and left in the kitchen so that the smell completely fills it.

It is also recommended to use air fresheners with coniferous and citrus smells. They will prevent insects from flying to other rooms.

If you live on the ground floor and the balcony adjoins the kitchen, then midges from the basement will often fly to you. In order to get rid of them, monitor the state of the street behind the balcony. It is recommended to mow tall grass in the fall, and in the summer and spring to hang up an adhesive tape on which all insects stick.

In the case when fruit trees grow under your windows, it will be very problematic to get rid of midges. But there is a way! To do this, we take an ordinary plastic bottle, cut a hole at the bottom base, put spoiled fruits in it, and seal the passage with adhesive tape.

Now we hang the resulting trap in front of the window and balcony. Moshkara, who tries to fly into your house, will smell the fruit and fly on it, sticking to the tape.

If you are not allergic to vanilla, then you can use the following remedy. In a small saucepan, boil a stick of natural vanilla. It is natural, no substitutes identical to natural ones will do.

After the vanilla has completely boiled, the resulting broth must be sprinkled with all the objects and surfaces of the kitchen. Insects will never sit on things that smell like vanilla.

If there are small midges in the apartment, how to get rid of them the easiest? A rotten fruit or vegetable is placed in the sink. After that, you need to wait until as much midges fly off on it and just wash it off in the sink sink. For greater reliability, you can do the procedure several times. But after each time, be sure to treat the drain with a chemical disinfectant.

Homemade baits help well and quickly. For them, you just need a plastic cup. We pour attractive insect liquids into it for a quarter.

It can be wine, juice, honey, molasses, and drip a drop of detergent.Insects flock to a sweet smell, crawl into the trap and stick or drown. Detergent here acts like poison.

Special spirals for smoking can be bought in the store or prepare a special smoking broth at home.

For the next remedy, we need camphor and a frying pan. We heat the pan and finely chop camphor on its surface. After camphor begins to warm and smolder, thick smoke will emit.

With this smoke pan it is recommended to walk through all the rooms of the apartment and spend a particularly long time in the kitchen. Any insect does not tolerate the smell and smoke of camphor. For humans, animals and birds, they are safe.

In an empty tin can we put a small piece of rotted vegetables, fruit or wine. We close it tightly with polyethylene or cling film, after making several small holes in them. We leave such a trap in the kitchen and go about our business.

Upon returning, you will find that the bank is full of uninvited guests who cannot get out of there. Pour them with boiling water and pour into the toilet. For greater effect, you can make and put several of these traps.

Having discovered a colony of insects, it is necessary to bring the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner to them without a nozzle. A stream of air will immediately drag the midges into a dust bag, after which it must be urgently shaken away from the house, and it is better to throw it out or burn it.

Pour ordinary fruit juice, which can be purchased at any grocery store, into a deep but small cup, leave it on the kitchen table and wait until midges get into it.

Often there may be situations when indoor plants are the cause of small midges in the kitchen. How to bring out small midges in flowers? Alternative methods and recipes also offer an answer to this question.

First of all, during the fight against insect larvae in flowers, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering. Do not completely fill the roots of the flowers. For moderate watering, 0.3 liters is enough. Unpretentious plants can be temporarily not watered.

We prepare the solution: half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water, with the addition of two tablespoons of soda. With this solution, water the plants in the kitchen for two weeks. Thus, we kill all insect larvae in the soil. So that the plant does not die, we spray its leaves from the spray bottle with water. But make sure that it does not hit the ground.

From adult insects, sulfur helps well. It is necessary to stick matches tightly around the flower stalk, with the heads with sulfur up. From the ground, they should rise by only 1 cm. After that, water plants abundantly with matches. Sulfur will get wet, and will emit a smell that insects cannot tolerate.

You can also spread the sliced ​​garlic cloves around the stem of the plant. While it gives off a smell, midges will not sit on the ground and lay larvae. Therefore, you need to timely change the cloves of garlic.

The smell of orange zest is also a destroyer, both for larvae and for adults. Therefore, you can overlay the plant with pieces of zest or bury it in the ground.

Preventive actions

The fight against midges must begin with a search for the source of their reproduction. First of all, in order to get the right answer to the question: “How to remove small midges from the kitchen?”, It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning. And throw away all spoiled foods or those that are open.

In them, most likely adults have already managed to put off the larvae and, throwing out spoiled products, you will get rid of them. But there will still be adults who can hide in secluded places and wait out your spring cleaning using various disinfectants.

It will not be so easy to get rid of them, for this it is necessary to apply more effective means, which were described above.

In order not to ask a question: “Small midges appeared in the apartment, how to get rid of them now?”, It is recommended to carry out regular preventive measures.

First of all, insects appear where there are conditions for their existence and reproduction. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the bin and sink. In the summer, do not wait until the trash can is full, and regularly throw out the trash, and wash the bucket with a weak solution of vinegar.

Wet the kitchen every week. Ensure that all products are tightly closed. Keep all perishable foods in the refrigerator and discard at the first sign of rot. If pets live in the apartment, then their bowls also need to be washed weekly and cleaned of food debris.

Dirty dishes that have been lying all night in the sink can also cause midges. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to wash the dishes in the evening, so that later you do not have questions how to get rid of small midges in the apartment at home. Systematically check that the sewers and drains are working for clogging and accumulation of food debris.

Following these simple tips, you can certainly avoid the appearance in your kitchen of unpleasant and uninvited guests - Drosophila midges.

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