The cat itches and licks: how to treat and what is the reason?

cat itches and licks than treat
The cat itches and licks than to treat

Hello! You know, lately I don’t keep pets. No, I still have a love for them, but I'm a little tired of regular care for them.

After all, on the site you can’t keep track of everything that happens. Here before that I had a cat.

She began to itch suspiciously a lot, lick herself. You look after her, but still managed to pick up a flea somewhere. And then waste time solving the problem. Want to know how to treat when a cat itches and licks? I will share my successful experience.

What to do when the cat is constantly itching?

If your cat itches in her free time, she has a condition known as itchy skin. It can itch, but no fleas. Or she feels the discomfort that your cat causes severe itching, causing the cat to itch and bite itself.

This condition is caused by chemical reactions that occur in the skin and stimulate the nerves, making the brain feel itchy. In fact, the act of scabies itself can stimulate inflammatory reactions in the skin and create adverse conditions for the cat to recover.

When your cat itches, and you don’t know what to do or look for advice on the Internet in the forums, we recommend that you do not self-medicate and experiment with your favorite cat, the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.

Any inflammation on the skin can cause itching! The intensity of the itch depends on how it affects the health of your cat. Mild itching can hardly have any effect whatsoever.

However, severe itching, when the animal is very itchy, leads to deep scratches, which can lead to painful skin lesions, into which the cat can then infect. If the animal often itches, it can provoke that it will often whine, cry, and there will be problems with sleep.

Each cat has its own threshold for itching (scabies threshold). This is the point where all sources of itching, lead to the degree of irritation, which is enough to cause an irresistible desire to scratch. The cat begins to scratch when the desire to scratch exceeds this threshold.

For example, an animal with a mild (low) allergy to house dust may be with a low threshold of sensitivity, and therefore may begin to scratch itself severely.

Itching can be associated with other skin diseases, including bacterial skin infections (pyoderma) and fungal infections. But basically, itching is the main symptom of skin diseases such as allergies and skin parasites.

What are allergic skin diseases in a cat that provoke itching?

Flea Allergy is the most common allergic skin disease. An animal with a flea allergy usually scratches its back, hind legs, tail and stomach.For a cat to react and scratch itself, one flea is enough.

Atopy is a reaction to allergens such as pollen, house dust, mites living in house dust and mold. As a rule, with atopy, a cat itches its ears and face, and as a rule, nibble and lick its paws. This condition usually worsens during the summer months when pollen and mold levels increase.

A food allergy is a reaction to one or more ingredients in a food. Cats, as a rule, scratch the same places as in the case of atopy.

Allergies to insects (hypersensitivity to insect bites) are less common than other allergies. The cat itches in areas where insects such as bees have bitten (back of nose, ears).

Contact allergy is a reaction to an irritant that comes in contact with the cat's skin (usually in the abdomen or chest). Allergies of this type are very rare.

Parasitic skin diseases

  • Scabies is a condition of severely itchy skin caused by a sarcoptic mite. Lesions occur on the ears, elbows and hocks (ankles).
  • Demodecosis is caused by the demodex tick. As a rule, this is a disease of young cats. Significant hair loss and dermatitis. Often this disease is not accompanied by itching, but can lead to a secondary bacterial infection of the skin (pyoderma), which can cause itching in a cat.
  • Fleas can cause itching in cats. The degree of itching is less severe.
  • The fur mite provokes itchy skin. It affects, as a rule, the upper back. These ticks are sometimes visible to the naked eye. They look like small, white spots.
  • An ear mite causes itching in the ears of cats and sometimes causes itching in other places on the body.
  • Lice are small insects that are easy to see with the naked eye; they also cause itching.

What are other causes of itching?

Acute wet dermatitis, also known as hot spots. It has the appearance of moist redness. This is a bacterial infection of the skin.

It can cause severe itching, as a result of which the cat licks or bites the affected areas, which further damages the skin, and also creates constant itching, scratch the fact that the cat constantly bites itself.

Pyoderma is an infection of the skin that can cause severe itchy skin in a cat.

Pyoderma can be superficial or deep and often secondary to another skin disease.
Ear infections (otitis media) can lead to severe itching of the head. Infected cats shake their heads and scratch their ears.

How are the symptoms of itching in a cat:

  • The cat scratches itself or bites. If this continues for more than one day and leads to lesions, such as hair loss, redness of the skin and obvious pain or discomfort, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian.
  • The cat constantly licks its paws. This is also a symptom of itching.

What kind of veterinarians usually help a cat that constantly itches?

The key to treating itching is identifying and treating the underlying cause. The veterinarian may need to perform some diagnostic tests to determine the cause. Symptoms can be alleviated with medication, but itching often recurs after treatment is complete.

Home care. Your help to the cat at home will be aimed at preventing itching by keeping your pet's coat clean.

Consult your veterinarian about a flea elimination program. If you treat a cat’s itching at home, give all the prescribed medications on time and follow all the instructions prescribed by the veterinarian.

How to treat a cat if it itches and licks

Very often you can hear questions from the owners of domestic purses that the cat constantly itches and licks than treat the animal in this case. It should be understood that itching is just an external symptom that may indicate some kind of disease.

If a cat licks, combes out right after waking up or after eating, this is quite normal, as she takes care of herself, puts her hair in order, wiping her eyes and ears.

However, if a cat itches almost without stopping, worries, licks feverishly, this is an occasion to see a doctor, since active skin itching may indicate a pet’s disease or the presence of not fleas, but other parasitic microorganisms on the animal’s body.

Itching can be a signal that cat skin diseases are manifested in this way.

Causes of itching

The main cause of itching in cats is usually fleas. They bite the beauty, which causes wounds on the skin of the cat.

Allergy, from which an itchy rash appears in cats, the animal combs, licks the most intense itch. An allergy can be caused by household chemicals, intolerance to any products or certain foods, reaction to insect bites.

Parasiteswhich, in addition to fleas, can live on a cat: ticks, larvae of flies, lice-eaters. The cat combes itself in places of bites or where the largest accumulation of parasites is observed:

  • the ears can suffer from an ear tick, then the kitty furiously scratches them;
  • demodex, ticks causing demodicosis on the skin of an animal, with wounds and combs;
  • a sarcoptotic tick that provokes a disease such as scabies in cats, the symptoms of which are very characteristic: a small watery rash on the skin in the affected area, unbearable itching, hair loss;
  • the mite mainly affects the skin on the back of the pet.

Skin infection fungus or bacteria, which at the slightest wound on the skin begin to multiply rapidly, causing inflammation. Neurogenic dermatitis is a condition when a cat that has undergone stress begins to constantly itch, lick.

Diseases of the internal organsmanifested by a rash on the skin. Otitis - in the initial stage causes an intolerable itch, the pet often scratches its head and ears, shakes its head, rubs, scratches its muzzle.

Inflammation or overflow of the secretion of the paraanal glands. In this case, the cat begins to lick and nibble the lower back in the sacral region, the area around the anus.


In order to begin adequate treatment, it is necessary to determine what really causes the cat to desire to itch and lick. Naturally, it is impossible to make a diagnosis at home, so you need to urgently go to the vet's appointment.

The doctor will first examine the domestic predator, prescribe laboratory tests that will help determine the exact cause of the itching.

Research may include:

  1. blood test for allergy testing;
  2. cytological studies: taking a sample of animal cells to determine from the condition;
  3. histological studies: the thinnest section of animal tissue;
  4. general plus clinical blood tests;
  5. bacterial culture;
  6. scraping the skin, swabs from the ear, nose, swabs from the eye;
  7. in case of suspicion of a food allergy, an exclusive diagnostic diet is prescribed to detect an allergen.


The treatment for pruritus in cats depends on what causes itching. That is, all the efforts of the veterinarian and the owner of a furry friend should be aimed precisely at eliminating the underlying disease, which is the root cause of itching.

Naturally, with different diseases, different sources of itching, the treatment will be different. Only a doctor can prescribe an effective treatment regimen for purps from an illness that causes itching. In the presence of parasites, this, of course, will be the treatment of them with special drugs.

In this case, not only the pet is processed, but also the places where she spends a lot of time (rug, house, pillow), the place of her feeding, all kinds of cracks, secluded places of the apartment are also processed to exclude the possibility of reinfection.

In case of a cat allergy, its contact with an allergen is excluded, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed, and cat cosmetics and hygiene products are changed.

In parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease, which is the root cause of the cat’s itching, a treatment is prescribed that alleviates the pet’s condition: anti-allergic drugs that help relieve itching and other allergy symptoms, healing ointments and gels, vitamins are prescribed to support the animal’s body.

At the same time, the claws trimmed the pussy to minimize scratching, put on a collar that prevents the wound from licking.


To minimize the risk of itching in a pet, you should create the most comfortable and proper conditions for her.

It must be remembered that a cat is a small predator. Her stomach is not adapted to digest cereals, flour products, smoked meats and sweets. Often, these products cause allergies and diseases in the pet, which can be manifested by rashes and itching on the skin.

If the owner decided to feed the cat with natural food, you need to make a rational menu for your furry friend, which would contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. This is a rather painstaking task and the vet may be the best adviser in the matter of eating pussies.

The specialist will tell you which foods are best for your pet, which ones to exclude, will recommend feline vitamins, tell you what weed can be planted on the windowsill for your pet.

When feeding four-legged whiskers with ready-made feeds, you need to understand that only a feed of a class not lower than premium can make a full-fledged menu for a cat.

It is advisable to minimize the contact of cats with any means of disinfection and household chemicals, to store all toxic substances in inaccessible places, in order to prevent the cat from allergies to chemicals.

In order to avoid colds and otitis, it is impossible that in the room where the pet is kept, drafts walked or it was not warm enough. Cats are quite thermophilic, they easily catch cold in uncomfortable conditions.

It is also necessary to periodically conduct deworming and treatment of the cat from parasites. Today, there are many means for this. When choosing them, you can also consult with a veterinarian who is familiar with the characteristics of the breed and knows all the nuances of using such products.

The doctor will advise that drug or remedy that can ideally suit a particular animal without causing toxicity in it, while effectively destroying unwanted inhabitants on the body and body of the cat.

It is necessary to examine the pet’s ears at least once every seven days, clean them with special gels and suspensions recommended for cats. These cleaners not only help to cope with the dirt in the ear canals, but also significantly reduce the risk of ear mites.

If a cat has difficulties with proper natural emptying of the paraanal glands during bowel movements, then it is necessary to periodically clean them with a veterinarian who will do this correctly and painlessly for the animal.

A very important factor in the prevention of pruritus and the occurrence of skin diseases in a cat is the calm, peaceful atmosphere around the cat.

Cute fluffy creatures are very sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, can experience extreme stresses and nervous breakdowns, as a result of which the cat can start to itch and constantly lick feverishly. In this case, the cat will purr non-stop to calm herself.

Owners of beauties should remember that a cat is an animal that requires attention and care of a person. The owner should not scream at the cat and even more so punish her physically.

Cats are very smart and they understand well what the owner wants to teach them.They will readily take all the lessons in a calm environment, but if you accustom her, for example, to go to the tram with shouts and threats, you can only achieve that the cat will cease to perceive the person as a friend, but will feel in him a source of constant danger, nervous in his presence will begin to hurt.

Regardless of the well-being of the pet, you need to show it to the doctor at least once every six months, as well as carry out vaccinations on a schedule to avoid many diseases, including those that cause itching in cats.

The cat itches, nibbles itself

If the cat is actively itching and biting into its own body, itch bothers it. Itching occurs with irritation of pain receptors. It can be said that itching is a pain of low intensity. And pain is a sign of ill health that should not be ignored.

When is this normal?

If the animal licks or itches after sleep - this is quite normal. The cat just tidies itself up. After the cat ate deliciously, she begins to actively lick herself.

This is sometimes not like the owners feeding the animal with natural feed. Because, having licked and combed out, the animal actively smells of the food that has just eaten.

Especially unpleasant if a curious animal looked into the bin. Sometimes cats can pull out the remains of herring or other fish and eat them. And then carefully lick out. After this, the cat will actively smell fish for some time.

If the cat itches constantly, licks itself before hair loss, you need to take the pet to the clinic in order to exclude serious diseases.

Signs of the pathological condition of the animal

Itching may be cutaneous or the ears of the cat may itch. In the latter case, the animal will scratch not only the auricle, but also try to plunge the paw into the ear canal and scratch the place that bothers him.

In addition to the fact that the animal is actively itching and nibbling itself, as if trying to gnaw something from under the skin, an attentive owner may notice:

  • deterioration of the hair of the animal and its loss;
  • pet meowing pet when trying to scratch;
  • red spots, rashes, excoriation (scratching) and sores on the skin;
  • dandruff, scab, greasy scales;
  • excrement of parasites and parasites themselves;
  • constant licking of paws;
  • scratching and biting your own skin.

If the owner has found something like this in his pet, you should take him to the vet clinic. While the changes are small, helping the animal is quite simple. With the development of the process, much more time and effort will be required to heal the pet.

Causes of the phenomenon

Most often, the reason that the animal bites into its own croup is flea bites. In this case, you need to rid the pet of annoying insects as soon as possible.

Parasitization of the ear mite leads to severe itching in the auricle. The animal tries to plunge the hind paw deeply, scratches the auricle. It rubs its head against furniture and shakes it, as if trying to shake something out of its ear.

In addition, the owner may notice an unpleasant odor from the animal’s ear, allocation of a brown substrate, hearing impairment. With otitis media (inflammation of the ear in a cat), the symptoms will be approximately the same. When trying to scratch the ear, the cat can meow plaintively.

When parasitizing on the skin of a cat, a tick - a lice-beetle in an animal deteriorates and hair falls out. The skin is very itchy, the animal strongly combes the skin, and crusts appear on it. In the wool, the waste products of insect parasites are found.

Sarcoptosis is a parasitic disease caused by a tick that bites into the deeper layers of the skin. At the initial stage, sarcoptosis is not very symptomatic. Its main feature is the frequent scratching of the animal. Then redness appears on the skin.

With the development of the disease, rapidly opening vesicles appear on the animal's face and near the ears.Itching at this time is very strong, the animal is actively itching, spreading parasites throughout the body. The skin in the affected area dries and bald. At the tail and paws of the animal, deep wounds appear, oozing in the blood.

Noothedrosis or cat scabies, another tick-borne infection. It manifests itself as a severe itch. The first signs of this disease are loss of hair near the ears of the cat and very severe itching in this area. Soon, ticks "settle" in the abdomen of the animal, possibly moving from the muzzle while the animal is sleeping, curled into a ball.

The hair on the belly of the animal falls out, the skin thickens, becomes covered with pustules, scabs. The cat constantly licks and scratches the affected area. Demodecosis, cheyletiellosis causes similar symptoms.

Pyoderma, fungal lesions, autoimmune diseases lead to the appearance of various elements of a rash on the skin of the animal (vesicles, pustules, scab, ulcers, erosion) and severe itching.

Hormonal disorders can lead to itching and the appearance of a brown scab on the tail of the animal and in the croup.

In severe cases, intestinal diseases or helminth infections also cause severe itching. But, in addition to the fact that the cat itches, the owner can notice in her a deterioration in mood, and a decrease in appetite and upset stool. And sometimes vomiting.

Allergy is one of the most common causes that cause a cat to itch actively, scratching the skin.

Sometimes the cat is very itchy, but it does not have any fleas and infections, it does not suffer from allergies. In this case, itching can be psychogenic. As a result of stress, a cat can lose hair by combing it to shreds.


Effective treatment without establishing the root cause is impossible. Therefore, the animal still have to be taken to the veterinarian. At home, the owner can monitor the cleanliness of the skin and coat of the animal, carefully follow the instructions of the veterinarian, provide the pet with balanced and high-quality nutrition and attention.

Why do cats itch and lick? - good to know!

When a cat or cat itches or diligently licks - this is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. However, owners of animals should be alerted to their too frequent manifestation, which is accompanied by anxiety, irritability.

In this case, often the animal already needs help. Remember that itching is not a disease, but its first symptom, therefore, this manifestation cannot be missed without attention.

Causes of obsessive licking and biting yourself with cats

So, did you notice that your pet often began to scratch itself, lick and even nibble? This is a clear sign that your cat has either parasites or other causes of itching and irritation.

The cat will not just constantly lick and itch, it is a protective reaction to the fact that something is stopping him. Consider all possible causes and signs.

Fleas. This is perhaps the most common reason that the cat itches and licks all the time, especially in the area above the tail and legs. These parasites can appear even in pets, so no one is safe from them.

Moreover, if you do not see small black dots on the fur of your cat, this does not mean that there are no fleas. They can be still very tiny (nits) or just in the form of eggs on the wool. However, their vital activity will already deliver tremendous inconvenience and discomfort to the pet.

Other parasites. In addition to fleas, a cat or cat may also have other skin parasites that will cause anxiety and discomfort. The pet will also itch and lick heavily. A clear sign of the presence of any parasites will be if the cat tries to gnaw something from its coat.

The animal intuitively tries in this way to remove annoying enemies. The most common of these are lice and ticks, which in turn are also dangerous because they carry infections and viruses.

Allergy. If you constantly treat the cat’s hair from parasites and the analysis of the veterinarian does not show their presence, the cause of the itch may be an allergy. Especially often pedigree cats and cats suffer from it.

It can be, as in people, a manifestation of sensitivity to food, furniture upholstery, some kind of chemical component. A particularly clear sign of allergy is when the cat licks heavily, trying to scratch its nose and lips in this way.

An allergy can be not only on food components, but also seasonal or, for example, on dust and pollen. It is important to take the test and identify the irritating allergen as soon as possible.

Bacteria and fungi. Various microflora live on the skin and in the body of any even healthy animal. But if the cat’s body is weakened, undergoing some kind of stress, lack of vitamins and so on, this can cause an increase in the number of pathogenic microflora.

Because of this, various kinds of skin inflammation, rashes, itching, and the general condition of the pet worsen. Most often, the cause of this phenomenon lies in bacteria and all kinds of fungi. By the way, they can be transmitted through the hands of a person, because the cat constantly licks its lips.

Skin diseases. As a rule, all of them are infectious in nature and arise after the pet contacts the infected object. It only happens that once a cat goes outside to catch some kind of infection.

Often, diseases such as pyodermatitis, cheyletiellosis, demodecosis, scabies occur. They are also caused by ticks that parasitize in the upper and deep layers of the skin. Severe itching in the first stages very quickly develops into a general skin lesion and baldness.

When detecting skin problems, the owner of the cat needs to thoroughly wash his hands with soap and personal hygiene, as many viruses and bacteria can be transmitted to human hands.

Hormonal disorders. Another of the many reasons why your pet is very itchy, licks and licks. As a rule, in this case, the cat may experience symptoms of all the previously described causes, for example, baldness, itching, urticaria, and so on.

But this is not always from parasites or diseases. This reaction can cause endocrine disruptions, which should be correctly determined by the veterinarian. A therapeutic diet, corrective therapy is prescribed.


If you notice that your cat or cat constantly itches, licks, while behaving restlessly, beats its tail - it is worth immediately showing the pet to the veterinarian. It is best not to try to establish the cause and diagnosis, as many symptoms are similar to each other. Laboratory analysis and competent examination will be required.

If the reason that the cat constantly itches, licks and licks is covered in fleas and other skin and wool parasites, then external treatment is prescribed. The veterinarian can prescribe special drops or sprays, recommend treating the animal with medical shampoo.

As a rule, the use of all these drugs several times helps to quickly remove itching and irritation and overcome parasites. In the future, only timely prevention will be required.

If a skin ailment is caused by an infection or fungus, healing sprays and drops will also help in the first stages. But, as practice shows, special medications and antibiotics may additionally be required.

In case the cat constantly itches, licks its face, scratches ears, eyes, antihistamines are prescribed. An accurate analysis is done and the source of the allergy is determined.

Veterinarian Tips

It is no secret that many parasites and viruses are transmitted from one animal to another, through the hands of people, but do not be afraid and limit the freedom of a cat. Of course, throwing your pet into a flock of stray cats, of course, is not necessary, but letting them go for a walk on the balcony or in the country is quite possible.

Like any animal, cat and cat also need fresh air, the sun.It is enough just to keep the animal clean and conduct timely antiparasitic treatment.

Do not forget about the correct and balanced diet, which is also the key to the health of the pet. If he has a strong immunity, then no infection will be scary for him.

Do not feed prohibited foods, sweets, salty and smoked foods. All this can cause or provoke the occurrence of food allergies. Pay attention when your pet licks.

And finally, the last piece of advice is love and affection. Remember that your cat or cat is living creatures that need your care and attention.

Change of ownership, change in your behavior can lead to stress in the pet. And stress, as you know, is the first step to disease.

If you want to stroke the animal, but it is nervous and has a tail, it is better to leave it alone, do not squeeze and do not pick it up without the desire of the pet itself. Remember that he also has the right to rest and rest.

The cat constantly itches and licks: why does this happen if there are no fleas, what to do, what to treat?

Fluffy pets are the most neat and tidy creatures that regularly monitor their appearance. However, this positive feature is not always indicative of the health of the animal. If the cat constantly itches and licks, what should I do? Does the owner need to respond to such behavior or is this the norm?

Reasons for behavior

Most often, the animal closely monitors itself after sleep, eating, visiting the tray. A clean cat thoroughly licks wool, paws muzzle, ears. Many pets monitor the condition of the paws, removing the hair between the claws with their teeth. Hygiene procedures domestic cats spend a lot of time.

Nevertheless, excessive attention to their appearance, constant licking, scratching the skin of the paws can signal the development of the disease.

Of course, the first thought that the owner visits is that the cat has fleas. However, if parasites are not found during a thorough examination of the skin and coat, the question arises as to why the cat itches if there are no fleas.

Causes of Itchy Skin

Allergy. Allergic reactions in animals are often manifested by skin itching. Food, animal care products (sprays, shampoos), drugs (antibiotics, anthelmintics, etc.) can cause such phenomena.

Often the cause of allergies is plant pollen, household dust, perfumes and chemicals. In the summer, the cause of an allergic reaction often becomes insect bites (mosquitoes, flies, etc.). The allergen irritates the skin receptors, causes the production of histamine, which leads to itchy skin, and the animal itches.

Fungal skin diseases. Most commonly diagnosed in domestic cats is ringworm caused by Trichophyton and Microsporum.

Pathogenic microorganisms settle in the hair follicles, leading to a violation of the integrity of the skin, the introduction of bacteria and viruses. The developing inflammatory process is accompanied by severe itching, the cat constantly itches and licks.

The disease is dangerous to humans. In addition to trichophytosis and lichen, other dermatomycoses, such as scab (favus) and candidiasis, are often observed in cats.

Both diseases are also fungal in nature. Scab is rare, but candidiasis often affects the skin with the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

Tick ​​Diseases. In cats, Notoedres cati mites, which provoke notoedrosis, as well as Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi, leading to demodecosis, are most often parasitic. Often the cause of itching can be the development of sarcoptosis, the causative agents of which are ticks of the genus Sarcoptes.

Less commonly observed is dermatosis caused by ticks of the genus Cheyletiella. Parasites infect healthy pet skin, gnaw passages in the epidermis, lay eggs, excrete waste products, which is accompanied by severe itching.

Pyoderma. A common reason that a pet often itches. The disease, as a rule, is a complication of dermatitis, surgical interventions, etc. The inflammatory process, complicated by infection of pathogenic microorganisms, causes a cat with severe itching and skin irritation.

Otitis. Inflammation of the ear of various etiologies is accompanied by frequent combing of the head and ears. Severe damage can lead to the animal combing the scalp into blood.

Hormonal disorders in the body. May be the reason that the cat licks constantly. For example, disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, and diabetes mellitus can become the cause of increased attention of the animal to its coat.

With these diseases, the skin becomes dry, dandruff is observed, the hair is disheveled, tangled, a clean pet tries to bring itself into proper shape.

Hypo - and vitamin deficiencies. A deficiency in the cat's body of vitamin A, E, B vitamins can lead to dry skin, dandruff and itching.

The variety of reasons why cats often itch often makes it difficult to diagnose the underlying disease.


Noticing that the fluffy pet is constantly itching, licking, and the nature of these manipulations is not like regular hair care, the owner should first of all inspect the animal for fleas.

If they are absent, it is necessary to analyze the following points: whether the nutrition changed (changing the usual feed to another), if some plant in the apartment bloomed, or if a new shampoo was used for washing.

If the owner noticed that the cat is itching to blood, what to do in this situation? An animal with symptoms indicating skin diseases (combing, licking, shaking his head) should be shown to a veterinarian. It is not possible to independently diagnose a pet due to a variety of pathologies accompanied by combing.

In a specialized institution, they will take scrapings from him and conduct microscopic, and, if necessary, bacteriological analyzes.

Examination of samples under a microscope allows you to detect spores of fungi (with trichophytosis and microsporia), ticks (with sarcoptosis, demodecosis, notothedrosis, etc.). If a hormonal nature is suspected, the veterinarian will prescribe a blood test and examine the pet’s endocrine system.

We recommend reading an article on how to determine lichen in a cat. From it you will learn about the ways of getting infected with lichen, the first signs of a disease in a cat, diagnosis and treatment.


Noticing that the cat itches and licks, than to treat - such a question is often asked by the owners of a veterinarian. This phenomenon does not apply to an independent disease, but is just a symptom of the development of pathology, therefore it is not treated separately.

Having established the true cause of the disease, you can save the animal from constant combing and licking of wool. So, when ringworm and other fungal infections are detected, antifungal drugs are prescribed. If ticks are the cause of concern, then acaricides are chosen to treat the coat.

In the event that the cause of the scratching is an allergy, antihistamines will be prescribed to the pet with a pronounced clinical picture to reduce itching. In case of allergic nature, it is necessary to change the feed, hair care product and other allergens.

With pyoderma, otitis media, dermatosis complicated by infection, a pet is usually prescribed antibiotics, corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs.

The complex therapy of skin disease necessarily includes vitamins (especially B vitamins and vitamin A) and immunomodulators (Gamavit, Ribotan, etc.).


Prevention measures come down to the following recommendations:

  • prevent contact of the pet with stray animals;
  • apply special means for the prevention of parasitic diseases (collars, sprays, drops, etc.);
  • comb out the animal regularly and monitor the condition of the skin and coat;
  • feed benign feeds and mixtures from trusted manufacturers;
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly for a clinical examination.

The owner should know that the pet's close attention to its coat, constant licking, combing of the skin of the skin with its paws is not a harmless phenomenon.

As a rule, such anxiety is caused by the development of the disease. Only a veterinarian can identify the cause, diagnose and prescribe treatment for the pet.

Cat itches

The article discusses the main issues associated with scratching pets, as well as gives an idea of ​​how to solve this problem by veterinarians, since only they can give out an appointment in such a case.

The cat is very itchy to blood, sores and falls out, crawls out, tears off the hair, baldness licks, crawls with scraps of cause and treatment

Common causes of itching in cats are ecoparasites, allergies, fungal or bacterial diseases. Only a veterinarian-dermatologist can recognize the real cause, and help eliminate it.

Before visiting a doctor, you can treat your pet with drops from Advantix, Stronhold or Front Line parasites. In cases where there is confidence that the itch is not associated with lichen, it is also possible to redeem a cat using medical shampoo.

Why does a cat itch and lick its hair when hunting. The cat, which wakes up the desire for mating, may experience itching due to increased production of hormones. It is noticed that when an animal licks its hair, it instinctively calms down and acquires mental balance.

If the cat itches, scabs appear and wool falls out, what to do. The appearance of scabs and bald patches on the body of cats is most often caused by fleas and ticks. If so, then it is enough to treat the animal with a high-quality antiparasitic agent.

Worse if the cat's skin and hair follicles are affected by bacteria or fungus, or when the cause of the itch is associated with an allergic reaction. In such cases, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

After drops and treatment from fleas, the cat constantly itches and after vaccination, bathing, haircut, injection. For easily excitable animals, stress can be not only vaccination and injections, but also shearing, bathing, flea treatment and the like.

As a result of the overexcitation of the nervous system, the animal may experience psychogenic licking and itching.

If a cat combs his neck, back, withers, skin, cheeks before blood, than to treat If a cat combs his neck, back, withers, skin, cheeks to blood - this is a serious reason for contacting a veterinary clinic.

But even a veterinarian wise by experience is not always able to immediately, without laboratory tests, diagnose a skin disease caused by itching. Despite the similarity of symptoms, the treatment of itching can be completely different and is selected purely individually.

If the cat scratches the eye, what to do treatment. One of the effective folk remedies against the cat not scratching its eyes is washing the eyes with a warm broth of chamomile. However, it would be better if the mustachioed pet is still examined by an ophthalmologist.

A cat, a cat and a kitten itch their teeth what to do at home. For kittens and older animals whose teeth itch, it is advisable to purchase special chewing toys. With their help, cats will be able to satisfy their natural desire to nibble, as well as to clean their teeth from plaque and tartar.

Why a cat itches with a flea collar. In some animals, a flea collar itself can cause an allergic reaction. In such cases, dewdrops and shampoos can help cope with insects.

The cat itches about a person, carpet, corners, floor. There are perioral glands on the cat's head.When an animal rubs against a person, a carpet, corners or the floor, the secret produced by the glands remains on them, so the cat marks the territory, and at the same time its owner.

The cat itches at the base of the tail and runs around the apartment. The probable causes of itching at the base of the tail and the hyperactivity shown by the animal may be flea bites and a peculiar reaction to estrus.

If the kitten scratches its stomach. The most likely reason that a kitten scratches its stomach is an allergy.

Itching and skin irritation can occur not only from food that the kitten does not accept, but also from substances from the external environment, as well as from flea saliva.

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