Where do the fleas in the house come from and how to get rid of them completely

Fleas in the house: where and how to get rid
Fleas in the house: where and how to get rid

Good afternoon! For several years now, the handsome Newfoundland has been living in our house. Kind eyes, a devotee, he is still a lover of splashing in the lake.

But after the next removal of him to the country for the period of summer vacation, they did not immediately notice that he began to itch terribly.

Completely forgot to treat parasites upon arrival. As a result, fleas began to travel around the house, and he picked them up. Want to know what to do if fleas in the apartment: where and how to get rid of?

Then delve into the following text.

Where do fleas come from and how to deal with them

Fleas are wingless blood-sucking insects. They are dangerous not only because they suck blood, but also because they transmit diseases. People who keep pets have to deal with the question of how to get rid of fleas in an apartment or house.

How fleas get into the house

There are more than 2000 species of fleas, many of which can live next to humans. They are common on all continents in all climatic zones. Now the conversation will be mainly about insects that feed on the blood of domestic animals. Where do they come from in our house?

Such fleas get into the apartment together with our pets: cats, birds, dogs. Even an animal treated from insects, taking a walk in the yard, in the entrance, can bring fleas on itself. A large number of parasites live:

  1. in the warm basements where homeless cats, mice and rats live;
  2. earthen fleas like to breed on grass lawns;
  3. on other animals, in particular on some birds bought in the bird market from negligent owners.

Once on the dog or cat’s hair, the flea will begin to lay eggs after some time. Eggs can come off the wool and be on the carpet, floor. So they spread around the apartment. An adult flea has a size of no more than 5 mm, but is able to jump high and move quickly, so it can get to you from a neighboring apartment or a common corridor.

If you find one insect in the apartment, then there are others. A favorite place for fleas is pet litter, where there is food for larvae. Fleas also like to settle in crevices near floors, behind skirting boards, batteries, in carpets and fleecy floor coverings, in upholstered furniture.

In addition to bloodsucking, there are also earthen small fleas. They feed on grass and harm gardeners.Earthen fleas can appear in a private house along with greenery brought from the garden. Sometimes they jump right over the threshold and damage flowers in the room. Earth fleas do not drink blood, but they must also be fought.

How to identify them

Determine whether fleas are wound up in the house as follows.

  • Inspect animals by combing them on white cloth or paper. Fleas are best seen on the head, neck and stomach of an animal.
  • Place white sheets of paper on the floor near the bed or sofa and after 15-20 minutes look at it. Black dots indicate parasites.
  • Collect dust from the floor with a dry cloth and dilute it in clean water. If there is flea feces in the dust with undigested blood, then the water will turn a little pinkish.
From a distance, insects look like brown-black dots. Seeing them once close to confuse with other insects is almost impossible. The flea has a specific flat body shape, a large abdomen. Earthy grass fleas are different. They have a slightly elongated body and have a mustache.

Control measures

Now it is time to answer the question of how to remove fleas if they were found indoors. A prerequisite here is compliance with hygiene rules. Flea larvae feed on particles of decaying organic matter, so you must deprive them of food, create unfavorable conditions for them.

Under comfortable conditions, blood-sucking insects breed in the house at high speed. They will bite your feet, annoy pets, cause an allergic reaction to the skin, so get rid of them as soon as possible. You can take the following measures yourself.

  1. Wet the house, vacuum thoroughly, and wash the floors.
  2. Cover all foods so that they do not get poison.
  3. Treat with dichlorvos or another drug the floor, skirting boards, furniture.
  4. Treat your pets and the lozenges on which they sleep. For cats and dogs, there are special drops, shampoos, sprays.

Pay attention to secluded corners in cabinets and under furniture. It is advisable to wash clothes in hot water and iron them with steam. If you have a steam generator, then clean them with all exposed surfaces, especially in the area of ​​1 meter from the floor.

When working alone with an insecticide, exercise caution, take everyone out of the apartment, and ventilate the room well 24 hours after disinfection. Usually, with careful processing, insects disappear. Using "Permethrin" or a similar product, it is necessary to re-process, since it acts only on adult insects.

To prevent fleas from starting, you must daily monitor the cleanliness of the house. If the animal walks on the street, then buy a flea-collar collar for him or regularly treat it with drops from parasites. You can use wormwood essential oil, the smell of which the bloodsuckers are very afraid.

Dry wormwood is laid out in the corners of the room, scaring away the fleas. Modern hygiene products and cleanliness in the room will bear fruit. Horrible parasites will not harm you.

Fighting fleas where fleas come from if there are no animals in the house

One thing is certain, fleas are a nuisance. If you live in an apartment or your own home, a flea infestation can turn nights into hell. Although pets remain one of the most common causes of invasion, many people believe that a person can introduce pests in a house without pets.

It is enough to bring a few fleas into the house so that the parasites fill the cracks of the sofa and other furniture, carpets and wooden floors. With flea infection, family well-being is given top priority.

That is why you should immediately get fleas. And if there are fleas in the apartment but no pets, here are some tips to help you deal with fleas.

True, cats and dogs are the most likely flea carriers and the main problem of parasite infestation in the home.Nevertheless, the situation is aggravated when there are no pets in the apartment, but there is a problem and you cannot understand where it grows from.

One likely reason is that in the summer, fleas are able to survive outside the home without potential carrier and nutrition. They can live a whole colony on a plot or garden of the house. A person can become a carrier of fleas and bring them into the house.

Suppose you went to visit your friend’s home or decided to meet her in a public place (building, park, restaurant, etc.), and her house is infected with fleas, but she, suppose, does not know about it.

A fertilized female flea can jump from her clothes to yours and, as a result, you will bring the whole offspring of the flea into your house.

On the other hand, you could buy a new house that was infected with fleas in advance, for example, the previous owners had a dog and they struggled with fleas, but could not completely eradicate the problem. You never know where to meet these parasites.

There are many other opportunities to bring fleas into the house, and if you do not have pets, and fleas, here they are, one of these possibilities could cause this unfortunate event.

How to deal with fleas in the house

If you find the first signs of an infestation, it is important to take immediate measures to control fleas. You would not want the flea females to lay eggs and raise offspring, which will turn the fight against parasites into an endless circle.

Therefore, before fleas have a chance to lay offspring and hide in different corners of the apartment, immediately implement the following steps.

The first thing you need to do is vacuum everything you can. These are carpets, curtains, sofas, wooden floors and kitchen surfaces. The next step will be the washing and cleaning of mattresses, pillows, carpets, curtains, rugs, beds, etc.

Nothing to miss. You must also clean the walls of the house or apartment. Change dust bags immediately after cleaning, repeat full cleaning every week or 10 days. In case all eggs and pupae (cocoon-shaped fleas) are not removed, regular cleaning of the house / apartment should be continued.

The next step will be a flea control product that includes insect growth control chemicals. This solution will help you get rid of the next generation of fleas. Be sure to close all windows and doors, close the ventilation openings, and ask all households to leave their homes for 3-4 hours.

If the house has wooden or vinyl floors, prepare a mixture of vinegar and water (equal parts). Place the mixture in a spray bottle and apply on the floor. Use the mop to clean the floors.

Here's another way to disinfect carpets, pillows and curtains, telling you how to deal with fleas. Make a powder mixture of boric acid and salt, spread this mixture on everything you want to clean.

Leave the mixture on the items overnight or one day, and then vacuum them to collect the powder. Most eggs will die after applying this mixture, and you can collect them with a vacuum cleaner. Replace the dust bag.

How to detect fleas

Another good and effective tool is a flea trap. You can make a trap yourself by spreading honey on the surface of a plastic plate and placing one in a place that, in your opinion, is teeming with fleas.

Place the cover of the desk fan on top and leave the plate overnight. The next morning you will see fleas adhering to honey. Throw away the plastic trap plate and repeat the procedure the next night. You will be convinced of the effectiveness of the method from your own experience.

The task becomes somewhat easier, since you do not have to regularly bathe your pet, clean its bedding and protect it from new fleas that the animal can bring back into the house.

Remember, despite the effectiveness of the above flea remedies, infection may recur. Schedule cleaning and disinfection procedures to avoid re-infestation.

How to get rid of fleas in the house

Fleas are well-known parasites that attack a home, causing great inconvenience to people. They feed on the blood of humans and domestic animals, and also reproduce fairly quickly.

Fighting domestic fleas is a laborious process that requires serious investment: both effort and money. But if you find unpleasant insects, you need to immediately begin to take action, because in a month they can become much more.

Causes of fleas in the house

They can appear in the house for various reasons. Before you start a fight with them, you must definitely find out where the fleas in the house come from in order to prevent them from re-entering the room.

Most often, they "drive" into the apartment with their pets, who carry them in their own skin. Therefore, after each walk in the air, be sure to check your pets for insects. But these are not the only causes of infection.

Sometimes they can catch on clothes, furniture from a warehouse, food, etc. They can be brought into the house from a train or hotel in bags with personal items. Often bloodsuckers are found in rented apartments or houses of old buildings.

Signs of room contamination

Understand that fleas are wound up in the house, according to some simple signs. If there are pets in the home, they will often itch, whine and gnaw their coat. In addition, insects can bite a person. Therefore, the appearance of red pimples on the body can serve as another proof.

But at a serious stage of infection of the home, parasites cease to be “shy" of people and can be seen in large numbers even during the day.

Where live

Domestic fleas lodge not only in pet hair. They love dark corners and crevices, can hide behind the baseboard or under the wallpaper. Often pillows, blankets, upholstery of sofas and beds, etc. are chosen as their place of residence.

Since parasites consume blood, they prefer places close to a person and his pet in order to have a constant source of food.

How to deal with fleas

Many people wonder how to get rid of fleas in the house. There are many ways to do this, because their appearance in the home, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our time. Since parasites can only feed on blood, internal preparations used to fight cockroaches will not work.

But contact exposure powders, sprays, chemical liquids, folk remedies and other methods of control have not been canceled. The most important thing in processing is to find all the places where pests live. If you destroy only half of the individuals, they will soon return, and they will be many times more.


Remedies for fleas in a house of chemical origin are deservedly considered the most effective of all existing today. This group includes sprays, aerosols, liquids, as well as contact insecticides.

Good customer reviews were earned by such drugs as Sinusan liquid, Get aerosols, Raptor and Raid, Phenaxin and Clean House powders. Each of them is based on the strongest chemical components that destroy the nervous system of the insect, causing a quick fatal outcome.

Physical means

Physical methods include those that can be done only with the help of improvised materials. This is the treatment of places of accumulation of pests by steam, by changing temperatures, that is, scalding with boiling water or freezing the room.

However, such methods are not suitable for the destruction of parasites in animals. Also to physical means include the destruction of fleas manually, using pressure.

But all these methods are suitable only in case there are very few of them in the apartment.When the stage of infection takes on a global scale, the most effective measures need to be applied - chemicals.

Folk remedies

The folk methods of combating fleas include the use of aromatic herbs, as well as preparations of organic origin. The desired result is tansy, ledum and wormwood. They need to be put in mattresses, upholstered furniture and dark corners.

And to the means of organic origin can be attributed such a terrific drug as feverfew. This is a real find in the fight against insects. It is enough just to scatter it around the apartment and wait for the parasites to suffer death.

Call specialists

The best solution to the question of how to remove fleas in the house will be the call of specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. After all, professionals know better what to do in this situation and by what means to poison them.

They use super powerful chemicals, after which not a single insect can survive. But for the time of bullying, all household residents need to leave the room, and then you need to carefully ventilate it.


Preventive measures are the main part of the fight against "uninvited guests" in the apartment.

In order not to cause bloodsucking and earthen fleas in the house, it is necessary to treat it with special chemicals at least once a year. Also, the physical methods mentioned above, such as freezing and steaming, can be used as prophylaxis.

In addition, regular wet cleaning with careful processing of corners and crevices is considered the best way to prevent the appearance of “unwanted neighbors”.

Fleas are small blood-sucking animals, unable to fly, but capable of jumping far and high. Fleas are carriers of certain diseases, so you need to get rid of them.

How to prevent fleas from entering your home

In most cases, fleas appear in the apartment with the involuntary assistance of pets, cats and dogs.
To avoid this, you can simply prevent the infected animal from entering the house, for this you just need to thoroughly wash the cat or puppy with warm water, treating the skin with a special anti-flea shampoo.

In addition, for a 100% result of ridding fleas of an animal, special drops should be dripped behind the ears and neck. Shampoo and drops can be purchased at any pet store, they are inexpensive, but at the same time very effectively relieve a cat or dog from fleas.

However, cats, and even less so dogs that need to be walked frequently, do not sit in a safe area from the possibility of catching fleas all the time. Therefore, also get a flea-proof collar and put it on your pet.

Other ways fleas enter the house

However, if you do not have pets, such as cats or dogs, this does not mean that fleas cannot appear.
All due to the fact that fleas are very tenacious animals by nature, it is easiest to cling to animal hair, but this can also be done with clothes.

Fleas live on the street in the summer and year-round in the basement, where homeless animals live and, most dangerous, rats, which are carriers of many diseases.

How to get rid of fleas if they nevertheless appeared

The process of ridding a flea of ​​an apartment is very time consuming, because fleas breed very quickly.
Fleas in an apartment most often live on the floor, that is, most often they can be found behind skirting boards, in soft toys, in bed (since you are there, which means there is food), etc.

You can meet a flea only at a height of no more than a meter and a half. Determine where the fleas are most and this is the place to be treated most carefully.

The easiest way to deal with fleas is a vacuum cleaner that collects flea eggs from fleecy and tissue surfaces. Just do not forget to process it afterwards so that there are no parasites left.

It is also necessary to use wet cleaners and a good disinfectant.A great many disinfectants, starting with banal dichlorvos. However, before you buy this or that remedy, pay attention to the composition and read the warning about side effects.

However, before you begin processing, it must be prepared. Preparation consists of wet cleaning. After treatment, the apartment must be ventilated and not cleaned for at least another two to three days.

Visitor Question:

Fleas have recently appeared in our city apartment. Before that, I saw them only in the pictures for the fairy tale about the Tula oblique Lefty, shoeing a flea. She barely determined who bites us until she saw this jumping creature with her own eyes.

We don’t have any pets, but the neighbors on the porch have cats and dogs, and recently a neighbor brought an adult dog on the landing — he dragged it from somewhere and regretted it. It seems to me that it was because of him that fleas got into the house.

How to get rid of them quickly and for sure? The neighbor, of course, has already expressed our Phi, but somehow you need to get the fleas out of the apartment. Who has experience - share!

If fleas jump from the landing, you can call the SES and they will sanitize your entrance. And with the owners of the animals you need to somehow solve the issue - let the fleas get their pets out.

In our old Stalin-era building in the winter, homeless people used to live constantly in the winter, and in addition to the disgusting stench and dirt, fleas wound up. Chasing them was useless: the attic, basement and front door were cracked open by some miracle, and these tramps always entered the house back, no matter what we did.

Once they gathered with their neighbors and pushed three vagabonds at a time, and the peasants still gave them. They threw out their dirty, teeming with fleas, trash in the trash in their eyes and changed the intercom, asking the installer to make us some special non-standard code.

And then all sorts of clever people such as couriers and homeless people buy universal keys for intercoms and freely roam around all the entrances. Together with the homeless, fleas also disappeared. True, our cleaning lady washed everything with bleach and even treated with ammonia.

Domestic Flea Destruction

To destroy fleas in an apartment, one should understand where fleas came from, whether flea bites are dangerous, how to treat flea bites, and what methods of flea control.

Fleas are parasitic insects most often found in animals (cats, dogs, cows, rats, mice, horses), birds, and sometimes you can find fleas in humans.

Fleas, despite their tiny size, are very dangerous, as they can be carriers of pathogens such as salmonella, hepatitis B, C.

A young flea is black, a mature flea has a brownish tint. Fleas on average reach sizes from one to five millimeters.

Due to the special structure of the limbs, fleas can very easily move around the body of an animal, cling to it at different angles.

Fleas are capable of jumping up to thirty centimeters in length and twenty in height. Theoretically, an adult flea can live up to 1.5 years, but in most cases the life of an insect is no more than four months.

Where do fleas come from?

The most likely occurrence of fleas in the apartment can be associated with pets. Also, a flea can be brought by a person from the street or basement.

Suppose you live in a high-rise building where there are usually basements in which apartment owners store different things or conservation. But at the same time, cats, dogs, or other animal rats or mice that are sources of fleas can live in basements. It is enough to visit a few minutes in such a place as fleas on a person have already appeared.

Therefore, you should very carefully inspect your things on the street when you leave the basement. But if you suddenly didn’t overlook and in the apartment fleas bite people and pets, then the trail should be taken for their destruction.

Flea Control Measures

There are several ways to destroy fleas: sprays (everyone knows dichlorvos from fleas), shampoos, collars, drops, tablets. To begin with, we will analyze flea remedies that you can buy in veterinary pharmacies and how to use them to fight fleas.

Flea collars - despite their wide distribution, they have shown their low efficiency. Even in some cases, allergic reactions were observed in animals after flea collars were used. Flea collars are not recommended for cats so veterinarians say.

Flea shampoos along with collars have low efficiency, since they can destroy fleas only locally at the time of processing. Outside the animal, shampoos are inactive. It should also be borne in mind that after applying flea shampoos, the animal's coat should be thoroughly washed, as it can be poisoned by the remnants of a toxic substance.

Drops from fleas are highly effective and can destroy not only fleas but also their larvae. The duration of the drug is about a month.

Flea sprays along with drops are also very effective against fleas. They are applied by spraying on the animal’s hair and in its habitats. The flea spray can also handle entry mats, flooring and skirting boards.

Processing an apartment from fleas (how to poison fleas?)

After fleas have been brought out from pets, the extermination of fleas in the apartment should be undertaken. How to poison fleas in an apartment and how to do it better.

The first thing in such a difficult fight will be a vacuum cleaner, which should be thoroughly walked on all surfaces in order to get rid of not only fleas but also their larvae.

If possible, the carpets should be taken outside and thoroughly knocked out or washed. The next step is to overhaul things preferably in hot water. Pillows, mattresses to ventilate and spray.

Next, the final phase of processing an apartment from fleas will be the treatment with fleas like Dichlorvos aerosols. It is very important to know that if you use insecticidal preparations for flea excretion, you should follow certain precautions: the treatment should be carried out in a respirator and protective gloves.

We process the apartment with an aerosol spraying it into cracks, baseboards, for furniture on the floors, wallpaper. After processing, close all windows and doors and leave the room for at least 2-3 hours, and then ventilate. This procedure is very similar to how cockroaches, bugs or ants are bred.

It is advisable not to wash floors and baseboards for 4-5 days. Fleas begin to die during the first days after treatment, but insects will not immediately leave you alone, which is a normal process: eggs will hatch within 1-2 weeks.

Once on the treated surface, fleas will die within 24 hours. However, if the treatment did not give the desired results, then after 1-2 weeks the procedure is repeated.

The whole truth about where fleas come from

Most people tend to follow the stereotype that the cause of fleas in the apartment is associated only with pets. At the same time, they believe that antiparasitic treatment of the animal can normalize the situation.

But the feeling of numerous painful bites makes it possible to say with confidence about the “flea” presence in the living room. The diet of parasites includes both animal and human blood.

Fleas are represented by parasitic bloodsucking insects up to 5 millimeters in size. Owners of a corrugated body on the sides with numerous bristles and spikes are distinguished by the ability to cling to the folds of clothing, animal hair.

In parrots, fleas are located in the inter-wing space, and can also exist in nesting substrates and burrows. Due to three foot pairs, namely the back, parasites are characterized by jumps that are several times larger than their sizes.

Flea bites are the causes of severe itching, allergic reactions, tularemia, plague, hepatitis, typhoid, salmonellosis and other diseases. Therefore, getting rid of flea parasites should be timely.

The reasons for the appearance of fleas in the apartment

Basically, a flea presence in dwellings is characteristic of the summer-autumn period. Their greatest distribution is characteristic of private houses and apartments of lower floors. Settlement in the house of earthen fleas is observed in dusty rooms or abandoned buildings.

Speaking about where fleas come from, many sources can be identified, the main of which are:

  • the entrance of a residential building;
  • neighboring "infection";
  • transportation by pets;
  • flea "attack" when in the basement, the presence of which is associated with work or other reasons;
  • rat fleas delivered to the premises by rodents.
Thanks to the endless wet spring located in the basements, flea propagation is possible. The appearance of fleas from dampness is considered the most common. In addition, fleas owe their population to heated spaces because of their dependence on the ambient temperature.

The emergence of such favorable conditions for the development of insects is associated with a mismatch of the living room with simple sanitary and hygienic standards, represented by clutter, unventilated, lack of sunlight, dampness.

Due to its small size, parasites are able to penetrate through all kinds of gaps. In addition, they do not have to be on the "host".

They can wait for the right moment in skirting boards, floor slots, linoleum, inside carpet pile or carpet, in furniture, in clothes, soft toys. Therefore, even for harmless hamsters, fleas can bring a lot of trouble.

The appearance of fleas from dampness

The distribution of flea representatives is associated with scruffy or high humidity both in the basement and in the apartment bathrooms.

Their population on the lower floors is provided with sufficient heat and moisture, as well as rodents and other animals. In order to eliminate these favorable conditions for parasitism, a thorough inspection is necessary:

  1. basements equipped with many pipes not subject to revision;
  2. domestic water supply to exclude possible leaks;
  3. sanitary facilities for proper ventilation and anti-flood protection.

Flea check-in at pets

The most common explanation for where fleas come from in a house is in pets. Flea clusters are observed in the neck, muzzle, ears and tail. An infected animal must be treated with antiparasitic substances.

Modern industry offers a variety of anti-flea agents, represented by shampoos, sprays, drops, collars and tablets. The use of collars is also advisable for preventive purposes. It must be remembered that the use of anti-flea drugs will save pets from insects, but not a living room.

Flea congestion can be observed in pet litter, special houses, carpet pile. When an animal appears in a flea olfactory zone, parasitic activation occurs.

Methods of antiparasitic control

Based on the fact that the appearance of fleas consists of various reasons, the fight against them should be complex. Before entering the living area, it is advisable to inspect shoes and clothing. If flea representatives are found, it is necessary to shake them off.

If parasites are detected in the apartment, thorough cleaning will be required, which is associated with a fear of clean insects. Carpet cleaning is necessary with their thorough vacuuming. It is advisable to warm the carpets in the sun. For bedding, a quality wash is recommended.

When using chemicals, you need to make sure their anti-flea properties. The acquisition of such funds is best done in specialized stores, having studied the composition and instructions of chemicals before that.

It is necessary to remember about processing the space under the bathroom. These manipulations must necessarily end with the flushing of the poison to prevent intoxication.

In addition, you need to take care of the antislip protection of pets. For prevention, it is advisable to use shampoos and collars. Thermal and chemical treatment of all litter and pet habitats is required.

Do not forget about the basement. If the cause of the occurrence lies precisely there, then all apartment anti-flea actions will have only a temporary character. For this, an appeal to pest control specialists is necessary.

In addition, the destruction of basement rodents, which are the main flea transporters, will be required. If neighbors are a flea problem, it is advisable to turn to them with a proposal for an antiparasitic fight.

Preventive anti-flea measures

Hatching fleas is not a very easy procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures. This requires regular ventilation of pillows, mattresses, carpets and blankets. It will become advisable to dry them under ultraviolet light.

During anti-dust processes, the use of eucalyptus infusion, bitter wormwood and tansy is recommended. These substances are also used for mopping, spraying furniture. Floors can be covered with wormwood, needles. In addition, regular cleaning of premises and furniture using a vacuum cleaner is necessary.

Most people naively believe that fleas live exclusively in the apartments of those who have pets. Moreover, many also believe that it is enough to process your beloved pet and all fleas will disappear. However, having felt numerous bites on ourselves, we begin to understand that fleas are still present in the apartment.

But most importantly, these gluttonous parasites are absolutely all exactly whom to bite - a person or an animal. With pleasure eating our blood, they begin to multiply with crazy speed and populate our house, as their own.

Varieties of fleas

Today, science knows more than 2380 species of fleas. More than 500 species are inhabitants of our country. Fortunately, about 30 species can stay in our apartments and houses. And if fleas appeared in the house, then be sure that they belong to these many species.

But this is unlikely to please you with something. The type of fleas is called in tune with the place where they live, that is, the fleas where they live - that's what they are called. Consider the most common types of these small creatures.

Home fleas

Domestic flea is the most common species among all species. This species includes all 30 species of the aforementioned domestic fleas. This includes not only feline, canine and human fleas, but also mouse and rat ones. Of course, all these parasites live on a person and, with rare exceptions, crawl from it.

Earth fleas

Often, terrestrial species are called: terrestrial, dust and basement fleas. These are tiny bugs, of the order of 1 to 5 mm. Usually they are hard to notice and recognize. Fall into houses from dusty and dirty basements and uninhabited premises.

Fleas settle on carpet and paths (they are called carpet fleas), in fleecy surfaces of upholstered furniture and behind skirting boards. The only positive thing is that they are not able to jump to a height above a meter, and, therefore, live mainly on the floor.

Bed fleas

From the name it becomes immediately clear that they live on the bed. In addition to their usual name, these insects are referred to as linen, domestic and indoor fleas. Very often they are confused with clothes and lice.However, despite the same habitat, lice differ from fleas in their size and color - larger light-white color.

Sand fleas

As you can already guess, this species lives in the sand. However, the house can live under a carpet or under a sofa. They are brought into the house from the street or from the basements. In size, they are tiny just 1 mm. Distributed mainly in Africa, India and Central and South America.

Flea Remedies

When choosing a remedy for indoor fleas, pay attention to the composition of the substance to avoid unwanted side effects. Most often, aerosols are used to remove fleas. The consumption of one spray is 10 sq.m. More professional tools, such as:

  • "GET (Get) from fleas" - 720 rubles.
  • “Repeller of fleas and other insects EMR-25” - 1500 rubles.
  • "Ultrasonic collar from fleas and ticks Ekosnaypre PGT-041" - 950 rubles.
It can also be used by a person wearing a hand or foot if your work involves frequent visits to basements, where there are usually always fleas.

All of these drugs have a long lasting effect and are safe. The most effective are the flea medications in your apartment, which operate on the principle of ultrasound or electromagnetic waves, as well as the new generation “Get” encapsulated chemistry.

If you want to quickly and for a long time to cope with fleas, then you should contact the professionals and purchase one of the listed funds in our online store. Do not save on your health!

Where do the fleas in the house come from?

Having no pets at home, sometimes we still encounter fleas in our home. Of course, we ask ourselves - where do fleas come from?

For the most part, jumping parasites enter the apartment from the street. But not only a pet can bring them to the house, but also the person himself. This is the most common type of parasite hit. Undoubtedly, this is not the only way to relocate fleas.

They can also get into the apartment:

  1. from our neighbors;
  2. from the entrance;
  3. from the basement where you spent a long time;
  4. from rodents that attacked your home;
  5. from your own animal (cat or dog).

Where do fleas live?

Before getting rid of fleas in an apartment, we determine the surfaces that are subject to the most thorough processing. We mention right away that we will consider the issue of hatching fleas, subject to the availability of pets, later. Earth fleas in the apartment settle mainly at a height of no more than one and a half meters from the floor.

In the presence of this type of fleas, the fight against them is conducted at this height, there is no need to process the walls higher. Fleas in your home love such creepy places as a bed, crevices, baseboards, toys. But most of all, parasites love those places where pets are most often found - furniture, a kitchen sink, carpets and more.

In other words, apartment parasites occupy the entire territory of the owner’s premises, whether it be a person or an animal (animal hair is the most secluded and comfortable place for flea propagation). Thus, when asked about where fleas come from, we can easily answer: alas, from everywhere!

How to get rid of fleas at home?

Many who get fleas in their apartment, probably thought about the questions - how to get rid and what to do? And get rid of small bugs as quickly as possible. After all, today it’s a couple of parasites, and tomorrow there’s a whole horde.

The studied parasite is characterized by excessive fertility, painful bites and the ability to endanger human health. Fleas, like other parasites, are carriers of many infections. That is why the destruction of fleas in the house is a serious and urgent business.

Destruction of fleas in the apartment

First, determine the enemy. If you are interested in how to get rid of a flea in an apartment, then you know who you are dealing with. And if not, then you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Does the insect jump
  • determine the location of bites (mainly fleas attack the legs);
  • Compare an insect with a flea photo.
When you decide that these are fleas, the next step is to recall their habitat. Next, we develop a course of action, taking into account all the features of a particular type. You may know how to get rid of indoor fleas, but not know how to deal with other representatives of this genus.

Processing an apartment from fleas

Usually the removal of fleas in an animal, namely processing is not difficult, but in most cases, we usually do not know how to process an apartment from fleas. In your arsenal you should have the following things:

  1. a vacuum cleaner;
  2. steam generator;
  3. set for cleaning the apartment (mop, rags, disinfectant, bucket and water);
  4. personal protective equipment (rubber gloves and a respiratory mask);
  5. insecticide.

The fight against fleas in the apartment requires specialized means of elimination. Basically, any remedy will suit even the well-known “Dichlorvos”. But do not rush with the purchase of the first available funds. After all, the result of the procedure depends on your choice.

Flea Treatment Pets

Surely many people know how to deal with small parasites in animals. But there are certainly those who have never encountered a similar situation.

Usually the places where fleas accumulate on the body of the animal are the neck, withers, ears and tail. You can treat the animal with: drops, shampoo, tablets, a collar and spray.

Depending on the spectrum of action, you select the product you need. The most effective are the drops that drip to the withers of the animal, as well as the collar, as a preventive measure.

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  1. I think that there should be order in the first place. If the animal is at home, then you need to wash and comb it more often. House cleaning should be done once a week. If all the same have appeared, then the Clean House tool will help here, throw away all the blankets and pillows. We personally did this when we lived in a private pulp and we got fleas.

  2. Well, if the house is not fleas, but fleas. Especially on the windowsill. There are no animals. Or is it a kind of flea? How to get rid of that? I just wipe the dust and mine. Sometimes I wash with a chemical, sometimes just with water. There used to be cats, in the summer they lived in a summer cottage. They didn’t bring fleas, they were clean.

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